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God rejects homosexuals...this is a fact

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Its not avoiding the question when the question is created on a false pretense. You are implying that since stalin didn't believe in god it lead him to attrocities. And i'm stating that it was stalins beleif in a totalitarian society governed by him is what drawed him to attrocities. I'm sure if you looked up some examples of totalitarianism you can see the point i'm making and the falacy in your arguement. Its also a strawman that you are puposing. Example: jeffrey damer was a christian so all christians eat people. (Athough i do have to say thier is some joke in thier about the catholics eating the body and blood of christ)

By no means.

You made a generalized statement and I demonstrated its worthlessness with three examples.

One is a very good reason why people no longer believe in an evolutionary theory of society, and how atheism is not always constructive.

The other two show how religion is not always backwards...


Your not driven by what you don't believe in, it's what you believe that drives you.

It is a matter of debate... but I'm sure that it won't be difficult to find a quote from Stalin indicating that his belief that God doesn't exist is a factor that helps him do the things that he did.


New Member
By no means.

You made a generalized statement and I demonstrated its worthlessness with three examples.

One is a very good reason why people no longer believe in an evolutionary theory of society, and how atheism is not always constructive.

The other two show how religion is not always backwards...

1) Its not so much a belief in evolution of society. easy examples are how we moved away from slavory and are continually moving away from restrains on womans rights. So i'm not sure how you think people no longer believe in something thats a fact given the course history has shown us and continues to move us towards a progressive agenda.

2)The beliefs that DR king and ghandi held true were core humanist beliefs. Equal rights isn't solely a religious ideal. In fact its quite the opposite.
If you can't see what's wrong with that example maybe this discussion is a waste of time...

By this logic you could say that interracial couples with racist parents are bad as well.

Try again

You are 100% incorrect when you compare homosexuality as discriminated like race or at its level. Homosexuality cannot even be compared to gender -like discriminating women because they are feminine- because homosexuality is not a gender.

You are born with a certain race, and you cannot choose to be White or Asian, your race is shown physically and in your DNA. You are born with a gender, and physically and in your DNA appears that you are masculine or feminine only. In the few cases of hermaphrodits, they have both sexes physically by birth, and they can choose between them, but in my opinion their sex must be dertermined by the DNA and by their functional sexual organs, this is to say, the sexual organs that function more closely to 100%.

Race is not a defect like homosexuality.

Homosexuality is at the level of incest and no one is proud to have a family member committing incest. A parent of a child becoming homosexual is similar to the case of a parent who's child became a burglar, because there is nothing, absolutely no reason to be proud about it.

Another poster here who says that he is straight said that "if" he has a son or daughter becoming gay he might not fell ashamed about it. Ha, just lets wait and see and see also what the spouse says about it when that moment comes.

I put the example of Republican candidate Cheney and his wife making complaints against Democrat candidate Kerry when Kerry mentioned to the entire nation that the Cheney's have a lesbian daughter, because the Cheneys demonstrated clearly that they don't feel proud at all about their daughter. And the Cheneys are not alone, this is the daily pain of several parents, family members and friends who can't do nothing because the law protects a mental deviation insteand of enforcing a mental treatment for homosexuals.

Who is proud of their child becoming handicap because the child chose to cut his legs by his own will? Nobody.

Who is proud of their child becoming homosexual because the child chose to follow such a pervert sexual desire? Nobody.

This is how homosexuality affects so negatively in society, and unfortunately the government won't listen to the people.

And because the governments are corrupt, the society will decay to the point that the entire planet will need of purification by fire. This is why the bible encourages to the followers of God to be strong and overcome the temptation to be part of such pervertion.

For sure God rejects homosexuals and the biblical evidence is that from the OT to the NT GOd and Jesus agree 100% that homosexuals won't be part of the new kingdom.

God has spoken.

My regards.
1) Its not so much a belief in evolution of society. easy examples are how we moved away from slavory and are continually moving away from restrains on womans rights. So i'm not sure how you think people no longer believe in something thats a fact given the course history has shown us and continues to move us towards a progressive agenda.

2)The beliefs that DR king and ghandi held true were core humanist beliefs. Equal rights isn't solely a religious ideal. In fact its quite the opposite.

