Veteran Member
olduvai axe tools, around 1,000,000-1,500,000 years old (yes, that's million years).
spears, clothes, ornaments, have been found that are hundreds of thousands of years.
Documents: look into cave paintings and jewelry.
Language, society, agronomy, well, ask yourself, why did it take 10,000 years from that point before we started the electronic revolution, or technology, or science? It's because it's not a linear progression, but exponential. Information doubled between 1 AD to 1700 AD, about. Then it doubled in a couple of hundred years. Then it doubled less than hundred years. Now it's doubling every 18 months. It's spread and acceptance of new knowledge that affects this. It took a 3 million years for Australopithecus to evolve to Homo, and further to Homo sapiens, and H.s. had to exist for a few hundred years before knowledge had grown enough for societies to come about. And perhaps it had to do with changing climate too. But a flood would zero out knowledge, reset it, and destroy previous knowledge, so a flood is the worst explanation to why tools, documents, languages, society, and agronomy began and exploded. Did the flood somehow suddenly give them superpowers and superknowledge? A family of handful of people somehow started a society, city, training horses, domesticating cows, dogs, figure out all different kinds of seeds... it's the least probable explanation for the explosion of society and knowledge. Sorry.
(You know, Internet came about when Earth was hit by a meteor in the 80's and all life on Earth was destroyed except for a family of 12 who survived in a space ship that went to the moon. (!))
I agree, 100%. But the family of Noah existed in pre-history and would know all these things. Indeed, the Bible says Noah cultivated wine following the Flood.
Also, you are ducking the obvious, which would be consistent with my story. The new society following the Flood had aid from the divine. I think THAT is what you find improbable.