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Bodhisattva in Recovery
Name calling and childish insults aside, let's get back to the meat of things.

God is perfect - meaning God is 'complete' - there is nothing outside. Everything, if seperated - people, religions, planets all have flaws that can be seen and studied. BUT.. God is a combination of all that exists. Everything together as one.... the flaws disappear.

Now I do understand what you are attempting to say, but logically the idea that when all the flawed parts are looked at together their inherent flaws disappear doesn't hold. If you have a billion flawed parts of a large building, I would suggest the final product is going to be equally flawed, even if it is built ‘perfectly’ to spec.

In my view all the parts are equally perfect. For example, you are playing the part of Judgment perfectly. No one could do it better. I am playing the part of YmirGF perfectly and no one could play it better. Even your keyboard is perfect, as itself, as no other keyboard is 100% exactly the same as it is. Extend this to All That Is, although that might be a bit of a leap for some.

My guess is that we have a fundamentally different viewpoint on this and while that is fine, I just don't see the logic on your side of the equation. The other reason I am resistant to the word perfection is that, by default, the word implies that imperfection exists and it also implies a state beyond which there is no possibility of further change. That is not how I see reality or “god” for that matter. In my stunted view, what some human animals call “god”, changes faster than we can currently conceive and it is because that change occurs beyond our capacity to digest that we perceive it as being changeless.

Imagine here a multi-coloured spinning top, if you will. When the top spins fast enough and true enough, the human eye will no longer detect the different colours that are apparent when the top is stationary. If we spin the top fast enough the colour will appear uniform. That is similar to what I am meaning here. “God”, if folks need to call it something, is a state of perpetual change and expanding at a rate that would make the big bang blush – if it could.

You are most welcome to poke holes in my thinking. The reason for that is that I realize people are helping me to understand something important that I may have overlooked. I learned a very long time ago that it’s not so much the answers that one finds that are truly important, but rather, it is continue to ask better questions.
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Active Member
Ymirgf: Now I do understand what you are attempting to say, but logically the idea that when all the flawed parts are looked at together their inherent flaws disappear doesn't hold. If you have a billion flawed parts of a large building, I would suggest the final product is going to be equally flawed, even if it is built ‘perfectly’ to spec.

In my view all the parts are equally perfect. For example, you are playing the part of Judgment perfectly. No one could do it better. I am playing the part of YmirGF perfectly and no one could play it better. Even your keyboard is perfect, as itself, as no other keyboard is 100% exactly the same as it is. Extend this to All That Is, although that might be a bit of a leap for some.

My guess is that we have a fundamentally different viewpoint on this and while that is fine, I just don't see the logic on your side of the equation. The other reason I am resistant to the word perfection is that, by default, the word implies that imperfection exists and it also implies a state beyond which there is no possibility of further change. That is not how I see reality or “god” for that matter. In my stunted view, what some human animals call “god”, changes faster than we can currently conceive and it is because that change occurs beyond our capacity to digest that we perceive it as being changeless.

Imagine here a multi-coloured spinning top, if you will. When the top spins fast enough and true enough, the human eye will no longer detect the different colours that are apparent when the top is stationary. If we spin the top fast enough the colour will appear uniform. That is similar to what I am meaning here. “God”, if folks need to call it something, is a state of perpetual change and expanding at a rate that would make the big bang blush – if it could.

You are most welcome to poke holes in my thinking. The reason for that is that I realize people are helping me to understand something important that I may have overlooked. I learned a very long time ago that it’s not so much the answers that one finds that are truly important, but rather, it is continue to ask better questions.
Well said - I wish we could have began like that.

I can not view all parts as perfect - too much horror and pain I see out there.

And.. I know.. I know - the logic is not there for many it seems. I see it clearly - but - my first assessment was correct... I am unable to explain it in a coherent way for everyone else to see it. For a few moments do your best to block out the words 'flawed and perfect'. And.. try your best to imagine No Time.

Let's try this...

God is thinking...

Mankind is a thought...

Our planet is a thought...

The Universe is a thought...

Time is a thought...

These thoughts are creating matter...

Everything that has happened, that can happen is a thought. Since time is an Illusion - it is all happening NOW....

All of our history - the history of the Universe - Every Universe - the past present and future - happening NOW.....

That is us - a 'thought' within the mind of God. We are part of the whole - but also individual beings - with free will - created by our maker - which is everything. Since everything is happening right NOW - there is always possibility for further change - endless possibilities....