God is not opposed to slavery between humans, neither Jesus and neither the apostles. The further one can read in the bible about slavery -between humans- is the suggestion of the apostle saying that "if" a slave can obtain his freedom then such and such...

The bible, on the other hand, encourages the masters to treat the slaves with dignity.

About the slaves, the apostle Paul encourages them to become "good" examples, but not so to "fight for their freedom against their masters".

Maybe we don't perceive it directly but slavery still exists but at a different level, and mostly slavery is now between countries when a country is a slave of another country. You can see the nations of greater power imposing their will over poor nations by economical sanctions if they don't complain with their demands.

Society has changed of course, but the current society is trying to please everybody in an attempt to become utopia, and such is a "no no".

The reason is because we are imperfect.

As imperfect creatures our works will reflect what we are, and no false theories like evolution will cause any change to our imperfection but solely to give a false hope.

The main evidence that "evolution" never happened in this physical universe is that observing the older stars we can detect that they produce and recycle heavy elements, when these stars passed through the supernova, the new stars cannot produce heavy elements anymore but they can recycle them only, and they produce metals instead. After the stars we have the planets, which cannot recycle heavy elements at all and the heavy elements almost don't exist,and the planets cannot produce metals but recycle them only.

So, by measuring the status of the elements in the universe, the entire bodies of the universe are in a "decay direction" from more complex elements to more simpler elements. and when an object or living creature loses its characteristics, this change is called "degeneration"

The idea that the universe "evolves" is incorrect and can be easily called "stupid". There is nothing, not a single observation which guides to think such a thing of "evolving:", but on the contrary, the elements which form the bodies of the universe clearly show that they are in a continued process of decay.

How then, such degenerative arrow can produce positive out comings? The possibilities are rare, and it must be something else not affected by such decay of the elements which may produce a positive change with established results.

In appearance, our societies are "evolving" but the question is, "evolving into what"?

My regards.
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Well-Known Member
Race is not a defect like homosexuality.

I know 8 year olds with a better grasp on human sexuality.

A parent of a child becoming homosexual is similar to the case of a parent who's child became a burglar, because there is nothing, absolutely no reason to be proud about it.
No, I wouldn`t be proud of my kid for being homosexual.
I wouldn`t be ashamed either as it is entirely irrelevant to me who she sleeps with unless some form of abuse is involved.
I wouldn`t be proud of my kid for being heterosexual.

Another poster here who says that he is straight said that "if" he has a son or daughter becoming gay he might not fell ashamed about it. Ha, just lets wait and see and see also what the spouse says about it when that moment comes.
I just told my wife the other day I`d rather my daughter come home one day with a lesbian partner than any young teen boy when she reaches the age .
Considering what I know about the way males are raised in my society I`d feel much better about her safety and self respect.

You need to learn not everyone is as bigoted as you are and we do not at all share your centuries old mentality.

Who is proud of their child becoming homosexual because the child chose to follow such a pervert sexual desire? Nobody.
What kind of perverted parent would take pride in their childs sexuality regardless of what it was?

This is why the bible encourages to the followers of God to be strong and overcome the temptation to be part of such pervertion.
That`s just fine for Christians but I speak for the rest of us when I kindly ask you to keep your Jesus off my pee pee.

For sure God rejects homosexuals and the biblical evidence is that from the OT to the NT GOd and Jesus agree 100% that homosexuals won't be part of the new kingdom.
You do realize many of us want no part of your gods new kingdom even if it were more than a fantasy?

God has spoken.

I`d think CNN would be all over a revelation like that.
How`d I miss it?

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I just told my wife the other day I`d rather my daughter come home one day with a lesbian partner than any young teen boy when she reaches the age .

It's like I always say, teenage lesbians don't get pregnant! :D I like to say that same thing to all my Baptist family members. The look of horror on their faces is priceless. :eek:

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
You are 100% incorrect
No. You are 100% incorrect with 98% of the rubbish you post.
*Edit* - make that 100% of the rubbish you post.

Race is not a defect like homosexuality.
You know - stupidity is a defect. Or, for some people, it is actually a defect AND a choice.

Another poster here who says that he is straight said that "if" he has a son or daughter becoming gay he might not fell ashamed about it. Ha, just lets wait and see and see also what the spouse says about it when that moment comes.
As a straight man with two teenage children, I can honestly say that I would far rather that they come home one day and tell me that they are gay, than have them repeat the "trailer trash" views that you extoll. If the latter were to happen - THEN - I would truly be ashamed of them.

