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God Questions......


Well-Known Member
There is probably a good reason. Why don't you look into it?
And why would I need to look into it when I already know what God wants ?
There are apparently people who do not yet know what God wants - hence the question.
I used to have the same dilemma when I read the old testament, and I stopped going to church because the people there insisted that God really did and said all those unloving things. What I found helpful was to let go of the attachment to the idea that those texts are the ultimate authority for my concept of God. Most of the human race does not even read Leviticus, much less give it authority as an inspired, infallible text. And of those faith traditions that actually use Leviticus, there is no consensus as to what should be taken literally and what doesn't even apply anymore. If Leviticus (and other texts) is not looked upon as some authoritarian document, then the overwhelming guilt and sorrow can be released. The path to God is through peace and love. Guilt and anguish in believers benefits the religious hierarchy, because it makes believers easy to control, but it doesn't bring anyone closer to God.

That was nice to read, so let me ask you how do you trust any doctrine when most of it seems to be pick and choose?
And why would I need to look into it when I already know what God wants ?
There are apparently people who do not yet know what God wants - hence the question.

That statement right their shows some of the arrogance of religions that scares me. How do you know over anyone else? Who is to say that Madhuri is not in better communication with God than you? If you know what God want then please tell me what is the point of everything, what is the goal of existence?
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Well-Known Member
That was nice to read, so let me ask you how do you trust any doctrine when most of it seems to be pick and choose?
There should never be 'pick & choose' with real followers.
GOD HIMSELF makes and allows for changes which are to be followed. This may seem pick & choose to an unbeliever who has not enough knowledge of scripture or gets it confused.


Well-Known Member
That statement right their shows some of the arrogance of religions that scares me. How do you know over anyone else? Who is to say that Madhuri is not in better communication with God than you? If you know what God want then please tell me what is the point of everything, what is the goal of existence?
And why should you be afraid of me ? I can't answer for any religion but a true Christian follows NT teaching of loving one's neighbour.
Nor can I answer for Madhuri , it is not my place to judge . I know my own conviction and others are allowed their own.
The goal of human existence as per scripture is to turn us into spirit-children of God.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
And why would I need to look into it when I already know what God wants ?
There are apparently people who do not yet know what God wants - hence the question.

I am interested to know how you know what God wants. Where did the realisation comes from and how can you justify that this knowledge represents truth?


Devotee of the Immaculata
That was nice to read, so let me ask you how do you trust any doctrine when most of it seems to be pick and choose?

The doctrine isn't important. Doctrine is written by men when they set up their respective religions. What is important is one's realization of their own experience of God. Once one focuses on that, the particular religion they are in isn't as important. Religion is a tool to be used to come closer to God. It's only validity is in it's ability to help people do this. If a religion is alienating a person from God because of doctrine, dogma, or moralism, then it is not a useful tool. If a religion resonates with something inside us, then it can be positive and life affirming and be used to bring us closer to God.


Well-Known Member
I am interested to know how you know what God wants. Where did the realisation comes from and how can you justify that this knowledge represents truth?
If we believe what God says (and his Word is truth Joh.17v17) a person can't go far wrong.
When we are in agreement with God we are doing HIS WILL.
It is his basic requirement that man accepts instruction from Him.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
If we believe what God says (and his Word is truth Joh.17v17) a person can't go far wrong.
When we are in agreement with God we are doing HIS WILL.
It is his basic requirement that man accepts instruction from Him.

Beta, you didn't answer my question.


Well-Known Member
I did answer it - it's in the post above.
reading, believing and doing what God says will open our understanding of Him. There is no short-cut we can pass on to each other. We have a 'personal' God who deals with each one of us personally through/by his instructions.
The 10 Commandments are a basic start Joh.15v10, There is a long list of scriptures telling us to keep the Commandments.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I did answer it - it's in the post above.
reading, believing and doing what God says will open our understanding of Him. There is no short-cut we can pass on to each other. We have a 'personal' God who deals with each one of us personally through/by his instructions.
The 10 Commandments are a basic start Joh.15v10, There is a long list of scriptures telling us to keep the Commandments.

That is not the kind of answer I was looking for beta. I could simply tell you the same the about my own religion. Do as Krishna instructs and you will know truth. But that isn't really good enough in a conversation. I want to know how you came to Know that your religion represents the absolute truth. You speak from a point of absolute sureness. You express no doubt. What was it exactly that lead you to realise that the Bible is Divine revelation? Did God appear to you in that personal form you are committed to? Did you have a vision of Moses and the 10 commandments? At which point did you become convinced that this is the right path? Was it after deeply exploring other world religions? Or at least studying them?


Well-Known Member
That is not the kind of answer I was looking for beta. I could simply tell you the same the about my own religion. Do as Krishna instructs and you will know truth. But that isn't really good enough in a conversation. I want to know how you came to Know that your religion represents the absolute truth. You speak from a point of absolute sureness. You express no doubt. What was it exactly that lead you to realise that the Bible is Divine revelation? Did God appear to you in that personal form you are committed to? Did you have a vision of Moses and the 10 commandments? At which point did you become convinced that this is the right path? Was it after deeply exploring other world religions? Or at least studying them?
To put it very simple - 30 years ago my life crashed and I was utterly helpless to do anything about it. I had been brought up RC but was not religious except I believed in God. So I threw myself at his mercy and have never looked back since though I continue to suffer. Reading and obeying His Word has kept me going and built up my faith in Him and he has kept His Word to me to never leave me or forsake me.
But like I said we can not pass on our experience to others - it must come to a personal relationship, a ONE to ONE with God.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
To put it very simple - 30 years ago my life crashed and I was utterly helpless to do anything about it. I had been brought up RC but was not religious except I believed in God. So I threw myself at his mercy and have never looked back since though I continue to suffer. Reading and obeying His Word has kept me going and built up my faith in Him and he has kept His Word to me to never leave me or forsake me.
But like I said we can not pass on our experience to others - it must come to a personal relationship, a ONE to ONE with God.

