Science doesn't "usually" offer proofs. Rather, it offers theories (the best idea that we have to date, based on many facts, tests, and logic). (That was my definition, not a dictionary definition).
Math offers proofs.
Science does correct misconceptions in the bible, and misconceptions of church elders (pope, cardinals, bishops, pastors). For example, in the Dark Ages, scientists were routinely threatened to recant their statements for fear that it was blasphemy. The church decreed, didactically, that meteors could not fall from God's perfect heaven. Some scientist was tortured for saying that they did.
Science says that dinosaur bones are at least 6.8 billion years old. Some Christians believe that it is only 6,000 years old. But, since Special Relativity says that time dilates at relativistic speeds, and time dilates in strong gravitational fields, it could very well be that science proves that it is 6,000 years old (according to some reference frame). In fact, it should be possible to calculate how strong the gravitational field would have had to have been. You could alter that calculation assuming that God was traveling at some percentage of the speed of light (for each percentage). A graph could be made.
There is much friction between theists and scientists. Theists often state ridiculous things, (Jonah in the belly of a whale)(blowing a ram's horn "shofar" to knock down the walls of Jericho).
But, when scientists get involved, things seem stranger still. The newest theory is that a comet impact knocked down the walls of Jericho. There is no rock debris, but the ground is scorched from the point of impact, 14 miles from Jericho, and microscopic diamonds are in the 4 foot layer of ash. Regular forest fires would not be nearly hot enough to form diamonds.
Some scientists speculate that the nearby towns of Sodom and Gomorrah could have been leveled by the same event. But I noticed on the map that Jerusalem would have also been leveled at that distance, so it likely had a different cause.
Many scientists are theists. Neil De Grasse Tyson believes that we are in a virtual world (like the Matrix movie). This isn't very scientific, since scientists usually have a reason for their beliefs.
Enricho Fermi said that it is the hand of God that moves subatomic particles.
Einstein, though a Jewish born atheist, balked at the notion of quantum mechanics (random processes), by saying that "God doesn't play dice with the universe."
Scientists are frustrating to theists, because they only accept ideas if there are compelling reasons to do so. Theists, on the other hand, have gut instinct that God exists.
Shrewd politicians think of theists as perfect patsies to get votes, because they never question that something is true, and always believe what they are told. Consequently, they are told that Guantanamo didn't allow torture (because they changed the definition of torture, so they could deny it). Theists still believe in their politicians, who make war (defying God's commandment not to kill). Theists believe in people's laws, not God's laws. Oddly, this means that well meaning theists can be duped into following Satan (as they have been).