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God Questions......

Black, as a Hindu I do not even believe in hell. Unless you have very strong faith in the Old Testament, then you have nothing to worry about. How can you believe something that seems so wrong to you?
Mainly because I grew up with it shoved down my throat I am looking for another path because honestly if this is all life has to offer, beautiful oppertunities with horrible consequences for each one just because I didn't go EXACTLY as the abrahamic God told me to. Why should I be destroyed because I don't love everyone as myself, because I want to try unique relationships, because I am a zoo, because I think women have as much status as men, because I want people of other faiths to be able to practice peacefully, because I have a open mind and will listen a Satanist the same way I would Listen to a Hindu, Raelian, Christan, Mormon. Ever time I get to thinking like this I slowly become more and more embittered to God.


RF Goddess
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Premium Member
Mainly because I grew up with it shoved down my throat I am looking for another path because honestly if this is all life has to offer, beautiful oppertunities with horrible consequences for each one just because I didn't go EXACTLY as the abrahamic God told me to. Why should I be destroyed because I don't love everyone as myself, because I want to try unique relationships, because I am a zoo, because I think women have as much status as men, because I want people of other faiths to be able to practice peacefully, because I have a open mind and will listen a Satanist the same way I would Listen to a Hindu, Raelian, Christan, Mormon. Ever time I get to thinking like this I slowly become more and more embittered to God.

Then you need to explore the ideas of the world. If there is a God, what do you think It is like? Based on your observations of the world and the universe beyond, what are some things that strike you? Think about humans and societies, think about everything. What makes sense? What doesn't make sense?
I am happy to assist you in your learning but I will obviously be biased toward my eastern philosophies. The perspectives in this world are many. You have to come to your own conclusions based on what seems real to you.
Then you need to explore the ideas of the world. If there is a God, what do you think It is like? Based on your observations of the world and the universe beyond, what are some things that strike you? Think about humans and societies, think about everything. What makes sense? What doesn't make sense?
I am happy to assist you in your learning but I will obviously be biased toward my eastern philosophies. The perspectives in this world are many. You have to come to your own conclusions based on what seems real to you.

I would like your help, possibly in a PM, your eastern philosophies are new to me, I might find the solace I am looking for.

What do I think God is like, Honestly, I would believe he reflects his creations, not humans but nature itself, I believe that he accepts change and flow, death and life, renew and recycle then shake the pot.I don't think he is particularly benevolent or malevolent or that he really care about our choices so long as we are not breaking up the flow with unnecessary suffering but that is just my wide eyed dreaming. The Abramhamic God doesn't seem that way and he is the main one I know about.

Based on your observations of the world and the universe beyond, what are some things that strike you?

The amount of hatred that is in this world. I want to see how life is outside the biosphere we live on. Humans only think of themselves and seeing things outside of us is almost considered taboo. Personally I don't think many things should be Taboo, I have broken many taboo's and crossed many lines to see where this so call sin again nature and those sins against God do for me. I have not crumbled away yet I have greater understand of my nature and the function of the world vs. man's wishes.

think about humans and societies, think about everything. What makes sense? What doesn't make sense?

Very little makes sense once you begin to challenge and dissect everything, We are mad, each an every one of us seems to be a different degree of crazy. Only thing that I have found that give me solace with humans is that even the darkest of times the real humane member of humanity shine through and they don't need a God or a moral code to tell them too.


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
I think maybe there is some problem with people's gOd concepts...
more likely. ;)

I believe that the so called god is conditionally omnipotent.Even if the God is omnipotent, it does not interfere with the working of certain laws of universe IMHO.But why is the omnipresent god playing hide and seek?:D
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Well-Known Member
I believe that the so called god is conditionally omnipotent.Even if the God is omnipotent, it does not interfere with the working of certain laws of universe IMHO.But why is the omnipresent god playing hide and seek?:D
It seems to people that God is not showing himself more openly.
From the Bible we have the concept that God is working to a plan deviced before the foundation of the world. When people don't know that plan they get angry and confused. Ex.20v9 gives a snippet of information that could help throw some light on God's apparent absence. It says : 6 days shall you (man) labour and do all your work.
What this means is that we have been given a free hand in our own doings with God keeping mainly out of the picture.
But with God a day can be as a thousand years and 6000 years have passed since Adam & Eve. Now the next v 10 in Ex.20, tells a different story :But the 7th day is the sabbath of the Lord God(picturing his 1000 year reign) and in it man will no longer do his own thing. It is the time of Christ's return to rule all nations . THEN people shall see God.


