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God is only belief not real?

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
Alright I want to ask this cos, I do not know of any,

I was in Yahoo last night and lookin to chat and all these Christians bombarded me with
stories about God helpin them through drug habits and crisises etc. and doin their proselytizin shannanigans.

People say things like "Oh I know the Lord exists because my life changed for the better."...BELIEF

"God helped me to pass my college exams"...BELIEF.

"OH I feel so much at peace now that I am with God"...BELIEF.

IS God merely all about BELIEF?


I should think so. No harm with it, if you ask me. Until some, how should i put it, advanced ethical and mystical theorists come in, then it's a free-for-all. Sexual politics, for example, are considered pretty spiritual, and it's understandable when the religious get up in arms over that; perhaps sexuality and the control there of lends some "credibility " to a religion.

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
Cool RTex. Ya know, I asked someone to prove how their god exosted, without them saying "because God said such and such". The first words they spoke were "God said in the Bible"....

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
Alright, see some of the statements these dudes made to try and convert me were the ones I posted first up in this thread. Perhaps if they had given me some SOLID statements instead of what they THINK God did for them, I MIGHT look into it.


World Leader Pretend
Malus01 said:
Alright, see some of the statements these dudes made to try and convert me were the ones I posted first up in this thread. Perhaps if they had given me some SOLID statements instead of what they THINK God did for them, I MIGHT look into it.

:) In the end it just comes down to what you believe and what you want to believe and how you see the world. I feel ill watching people be "converted". I think people should stop trying to convert people, it just makes me long for the days when a good old-fashioned fist fight between honest folk was looking over by the Law.

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
You must spread some Karma around before giving it to Darkdale again.

Oh this thread is for all Gods, not just the Christian one, so you Islam dudes can post too.

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
I gave up downloading full porn movies without God.

I gave up playing gamble machines without God.

I gave up going to brothel without God.



Malus01 said:
Well if they are so intent on attempting to convert and promote their religion, they could, mr guy :areyoucra
So you're upset by the attempt at conversion, or disappointed that they were unsuccsessful?

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
mr.guy said:
So you're upset by the attempt at conversion, or disappointed that they were unsuccsessful?
Well the latter isn't important. They won't be succesful in pulling me in


Active Member
Malus01 said:
Alright I want to ask this cos, I do not know of any,

I was in Yahoo last night and lookin to chat and all these Christians bombarded me with
stories about God helpin them through drug habits and crisises etc. and doin their proselytizin shannanigans.

People say things like "Oh I know the Lord exists because my life changed for the better."...BELIEF

"God helped me to pass my college exams"...BELIEF.

"OH I feel so much at peace now that I am with God"...BELIEF.

IS God merely all about BELIEF?
Hi Malus01,

I would suggest creation as proof in a God (i know how many of you all feel about this though - beliving that everything we see around us can be explained via soley natural processes etc).

Also i have seen things which are supernatural (eg demonic deliverence) and again i know some will again try to explain this sort of thing away.

History itself i would regard as good evidence, im not sure what you do and dont belive about who Jesus actually was or what he did but in order to deny his resurection you have to belive that the apostles, who claimed to have eaten and spoken with him after his resurection, would have willingly died horrible deaths for somthing they knew to be a lie (keep in mind this is different from dying for somthing you just belive in, because of the nature of their claims eg eating, speaking with Christ they died knowing the truth of thier claims).


Malus, if you're so convinced at the weakness of their arguments, why debate god's existence in the first place?

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
Steve said:
Also i have seen things which are supernatural (eg demonic deliverence) and again i know some will again try to explain this sort of thing away.

History itself i would regard as good evidence, im not sure what you do and dont belive about who Jesus actually was or what he did
I think it has either lost alot or exaggereted through generations of translation.

but in order to deny his resurection you have to belive that the apostles, who claimed to have eaten and spoken with him after his resurection,
Good choice of words :)

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
mr.guy said:
why debate god's existence in the first place?
Why not? This is a forum for these kind of topics, I think? I do not question what you debeate. I am interested to hear what some have to say in the matter.

If this thread offends you, PM Todd so they can delete it or review it or send it to the old lady's site. Whatever.


Steve said:
... in order to deny his resurection you have to belive that the apostles, ...
I can think of no reason why i have to beleive there was even a jesus to deny his resurection; for that matter nor do i even feel compelled to believe there were any apostles. Please note, i might not consider the bible to be the best historical document in town.

Steve said:
... who claimed to have eaten and spoken with him after his resurection, would have willingly died horrible deaths for somthing they knew to be a lie (keep in mind this is different from dying for somthing you just belive in, because of the nature of their claims eg eating, speaking with Christ they died knowing the truth of thier claims).
This in itself, isn't such a huge leap, either. People die for pretty lame reasons all the time.


Malus01 said:
Why not? This is a forum for these kind of topics, I think? I do not question what you debeate. I am interested to hear what some have to say in the matter.

If this thread offends you, PM Todd so they can delete it or review it or send it to the old lady's site. Whatever.
I'm not offended, nor do i see why i (of all people) would send a report in over this thread. I asked a simple question: You queried faith. You claimed some puzzlement over the attempts at conversion. I asked why you were engaging in such a debate that you've since said you couldn't possibly concede to. So, pragmatically, one can't help but wonder why you bothered in the first place. Just a little, inocuous, innocent ol' question. I honestly don't know why it's got you up in arms, but i think it the answer might prove interesting.