Matter can be destroyed. Fire does it all the time. The energy within it is another ‘matter’ (pardon the pun!); it simply transforms.You can't explain why matter is neither created nor destroyed, nor why it exists even if it can't be destroyed.
Yes, a lot of unanswered questions; but still, conclusions are made.
I will simply post this:Is that part of an argument that it is probably incorrect?
Artificial gene synthesis - Wikipedia
This is great! But I’ll tell you one thing about this… these lab-controlled experiments demonstrate that it took an intelligent mind to accomplish them.
Show me how this could be done by natural means, de novo, and you’ll have my attention.
Show me how natural processes formed the first bacterial flagellum, or the first cell membrane, or the first one of the dozens of other cell machinery, and began their cooperation.
Or how, through mindless natural processes, the first symbiotic relationship originated.
I’m interested in learning how these systems began.
I’ve stated many times, that adaptation / evolution has produced the diversity we observe, I accept that. And that’s a lot. The evidence supporting evolution within families of organisms is everywhere.
But the first one of each of these (for lack of a better encompassing word) systems? Both living & non-living? It required an intelligence. And to me, it also took a Mind for setting the fine-tuned parameters in place to establish & promote the flourishing environment for living things….
List of Fine-Tuning Parameters
“Fine-tuning” refers to various features of the universe that are necessary conditions for the existence of complex life, including the initial conditions and “brute facts” of the universe…
Regarding Panspermia? Taking in all that is considered, from the life-killing vacuum of space, to the lack of evidence for it, I would say yes. In whole.Same question: Is that part of an argument that it is probably incorrect?
The idea of panspermia is old, but more recent evidence in support of Martian abiogenesis and the possibility of lithopanspermia (microscopic life traveling through space in rocky vessels) has made it more plausible.
It's a very real possibility because if life could arise on Earth, it probably could have arisen on Mars as well, and if so, it would have occurred before it did on Earth, which was too hot to generate or support life for far longer than Mars. And if there were a realistic mechanism for that life to get from Mars to Earth, then the possibility that it happened is realistic, too.
I’m sorry…. I know you won’t like this….but that requires a lot of faith.
I hope you’ll have a great rest-of-the-day!
You’re one of the few atheists here, with whom I enjoy discussing these topics.
I appreciate your mildness.
Others on RF, seem to get all bent out of shape, and resort to Ad-Hom attacks on my intelligence, lack of knowledge, or honesty.
Using it to distract, really demeans their own argument imo.