Grumpy Old Man
Your questions can not be quickly answered friend.
Scripture says God has always existed - so we can assume he has learnt and experienced more than anyone.
We also know that God is trying to teach man on the basis of His knowledge. When you talk about burning cattle do you mean 'animal offerings and sacrifices ' ? This is something that takes a lot of understanding and accepting. But let us remember it happened in the OT and is no longer practiced or required today. That part of ancient knowledge has been superceded by other requirements.
Man's education has to move on !

Egyptian Pharaoh Rameses III has existed for 3000 years, but for the last 2950 years he resembles a shriveled up dried fish. If god is older what evidence exists that he is alive and functional?



Well-Known Member
Egyptian Pharaoh Rameses III has existed for 3000 years, but for the last 2950 years he resembles a shriveled up dried fish. If god is older what evidence exists that he is alive and functional?

We are required to have faith in GOD, (not people ) Heb.11v6. Lk.18v8.


Well-Known Member
A righteous God can not forgive sin we have not repented of.
If he did he would actually condone wrong-doing which hurts both sinner and those sinned against.
The ultimate result for unrepentant sinners is death. And as we know God is into ETERNAL life - that's what he as Creator promotes.He does not promote or assist us in dying.


Its only a Label
Friend Black_Shuck,

What do you think formed Gods law? Where did he come with the laws and what made his existence go this course? If you are all powerful and existed forever what makes you determine what is good or not, why do you like burning for cattle versus the offering of gold and gems? I've always been curious on what influences the allmighty?

God is only a concept developed by humans to understand what normally cannot be understood by reasoning through the Mind.
Existence is eternal meaning from eternity to eternity.
Good / bad are just dualities that the mind perceives or else there is nothing as good or bad. What may be good for one will be bad for another, bound to be as that is where the balance lies.
Love & rgds
Friend Black_Shuck,

God is only a concept developed by humans to understand what normally cannot be understood by reasoning through the Mind.
Existence is eternal meaning from eternity to eternity.
Good / bad are just dualities that the mind perceives or else there is nothing as good or bad. What may be good for one will be bad for another, bound to be as that is where the balance lies.
Love & rgds

That is deep and it gives me something to think on.


Its only a Label
Friend Black_Shuck,

That is deep and it gives me something to think on.

Now that another word has opened up *thinking*; it should be understood that human minds is like a computer which is fed with a software from birth by parents, society, etc. and so it is always biased while thinking and so one can never thinking anything free of biases. The only option is meditation which means a state of the mind free of thoughts.
It is a state where whatever thoughts are in the mind, gets reflected as truth in this free mind space of its own accord. This is how meditators in the east have found out about not only the universe but beyond it which today science is verifying.

Love & rgds


That is deep and it gives me something to think on.

Yes, like ZenZero said, you should not think about it but go to that place free of thoughts. A way to start, sence no-thought is difficult at first, is Self-Awareness. This is when you are aware that your aware. when this happens the feeling "I AM" arises and that is the Goal. Self-Awareness is the beginning and ending of the path. To find, or drown in your awareness, you can do some self-enquiry which is asking "who am I?"
Yes, like ZenZero said, you should not think about it but go to that place free of thoughts. A way to start, sence no-thought is difficult at first, is Self-Awareness. This is when you are aware that your aware. when this happens the feeling "I AM" arises and that is the Goal. Self-Awareness is the beginning and ending of the path. To find, or drown in your awareness, you can do some self-enquiry which is asking "who am I?"

Hmmmm sounds kinda complicated but fun, I am a fan of introspection anyway but how do I dig deeper than the sum of my parts?