Thank you Beta, that is all I was looking for. It helps to understand where a person is coming from. The only problem I have with what people say sometimes is if they talk in absolutes. I know of many people from various religions who have had similar experiences to you. They completely surrender their hearts to their God and experience the joy and rewards of doing so. I do not think that what you are experiencing is wrong or false. In fact, I believe that God works within every faith. I only have a problem when a person implies that others are wrong.


Well-Known Member
Seems we do differ in our understanding. You think God works in all faiths. Now to be honest I do not know much about other religions but what I see is that most are not in agreement with the NT in which God gives over all power to his only begotten Son Jesus. So being still tied to OT teachings they are somewhat behind times.
It is true that God does not call every nation as a whole at the same time but he has made provision for ' some ' to come out and move ahead Acts 10v35. And having made that provision God also supplies the opportunity for such people to be converted if they will obey.
This is just the way I see it and those who don't will go a different path. Too many people love to argue with God instead of saying : Yes, Sir !


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Seems we do differ in our understanding. You think God works in all faiths. Now to be honest I do not know much about other religions but what I see is that most are not in agreement with the NT in which God gives over all power to his only begotten Son Jesus. So being still tied to OT teachings they are somewhat behind times.
It is true that God does not call every nation as a whole at the same time but he has made provision for ' some ' to come out and move ahead Acts 10v35. And having made that provision God also supplies the opportunity for such people to be converted if they will obey.
This is just the way I see it and those who don't will go a different path. Too many people love to argue with God instead of saying : Yes, Sir !

Most religious people put their faith in God. God is not a concept limited to Christianity. It is not even a concept limited to Abrahamic faiths. As a Hindu, God is everything. Literally. Hindus believe that God empowers realised souls to come to earth and help us struggling people. Jesus and Muhammad were both prophesied in ancient Hindu scripture. They are both easily accepted as serving God's purpose. For this reason I can also accept that God works within any faith where there are people who are genuinely searching for truth.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Beta, that is all I was looking for. It helps to understand where a person is coming from. The only problem I have with what people say sometimes is if they talk in absolutes. I know of many people from various religions who have had similar experiences to you. They completely surrender their hearts to their God and experience the joy and rewards of doing so. I do not think that what you are experiencing is wrong or false. In fact, I believe that God works within every faith. I only have a problem when a person implies that others are wrong.
Here again we differ. looking to the experiences of other people is not the best way to understand GOD.
We need to go to Him personally and engage with Him to learn HIS WILL. At best other people can only be a means of directing us to God. But in todays spiritual climate it is a big mistake to rely on what other people say. God says the whole world is deceived which only leaves HIM and JESUS to be true.Rev.12v9.
So even though we communicate with each other (all of us) there will be more confusion than clarity.
I would advice anyone to go directly to the Word of God for true guidence.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Here again we differ. looking to the experiences of other people is not the best way to understand GOD.
We need to go to Him personally and engage with Him to learn HIS WILL. At best other people can only be a means of directing us to God. But in todays spiritual climate it is a big mistake to rely on what other people say. God says the whole world is deceived which only leaves HIM and JESUS to be true.Rev.12v9.
So even though we communicate with each other (all of us) there will be more confusion than clarity.
I would advice anyone to go directly to the Word of God for true guidence.

We do not differ here. I agree that we can only discover reality through our own personal efforts. The problem is when you advise people to go to the Word of God you will cause confusion because which word of which God of which society? If someone tells me to read the words of God I will automatically think to read the Bhagavad Gita because that to me is the word of God. In fact, the whole Bhagavad Gita is a conversation between God and Arjuna. But if a Muslim reads this advise he or she will think yes, I should go read the Quran for God's guidance. And this will be the same for a person of every different religion.


Well-Known Member
Most religious people put their faith in God. God is not a concept limited to Christianity. It is not even a concept limited to Abrahamic faiths. As a Hindu, God is everything. Literally. Hindus believe that God empowers realised souls to come to earth and help us struggling people. Jesus and Muhammad were both prophesied in ancient Hindu scripture. They are both easily accepted as serving God's purpose. For this reason I can also accept that God works within any faith where there are people who are genuinely searching for truth.
Perhaps we need to be a little more precise as to WHICH GOD we are actually referring. Would you say that the god of other religions is the same God of Israel we read of in the Bible ?
And do other religions accept Jesus as the Son of God ?
Do they believe in keeping the Commandments and the Sabbath ? Not even traditional christians come into this category hence the whole world is out of step with God.
We should all concentrate on the most basic beliefs before arguing about details, don't you think ?
As I said elsewhere God is not saving all the world now but only groups of people to be the first from every nation. Others will be called progressively. He started out with one - Abraham , now he is calling thousands and later millions.
When God calls people he wants them to come out of deception and erronious beliefs. ALL of US come from that background as we read in Eph.2v2,3.no matter what religion or denomination. All are wrong and I have been wrong. To be grounded in this worlds religions is to be wrong and deceived. If we don't admit that we can't move on and God the God of Israel can not use us.
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