Veteran Member
That because theism is not falsifiable.
Science deal with what is falsifiable, or in another word - what is refutable or testable.
God is as mythological as fairies and unicorns. You won't find real verifiable evidences for the existence of deities any more than you would find them for unicorns, fairies, ghosts or giants.
With science every statements (hypotheses) are false by default, unless you can empirically prove or verify it to be true.
I often hear skeptics say what you've stated, that we cannot find peer-reviewed citations proving metaphysical things. Do you have peer-reviewed citations disproving metaphysics? Disproving God? You do not.
Why? Because science is in large part inductive observation. You may have seen the conservation of matter/energy many times, but did you see it when the Big Bang singularity expanded (when the universe began to suddenly contain energy then matter)? You did not. Therefore, there was an exception to a scientific law. A scientific law has to with empirical observation, not metaphysics.