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God is not in the Big Bang

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Flappycat said:
Nonsense! Everyone knows that all things arise from ultimate evil! Repent, or thou shalt be gobbled!

You and your pet dragon don't scare me......

Fear the wrath of my monkey.....

OK...OK...I'm sounding so nerdy right now.....guess i'm in a good mood....:p


Well-Known Member
DreGod07 said:
OK...OK...I'm sounding so nerdy right now.....guess i'm in a good mood....:p
Nonsense! I am, by far, the coolest, nerdiest participant in this thread! My BS explanation for the origin of the universe has a longer tail than yours does, so we should consider the matter settled.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Flappycat said:
Nonsense! I am, by far, the coolest, nerdiest participant in this thread! My BS explanation for the origin of the universe has a longer tail than yours does, so we should consider the matter settled.

I'm not worthy...I'm not worthy.......:no:


Well-Known Member
According to string theory, our universe is one of a nearly infinite number of universes.

I dont think the point of where did gods come from is relevent. I dont think any "gods" that do exist, exist inteh sence of a material thing. Therefor we cant understand it using material logic.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Ryan2065 said:
Man is the inventor of time? So before man, time did not move foward?

Or is it true that man came up with a measurement of time? Something that existed before man, and we just came up wtih a way to measure it...

Like counting.

although, it might have used to be *hold up hand* this many or *holds up hand* this many... that was still counting right?


The Lost One
Q said:
I think string theory/M-theory will amount to very little. For example, it appears to contain a theory of gravity, yet is not a consistent quantum theory of gravity. The divergent series is speculated to be finite unlike the quantization of General Reltivity.
What are you talking about.

Gravity, especially Einstein's General Theory of Relativity and Special Theory of Relativity, have little to do with Quantum Theory. They are very different theories. Relativity have to do with gravity and space-time continuum, but Quantum Mechanism have to do with subatomic structure.

String Theory is an attempt to unified both Gravity-Relativity and Quantum Mechanism; and I think you understand that. I think you are confusing the two (Gravity and Quantum). Which theory are you really talking about? Quantum? Relativity? Or String?

Nick Soapdish

Secret Agent
gnostic said:
What are you talking about.

Gravity, especially Einstein's General Theory of Relativity and Special Theory of Relativity, have little to do with Quantum Theory. They are very different theories. Relativity have to do with gravity and space-time continuum, but Quantum Mechanism have to do with subatomic structure.

String Theory is an attempt to unified both Gravity-Relativity and Quantum Mechanism; and I think you understand that. I think you are confusing the two (Gravity and Quantum). Which theory are you really talking about? Quantum? Relativity? Or String?

Quantum Gravity is a competitive theory to String Theory. Not sure if that was what he was refering to, but ....
But your argument contradictrs itself, if the universe was made by the collision of strings that means that it did start of with SOMETHING, god however is not bound by the three dimensions of space or the single dimension of time, this would explain how god has existed forever, and in his independance created the universe in perfect scenarios. The Big Bang. before the 19th century atheists readily denied the big bang thoery and instead believed in the infinite expanse of time of the existance of the universe. The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe did indeed have a begining as explained in the holy books thousands of years ago. So what you have a theory, it only half functions anyway, and even if it does, so does the theory of creation, just because you prove one thoery right doesn't give you the chance to exclude the other.
Foolish atheists... i'm sick of you r pathetic attempts to prove Big Bang, it is inevitably impossibe to prove the infinite manner of the universe by fundementals that are bound by finite limitations, mathematics , science. Besides you have provided no evidence but only a meagre idea.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
The cosmos did not come from nothing; that would be ex nihilo of theists. It just is or is a part of the multiverse.
Your faith is touching. Your comment, however, is simply sloppy. On the one hand, the multiverse is far from the fact you so deceptively suggest. On the other, only some theists assert creation ex nihilo. See, for example, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, and - yes - even Genesis ...

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
sadly from what I've learned so far both the Mulitverse and Strings are both "fad" theories, with little or no evidence to back them up.
Very clever ideas about how to explain the (thus far) unexplained in physics, but no hard math behind them.

The universe before the big bang is still a mystery.



New Member
Sorry..but where did the branes come from? All things that come into existence have a cause....therefore what caused the branes,.....and..you cannot have an infinite nimber of causes. So it's back to the drawing board, old boy.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
13 Dimensions i make it, in alignment with most religious concepts also and physics......lowest dimension is one quantum strand that was God to begin....

Science does not explain quantum mechanics, and wont (I believe) before they eventually set fire to our reality, as they are now trying to do....
As for parallel universes and the horizon documentary they are currently trying to break into heaven (past 10th dimension) which they say they can see, yet cant……