It is an unverifiable claim that in it's very utterance defies reason.
While it's not something I typically say, I sympathize in my own weird way.
Assume for the sake of argument that God exists in some form.
1) Every religion teaches that it's beyond human comprehension. (OK, so most promptly forget that and start babbling on about what it is/ wants/ etc., but if you press them, they do know better.)
2) Religious teaching aside, stop and think about it. What are the chances that piddling little humans would ever really understand God by whatever definition. If theism has the basics down, we're talking about the mind that authored the laws of physics. Pan(en)theism, a mind that encompasses the whole of the cosmos. Something we haven't even thought of, well... there's a reason we haven't thought of it.
Any of these possibilities would utterly defy our understanding.
So, when push comes to shove, God IS "beyond reason." Our minds are simply inadequate, and there's no reason to assume that any of the rules we've come up with, say logic, apply.
Now, to completely contradict myself......
That doesn't mean that, when pondering theology, we should abandon reason. Theology should MAKE SENSE. It should be defensible. It's wrong, sure, but that's no excuse to make it stupid.