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God rejects homosexuals...this is a fact

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You've demonstrated in this thread that you're a hypocrite. You support laws permitting second marriage, which your religion prohibits, but oppose laws permitting same-sex marriage, which your religion does not prohibit. The word for that is hypocrisy. Maybe you should try a little harder.
see you dont really know what your talking about ..the bible does not prohibit second marriage. 1 corinthians 6:9 prohibits same sex marriage


Intentionally Blank
gzus: You're confusing me. You said that you agreed that remarriage after divorce was prohibited. How can you say it isn't, when Jesus makes it crystal clear? And now you're asserting that this passage:

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

prohibits Gay marriage? What Bible are you reading. Because that passage is in favor of love, which of course is the whole point of Gay marriage.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
hey thanks. I was reluctant too. I gave him a link to get the info he wants. and would you tell him I'm not a troll. I'm 6 feet tall man

Trolls come in all sizes. I don't think you're a troll though, members of the Church of Christ just tend to resemble them.
the only thing negative that comes from being homosexual is how people like you treat them. PROVE how in the real world, homosexuality negatively impacts society

Lets review a known recent case. A question was made to Democrat candidate Kerry about homosexuality. He answered given as his example the case of the daughter of Republican candidate Cheney who is a lesbian.

Next day, first time in the morning the wife of Republican candidate Cheney was mad about Kerry calling him "a bad man".

Why? Why all this fuss about saying that her daughter was lesbian in public?

What is wrong with her daughter being lesbian?

A lot.

The candidate Cheney and her wife were ashamed of her lesbian daughter after all, and their reaction demonstrates that they weren't "proud" of it.

I have been observing the faces and words of the friends, and family members of gays, and until now no one of them has shown to be "proud" of the gay person in their group or family.

You can read testimonies saying "I still loving her/him..." but never ever I have heard that a parent says that he is proud that his son has become gay.

Only gays are proud of their sexual choice, but the parents, straight brothers and sisters are ashamed about it...even when the parents say that they love their son anyways...

You can't deny this truth and gays are blind to see it, and the problem is that the parents indeed love their children, but obviously they feel ashamed in front of the rest of having a gay son or daughter.

The reaction of the wife of Republican candidate Cheney is not an isolated case, actually this is the reality of the suffering of millions of family members because a gay member between them.

So, as a parent a man can cry loud with pride that his son has become a doctor, a car mechanic, etc...but about a son becoming gay this parent will only say that "he still loving him...regardless of what..." In other words, no parent feels pride because his son/daughter has become gay.

This is how homosexuality affects so negatively to society, because while gays are happy and proud doing their perversion, their families members are sentenced to shame. What a pity.

Best wishes.


gzus: You're confusing me. You said that you agreed that remarriage after divorce was prohibited. How can you say it isn't, when Jesus makes it crystal clear? And now you're asserting that this passage:

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

prohibits Gay marriage? What Bible are you reading. Because that passage is in favor of love, which of course is the whole point of Gay marriage.
no no no I never said that. you can remarry if your spouse cheats or dies,cheats or dies. and love, whats love ,what you or I say it is, I'm human what if I'm wrong, what if I dont know what real love is. a feeling thats it a feeling. love is much more than that.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
This is how homosexuality affects so negatively to society, because while gays are happy and proud doing their perversion, their families members are sentenced to shame. What a pity.

You know what's a pity? It's a pity that someone like you has access to a keyboard and the internet.

I just hope that such stupidity doesn't rub off on any of our younger members.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Oh, yes, I forgot about your posting. Please repeat your point again, your point about a relationship between naughty, homosexuality and abomination.

As far as I know reading the bible, God didn't say that stealing is an abomination to Him, unless you find such a specific verse so I can check the entire context.

Best wishes.


53 pages of a thread and he wants me to find one posts.


Instead I'll just try to recreate so forgive if the wording isn't exact.

Here is the results of a search on the word abomination on the Blue Letter Bible.

Blue Letter Bible - Search Results for KJV

It occurs 76 times in 69 verses. In Proverbs 6:16-19 six things that are abominations are listed.

These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness [that] speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

So, the question is, are these things still abominations? If not then why does a man who lieth with another man remain an abomination and these do not?

Note, in my original post I thought the abominations where listed prior to 6:16 instead of after, that has been corrected in this post.


Intentionally Blank
I agree. Everyone should support full acceptance of Gay people, so no one has to suffer shame needlessly.


Intentionally Blank
no no no I never said that. you can remarry if your spouse cheats or dies,cheats or dies. and love, whats love ,what you or I say it is, I'm human what if I'm wrong, what if I dont know what real love is. a feeling thats it a feeling. love is much more than that.

Thank you. God this is tiring. O.K., so my question is: Why do you support the right to remarry after divorce, but not the right of same-sex marriage? The first is prohibited by the Bible; the second is not.


Democratic Socialist
Lets review a known recent case. A question was made to Democrat candidate Kerry about homosexuality. He answered given as his example the case of the daughter of Republican candidate Cheney who is a lesbian.

Next day, first time in the morning the wife of Republican candidate Cheney was mad about Kerry calling him "a bad man".

Why? Why all this fuss about saying that her daughter was lesbian in public?

What is wrong with her daughter being lesbian?

A lot.

The candidate Cheney and her wife were ashamed of her lesbian daughter after all, and their reaction demonstrates that they weren't "proud" of it.

I have been observing the faces and words of the friends, and family members of gays, and until now no one of them has shown to be "proud" of the gay person in their group or family.

You can read testimonies saying "I still loving her/him..." but never ever I have heard that a parent says that he is proud that his son has become gay.

Only gays are proud of their sexual choice, but the parents, straight brothers and sisters are ashamed about it...even when the parents say that they love their son anyways...

