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God gives you freedom, and then forces you to do as He Commands.--?? Incompatible.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Nope there is no hell as taught by christainity. Christainities hell is just sick. I dont think any of other religions hell is a sick as theirs. The imaginations of some people.
There will be and age-during contempt (Dan 12:2)(YLT)(eonian chastisement). What they will be going thru i dont know. the only thing that comes to mind from scripture right now is weeping and gnashing of teeth and their minds being purged with the (spiritual)fire of God ("our God is a consuming fire" "the lake of fire" "refined in the fire")to get the carnality out of it.

God is responsible for all His creation, but we are held accountable because of the strong delusion of "free" will, we think we did/do all the stuff we did/do with no prior cause-- or to put it better we think God has no say in our destiny. Our "free"will brings about whatever it wills without God or anything else past, present, conscience or subconscience, genetics etc etc etc. Mankind makes himself into a god by this doctrine of "free"will. Remember in a earlier post where i put---

2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

1Co 6:19 -Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

So where is the throne of God? And where do man "dethrone" God and put and exalt himself with their "free" will? So who is THE Antichrist?

No free will. That would mean that we are slaves and or puppets.

Is that free will not what you and I use to decide to answer or not answer a post.

Think now before you use it to decide what to write.



Well-Known Member
No free will. That would mean that we are slaves and or puppets.

Is that free will not what you and I use to decide to answer or not answer a post.

Think now before you use it to decide what to write.


Theres no need to think before i write. Its real simple, did you write what you just wrote free of any cause? Its common sense, i caused you to write what you wrote, therefore your will was not free to write what you wrote. Yes you chose to write something-- i didnt say we dont have a will, im am showing you that it aint free. You were influenced by a cause. Your every thoughts and actions have a prior cause to influence your will to choose something.

Were not puppets or robots. Do they have emotions or feelings that can be influenced to do something? It may be hard to swallow and definitely hard for people to let go but we're something like robots with complexed emotions and feelings.

You say you have free will to choose to do something or not. Well robots do the same thing. Cats and dogs do the same thing. they make choices. Are their choices free. Nope. Do your pet choose to eat the bowl of food you put out for them? Yup

The Word says right now we are in bondage of sin, slaves to sin, slaves to our carnal mind. Slaves to this carnal world which influences all that are in it.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Jesus admits he is not God.

While Jesus may not say,"Hey I'm God..." he makes plenty of insightful conclusions as to his position with the Father and his prior existence, authority and power.

Jesus has been quoted, misquoted, his quotes have been softened or added to by the various writers of scripture years after the original text was put to paper.

I think Jesus was aware of the limits of paper and pen. The two rules he commands people to follow are not only written in the Bible, but our hearts.

Is there any true quotes in scripture or can we now say that all of it has been interpreted all out of shape?

What's new....

I believe that when Constantine put the Bible together he meant it as a first best guess. We must remember that at the time many other scriptures were rejected and we do not know how those fit with the new found scriptures that were not even considered for the bible. If they would have been available at the time, would the Bible that we have be the same?

Constantine may have had his fair share of influence in the canonization, however, there were some 70 scholars who gleaned through the texts and through careful, and I imagine sometimes prideful debate, came up with their best conclusion. I'm aware of the political turmoil of Rome during this council and Costantine's deathbed confessions.

Since Fundamentals are presently making laughing stocks of all those who use the Bible with their interpretations and literal readings, I wonder if it is not a good time for the Vatican to make a clear statement with a new Bible without all the colorful mythical creatures, talking snakes and 10 headed creatures that are pushing Christianity into a grave?

I'm sure that might appeal to some people. While your at it, turn all Walt Disney classics in to black and white and dumb down Shakespeare. Who likes fancy words. *sarcasm*

The Bible is a book of philosophy for good living. It is not a book of fantasy. I believe that people are sophisticated enough today to recognize it’s worth without the artistic liberty of the ancients.

Funny, I'm sure they have high regards for our generations...:rolleyes:

The point of a story is to show the ebb and flow of humanity at that time. Who knows, maybe people will learn to not make those mistakes. But I'm not holding my breath.

Is leaving the Bible as is hurting Religionists or would we be helped with a new Bible in reversing the flow of our laughing friends into Secularism.

Maintaining Scriptural integrity is one of the fundamentals of theology, we all know the sequels going to suck anyway.

Now, I'm all for reasonable discussion concerning Scripture. I also feel it's important to keep these messages alive through contemporary means. But it's important to allow our forefathers words be heard, even if they might seem odd to some.

As for the peanut gallery, they can laugh all they want to for now.