God has spoken.
... and He told me that He made a mistake with the homophobes.

My regards.
Your regards are worthless.
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Well-Known Member
No. You are 100% incorrect with 98% of the rubbish you post.
*Edit* - make that 100% of the rubbish you post.

You know - stupidity is a defect. Or, for some people, it is actually a defect AND a choice.

As a straight man with two teenage children, I can honestly say that I would far rather that they come home one day and tell me that they are gay, than have them repeat the "trailer trash" views that you extoll. If the latter were to happen - THEN - I would truly be ashamed of them.

... and He told me that He made a mistake with the homophobes.

Your regards are worthless.
LOL I can't believe how you just said what I was going to post as I was catching up on this thread. Frubals to you!!:)


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Race is not a defect like homosexuality.
Actually, homosexuality is not listed in the DSM as any kind of defect.
Homosexuality is at the level of incest
How so? Incest is a deviant behavior. Homosexuality is not. (Again, according to the DSM).
A parent of a child becoming homosexual is similar to the case of a parent who's child became a burglar, because there is nothing, absolutely no reason to be proud about it.
Not so. Burglary is in violation of the law. Homosexuality is not. And, in fact, I would be proud of any of my children if they were mature enough to be honest about who they were, because that is all they can be.
because the law protects a mental deviation insteand of enforcing a mental treatment for homosexuals.
Once again, the DSM does not list homosexuality as a deviation. Not a mental illness, therefore, mental treatment is contraindicated.
Who is proud of their child becoming handicap because the child chose to cut his legs by his own will? Nobody.
Self-mutilation is a deviant behavior, caused by mental illness. Homosexuality is not. Ask any doctor or psychiatrist.
Who is proud of their child becoming homosexual because the child chose to follow such a pervert sexual desire? Nobody.
Homosexuality is not a choice. One doesn't "become" homosexual. therefore, pride is not a factor, in this case.
This is how homosexuality affects so negatively in society, and unfortunately the government won't listen to the people.
Homosexuality does not negatively affect society. Homophobia, however, does. Fortunately the government is beginning to listen to reason instead of fear and self-righteousness. Maine will be the next state to legalize same-sex unions. Yay!
For sure God rejects homosexuals and the biblical evidence is that from the OT to the NT GOd and Jesus agree 100% that homosexuals won't be part of the new kingdom.
God and Jesus also agree that hypocrites won't be part of the kingdom. You know...the ones who are overly concerned about the mote of homosexuality in their brother's eye, while completely ignoring the log of judgmentalism and bigotry in their own eye.
God has spoken.
And God said, "I love all my children, just as I made them."
My regards.
Except to the homosexuals who are throw-away less-than-human objects, not worth loving.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Another poster here who says that he is straight said that "if" he has a son or daughter becoming gay he might not fell ashamed about it. Ha, just lets wait and see and see also what the spouse says about it when that moment comes.
I was that poster, and I think I have more insight into my wife's feelings than you do.

I put the example of Republican candidate Cheney and his wife making complaints against Democrat candidate Kerry when Kerry mentioned to the entire nation that the Cheney's have a lesbian daughter, because the Cheneys demonstrated clearly that they don't feel proud at all about their daughter. And the Cheneys are not alone, this is the daily pain of several parents, family members and friends who can't do nothing because the law protects a mental deviation insteand of enforcing a mental treatment for homosexuals.
I refuse to believe that there are as many people as you imply who would make their love for their children conditional, but if they're out there, shame on them.

This is how homosexuality affects so negatively in society, and unfortunately the government won't listen to the people.
No, it listens to the people; it's just there are many more people than you.

God has spoken.
Ah. So now you're God. You're okay with violating the First Commandment, but you're not okay with homosexuality? This is inconsistent.

My regards.
The rest of your post implies otherwise.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
You are 100% incorrect when you compare homosexuality as discriminated like race or at its level. Homosexuality cannot even be compared to gender -like discriminating women because they are feminine- because homosexuality is not a gender.

