Most gods people believe in now don't have a sex but the majority will answer god is a he. I dunno why.
Its a matter of grammar. While English does have a third person, singular, gender neutral, pronoun ("it") this is only used to refer to inanimate objects. When referring to something alive of which the gender is not known the male pronoun ("he") is used as is done in many languages. English is more gender neutral then most other languages.
I do not believe he/she/it loves anyone.
Neither do I
. . . However the only way we can relate to His actions in this world is by describe them in human terms. If He does something we see as good, He is being kind. If He does something we see as bad, He is angry.
When I speak of god its as fiction... sometimes is Aphrodite... because dude, shes hot...
If you could clarify something though.. when you say WE TALK... who is we? . . . Is it people of your religion or everyone in general?
Judaism particularly the more mystical parts of it, but Ive also seem similar usage elsewhere.
Is this some universal sex reference system for god that I have missed?
Yeh, its in the Bible that how you missed it.
And God created man in His image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. - Berei**** (Genesis) 1:27
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon man, and he slept, and He took one of his sides, and He closed the flesh in its place. And the Lord God built the side that He had taken from man into a woman, and He brought her to man. - Berei**** (Genesis) 2:21-22
Man (Adam - mankind, a man, the first man) was androgens he was then spilt into male (ish - man) and female (ishah - woman). This split was not only physical but also spiritual. The woman got more of the spiritual attributes while the man got more of the physical attributes. As man is in G-ds image when we refer to G-d in a spiritual sense we use She and when we refer to Him in this world, in a physical sense, we use the He.