You can't deny this truth and gays are blind to see it, and the problem is that the parents indeed love their children, but obviously they feel ashamed in front of the rest of having a gay son or daughter.

The reaction of the wife of Republican candidate Cheney is not an isolated case, actually this is the reality of the suffering of millions of family members because a gay member between them.

So, as a parent a man can cry loud with pride that his son has become a doctor, a car mechanic, etc...but about a son becoming gay this parent will only say that "he still loving him...regardless of what..." In other words, no parent feels pride because his son/daughter has become gay.

This is how homosexuality affects so negatively to society, because while gays are happy and proud doing their perversion, their families members are sentenced to shame. What a pity.

Best wishes.

this is complete garbage, and completly untrue. you've done nothing than to prove that the Cheney's are bad parents. big suprise there. plenty of family members are proud of their gay family members. what does pride of one's sexual orientation ever happen? are straigt parents proud that their kids are straight? i cant even believe im responding to this..........


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Only gays are proud of their sexual choice, but the parents, straight brothers and sisters are ashamed about it...even when the parents say that they love their son anyways...

You can't deny this truth and gays are blind to see it, and the problem is that the parents indeed love their children, but obviously they feel ashamed in front of the rest of having a gay son or daughter.
I'm straight and I can say without hestiation that I would be proud of any child I have, regardless of whether that child is gay or straight.

If a parent is ashamed of their child for being gay, it's the parent's problem, not the child's.

no no no I never said that. you can remarry if your spouse cheats or dies,cheats or dies. and love, whats love ,what you or I say it is, I'm human what if I'm wrong, what if I dont know what real love is. a feeling thats it a feeling. love is much more than that.
Again: where does it say you can remarry if your spouse cheats?


Thank you. God this is tiring. O.K., so my question is: Why do you support the right to remarry after divorce, but not the right of same-sex marriage? The first is prohibited by the Bible; the second is not.
ok now I think your just screwing with me . just turn it around and you'll have it right.the first is not prohibited the second is.geeez

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Obviously Drivingbackwards has never heard of PFLAG...
PFLAG: Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians and Gays

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]We, the parents, families and friends of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons, celebrate diversity and envision a society that embraces everyone, including those of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. Only with respect, dignity and equality for all will we reach our full potential as human beings, individually and collectively. PFLAG welcomes the participation and support of all who share in, and hope to realize this vision.

I know quite a few PFLAG parents that are proud of their children.
Proud of their honesty.. bravery... love.. and so on.

[/FONT]This is how homosexuality affects so negatively to society, because while gays are happy and proud doing their perversion, their families members are sentenced to shame. What a pity.
What a crock of >>>>>



I'm straight and I can say without hestiation that I would be proud of any child I have, regardless of whether that child is gay or straight.

If a parent is ashamed of their child for being gay, it's the parent's problem, not the child's.

Again: where does it say you can remarry if your spouse cheats?
matthew 5;32. matthew 19;9


six plus one
Now well, if you desire to discuss homosexuality from the secular point of view. I can also show you that mentally and physically the choice of homosexuality is negative for the integrity of the human body and for society in general.

Lets review a known recent case. A question was made to Democrat candidate Kerry about homosexuality. He answered given as his example the case of the daughter of Republican candidate Cheney who is a lesbian.

Next day, first time in the morning the wife of Republican candidate Cheney was mad about Kerry calling him "a bad man".

Why? Why all this fuss about saying that her daughter was lesbian in public?

What is wrong with her daughter being lesbian?

A lot.


If you can't see what's wrong with that example maybe this discussion is a waste of time...

By this logic you could say that interracial couples with racist parents are bad as well.

Try again

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
You still don't get it, because God is not supporting my opinion, it is me the one supporting and favoring what God has established, and He has established that what homosexuals do is abomination to Him and that homosexuals won't inherit His new kingdom.
That's a matter of semantics isn't it, since I don't believe in your God and therefore must assume your opinions are your own.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
The reaction of the wife of Republican candidate Cheney is not an isolated case, actually this is the reality of the suffering of millions of family members because a gay member between them.

So, as a parent a man can cry loud with pride that his son has become a doctor, a car mechanic, etc...but about a son becoming gay this parent will only say that "he still loving him...regardless of what..." In other words, no parent feels pride because his son/daughter has become gay.

This is how homosexuality affects so negatively to society, because while gays are happy and proud doing their perversion, their families members are sentenced to shame. What a pity.
Nope. I actually think Cheney and his wife are proud of their daughter and support her and her partner and their new grandchild. The problem with Cheney was he knew his Republican base was largely comprised of homophobes and bigots and was afraid the revelation that his daughter is lesbian would cost him votes. Talk about about a hypocrite.

But you're right in saying that far too many in society today still have negative reactions to glbtq people. That's why it's important for us to dispel the lies and myths that people like you perpetuate to order to justify your discrimination and marginalization of glbtq people.

You know what my mom said when I told her I was lesbian? "I know, and I love you." My siblings wondered why I didn't tell them sooner, they already "knew" and none of them are ashamed of me or suffer because of it. They want me to be happy because they love me and that's how families should be.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member

53 pages of a thread and he wants me to find one posts.


Instead I'll just try to recreate so forgive if the wording isn't exact.

Here is the results of a search on the word abomination on the Blue Letter Bible.

Blue Letter Bible - Search Results for KJV

It occurs 76 times in 69 verses. In Proverbs 6:16-19 six things that are abominations are listed.

These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness [that] speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

So, the question is, are these things still abominations? If not then why does a man who lieth with another man remain an abomination and these do not?

Note, in my original post I thought the abominations where listed prior to 6:16 instead of after, that has been corrected in this post.

Ans so we are once again waiting for a response...
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