You are born with a certain race, and you cannot choose to be White or Asian, your race is shown physically and in your DNA. You are born with a gender, and physically and in your DNA appears that you are masculine or feminine only. In the few cases of hermaphrodits, they have both sexes physically by birth, and they can choose between them, but in my opinion their sex must be dertermined by the DNA and by their functional sexual organs, this is to say, the sexual organs that function more closely to 100%.

Race is not a defect like homosexuality.

Homosexuality is at the level of incest and no one is proud to have a family member committing incest. A parent of a child becoming homosexual is similar to the case of a parent who's child became a burglar, because there is nothing, absolutely no reason to be proud about it.

Another poster here who says that he is straight said that "if" he has a son or daughter becoming gay he might not fell ashamed about it. Ha, just lets wait and see and see also what the spouse says about it when that moment comes.

I put the example of Republican candidate Cheney and his wife making complaints against Democrat candidate Kerry when Kerry mentioned to the entire nation that the Cheney's have a lesbian daughter, because the Cheneys demonstrated clearly that they don't feel proud at all about their daughter. And the Cheneys are not alone, this is the daily pain of several parents, family members and friends who can't do nothing because the law protects a mental deviation insteand of enforcing a mental treatment for homosexuals.

Who is proud of their child becoming handicap because the child chose to cut his legs by his own will? Nobody.

Who is proud of their child becoming homosexual because the child chose to follow such a pervert sexual desire? Nobody.

This is how homosexuality affects so negatively in society, and unfortunately the government won't listen to the people.

And because the governments are corrupt, the society will decay to the point that the entire planet will need of purification by fire. This is why the bible encourages to the followers of God to be strong and overcome the temptation to be part of such pervertion.

For sure God rejects homosexuals and the biblical evidence is that from the OT to the NT GOd and Jesus agree 100% that homosexuals won't be part of the new kingdom.

God has spoken.

My regards.
C'mere, Pumpkin, and let me give you a great big, wet kiss for this great outpouring of unconditional luv!:flirt::flirt::flirt:

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
You are 100% incorrect when you compare homosexuality as discriminated like race or at its level. Homosexuality cannot even be compared to gender -like discriminating women because they are feminine- because homosexuality is not a gender.

You are born with a certain race, and you cannot choose to be White or Asian, your race is shown physically and in your DNA. You are born with a gender, and physically and in your DNA appears that you are masculine or feminine only. In the few cases of hermaphrodits, they have both sexes physically by birth, and they can choose between them, but in my opinion their sex must be dertermined by the DNA and by their functional sexual organs, this is to say, the sexual organs that function more closely to 100%.

Race is not a defect like homosexuality.

Homosexuality is at the level of incest and no one is proud to have a family member committing incest. A parent of a child becoming homosexual is similar to the case of a parent who's child became a burglar, because there is nothing, absolutely no reason to be proud about it.

Another poster here who says that he is straight said that "if" he has a son or daughter becoming gay he might not fell ashamed about it. Ha, just lets wait and see and see also what the spouse says about it when that moment comes.

I put the example of Republican candidate Cheney and his wife making complaints against Democrat candidate Kerry when Kerry mentioned to the entire nation that the Cheney's have a lesbian daughter, because the Cheneys demonstrated clearly that they don't feel proud at all about their daughter. And the Cheneys are not alone, this is the daily pain of several parents, family members and friends who can't do nothing because the law protects a mental deviation insteand of enforcing a mental treatment for homosexuals.

Who is proud of their child becoming handicap because the child chose to cut his legs by his own will? Nobody.

Who is proud of their child becoming homosexual because the child chose to follow such a pervert sexual desire? Nobody.

This is how homosexuality affects so negatively in society, and unfortunately the government won't listen to the people.

And because the governments are corrupt, the society will decay to the point that the entire planet will need of purification by fire. This is why the bible encourages to the followers of God to be strong and overcome the temptation to be part of such pervertion.

For sure God rejects homosexuals and the biblical evidence is that from the OT to the NT GOd and Jesus agree 100% that homosexuals won't be part of the new kingdom.

God has spoken.

My regards.
:clap Congrats! I haven't read something so ignorant and hateful in a long time. Thank you for reminding me why I left Christianity. :clap


Intentionally Blank
This woman is clearly lying:


This guy too:


And this parent too:


because drivingbackward knows better. He also knows God's will. Neat, that.
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