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God vs. Satan

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
If it came down to a competition for who can inflict the most suffering and perform the greatest atrocities on this earth, then God would be the winner by a long shot.


Regardless of the Devil's crimes, it is not your job to kill it. Your job is to forgive it, even pray for it. That is the deepest level of compassion, something most Christians and the like shrug off under the deterministic view of "there's no saving him, it's all for nothing". Judge and you will be judged. If you deem the Devil, the most deserving being for love and forgiveness, unworthy of your time, who is to say your God won't think the same of you when the time comes?


Admiral Obvious
I have been talking on this forum for 2 days and I still do not see what you all are accomplishing. You just do not understand that this could be our window to kill Satan. Since we are armed and are not being tortured YET who knows what we might accomplished together.
#1 All food has got to go. It's all filled with devil crap anyway. So I would be doing you a favor. Devils like to go the bathroom in our food.
#2 Find where devils would be hiding and show them that we are armed. For example; where is the biggest amount of food-obviously the food store. You will not be able to see them but they will be invisible and watching you. Why are they invisible in the first place? Because our weapons might have an effect on them.
#3 Come up with a devil killer weapon. No, I do not know what it would be like, but just arming more people with better weapons and defenses should show Satan that we are willing and ready to fight and kill him.
#4 Another thought; why hasn't Satan dumped the Earth into Hell yet? Perhaps humans are stronger than they think. And Satan thinks that humans are even dangerous. Something like a humans(Satan) relashionship with a cobra(humans).
You do an awful lot of preaching about The Satan but offer not a single practical or even realistic way to go about what you propose.
I wonder why that is?


Admiral Obvious
I am sorry if I got the wrong person, but it seems to me that this Mr. Mestemic somehow managed to change one of my messages. He somehow changed all the "Gods" to "Satans". I do not know why he did it, but it was certanly not funny. I write very serious messages, and what he did shows he is just a despicable, uncaring, brute. And I am sorry if I have the wrong person.

Actually, it is funny.
Because it showed that your "message" is just as valid about God as it is about The Satan.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Why doesn't God use his superpowers to make the Devil disappear if the Devil was really this bad?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Considering that Satan has done unspeakable evil's to an unimaginable number of universes, I do not think that he just should get "the naughty chair". He should at least be killed and at worst sent to Hell. That would also teach other lifeforms what would happen to you if you became evil. Also, this is considering that God is "in charge" . Who nose that would is going to happen to us all with an unknown lifeform with the power and knowledge of a God.
Yup. You're a Baptist, alright! You would do well to remember that this is God's creation, and Satan is part of it. If Satan chooses to run away from home and "do his own thing" apart from God, all God can do is wait until he comes around. No earthly parent would kill a child for burning down the house. Why would God be any pettier?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Even if there is the slightest chance of there being a Satan, then we have to kill it before it reproduces and tortures everyone everyware. It's our duty by God to kill evil. Why are we on the Earth anyway? We are here as part of God's great plan to kill Satan, there is nothing else. Ever seen a baby being tortured by Satan? Well imagine billions of babies per planet, billions of planets per galaxy, billions of galaxy's per universe and finally billions of universe's in a multiverse. If Satan does exist then even more than that would by tortured forever. Just because you feel good now, doesn't mean there is a God. And, just because you feel terrible doesn't mean there is a Satan.
I smell a troll. First, you spelled your religion wrong. Who does that? Second, Baptists don't believe that our sole purpose is to "kill Satan." Third, No Baptist would ever make a statement like:
Just because you feel good now, doesn't mean there is a God.



Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I have been talking on this forum for 2 days and I still do not see what you all are accomplishing. You just do not understand that this could be our window to kill Satan. Since we are armed and are not being tortured YET who knows what we might accomplished together.
#1 All food has got to go. It's all filled with devil crap anyway. So I would be doing you a favor. Devils like to go the bathroom in our food.
#2 Find where devils would be hiding and show them that we are armed. For example; where is the biggest amount of food-obviously the food store. You will not be able to see them but they will be invisible and watching you. Why are they invisible in the first place? Because our weapons might have an effect on them.
#3 Come up with a devil killer weapon. No, I do not know what it would be like, but just arming more people with better weapons and defenses should show Satan that we are willing and ready to fight and kill him.
#4 Another thought; why hasn't Satan dumped the Earth into Hell yet? Perhaps humans are stronger than they think. And Satan thinks that humans are even dangerous. Something like a humans(Satan) relashionship with a cobra(humans).
Oh, dear God! :eek:

Kroger is hell! What a dreadful thought! Did you think of that all by yourself, or did it come to you as were standing on line in the store, and saw your photograph in the National Enquirer with the headline: Secret Affair Between Meat Loaf and Joyce Meyer Produces Babtist Alien Love Child?

Hey, kids! Everybody STOP EATING!!! Hey, FDA! Mandate that food producers list "devil feces" as the top ingredient on every food label.

What a load of hooey.


Resident Liberal Hippie


I have been talking on this forum for 2 days and I still do not see what you all are accomplishing. You just do not understand that this could be our window to kill Satan. Since we are armed and are not being tortured YET who knows what we might accomplished together.
#1 All food has got to go. It's all filled with devil crap anyway. So I would be doing you a favor. Devils like to go the bathroom in our food.
#2 Find where devils would be hiding and show them that we are armed. For example; where is the biggest amount of food-obviously the food store. You will not be able to see them but they will be invisible and watching you. Why are they invisible in the first place? Because our weapons might have an effect on them.
#3 Come up with a devil killer weapon. No, I do not know what it would be like, but just arming more people with better weapons and defenses should show Satan that we are willing and ready to fight and kill him.
#4 Another thought; why hasn't Satan dumped the Earth into Hell yet? Perhaps humans are stronger than they think. And Satan thinks that humans are even dangerous. Something like a humans(Satan) relashionship with a cobra(humans).

POE probably another landover baptist that got owned over there