This is what I took from our channelled friend - and this is what I believe to be the Truth. Yes Beaudreaux if you are listening - The Ultimate Truth.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
God does not change.
As I explained previously, my understanding dictates that this notion is false. Your thinking does have the support of various religions however, so I will give you that. Part of my difficulty with this idea is that if indeed All That Is IS "god" and changeless, then we are in fact, living in what is referred to as a "closed system".

One of the key aspects I have personally observed in all areas that I look, both physically and non-physically is change. To me, it seems inconceivable that a being that created such a gestalt of activity would itself be changeless. If it was, it isn't logical to consider that it would instil change in the features of its creations because it wouldn't understand what change was to begin with. Reality itself would seem to fly in the face of the idea of a changeless "god" and so in my reality, "god" (if you need to call it something) is a changeling extraordinaire.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
One of the key aspects I have personally observed in all areas that I look, both physically and non-physically is change. To me, it seems inconceivable that a being that created such a gestalt of activity would itself be changeless.
Precisely. If anything changes and god is everything (as the OP asserts), then obviously god changes. To me, this is further evidence that calling everything 'god' is not particularly helpful.


Active Member
As I explained previously, my understanding dictates that this notion is false. Your thinking does have the support of various religions however, so I will give you that. Part of my difficulty with this idea is that if indeed All That Is IS "god" and changeless, then we are in fact, living in what is referred to as a "closed system".

One of the key aspects I have personally observed in all areas that I look, both physically and non-physically is change. To me, it seems inconceivable that a being that created such a gestalt of activity would itself be changeless. If it was, it isn't logical to consider that it would instil change in the features of its creations because it wouldn't understand what change was to begin with. Reality itself would seem to fly in the face of the idea of a changeless "god" and so in my reality, "god" (if you need to call it something) is a changeling extraordinaire.

look into fractals.

Words could be fractals within existence.

Analogy: measure the california coastline with a 1 mile straight line. Keep the line as close to the coast as possible. Count how many it took for the whole coast to figure the length.

Now do it again with a 1 yard stick. This distance will be longer.

The life is still the same, fractals increase the length.

Over time words enable mass to comprehend 'its' existence.

Existence comprehending itself could be the pinnacle of evolution.



Active Member
Ymirgf: As I explained previously, my understanding dictates that this notion is false. Your thinking does have the support of various religions however, so I will give you that. Part of my difficulty with this idea is that if indeed All That Is IS "god" and changeless, then we are in fact, living in what is referred to as a "closed system".

One of the key aspects I have personally observed in all areas that I look, both physically and non-physically is change. To me, it seems inconceivable that a being that created such a gestalt of activity would itself be changeless. If it was, it isn't logical to consider that it would instil change in the features of its creations because it wouldn't understand what change was to begin with. Reality itself would seem to fly in the face of the idea of a changeless "god" and so in my reality, "god" (if you need to call it something) is a changeling extraordinaire.
I understand what you are saying - and you will find more acceptance than I will.

You were unable to imagine a concept of Time not existing. For any 'change' to take place - Time would have to be present.

If Everything is happening 'Right Now' - Time is an Illusion that allows us to experience.

God is changeless because God exists Now. Without Time.

Me: Everything that has happened, that can happen is a thought. Since time is an Illusion - it is all happening NOW....

All of our history - the history of the Universe - Every Universe - the past present and future - happening NOW.....
That is us - a 'thought' within the mind of God. We are part of the whole - but also individual beings - with free will - created by our maker - which is everything. Since everything is happening right NOW - there is always possibility for further change - endless possibilities....
We experience reality in relation to time. We have free will - and change is always before our eyes.

The Closed System is
in the state of being isolated from its surrounding environment. That can not be the case here because God is not separate from the surrounding environment - but is one with the surrounding environment.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
look into fractals.

Words could be fractals within existence.

Analogy: measure the california coastline with a 1 mile straight line. Keep the line as close to the coast as possible. Count how many it took for the whole coast to figure the length.

Now do it again with a 1 yard stick. This distance will be longer.

The life is still the same, fractals increase the length.

Over time words enable mass to comprehend 'its' existence.

Existence comprehending itself could be the pinnacle of evolution.

Your analogy does not take into consideration that the coastline of California is changing while it is being measured, so changing the units is irrelevant.


Active Member
Your analogy does not take into consideration that the coastline of California is changing while it is being measured, so changing the units is irrelevant.

it was an analogy to assist in comprehension

perhaps you are unaware of the golden ratio

or that most all life is fractal by nature

i often say: 'simple minds, don't want to know'

your argument is like a monkey holding up a single book saying: here is god and reducing God down to the ignorance of man's opinions.

i offered you a tangible frame to comrpehend how knowledge evolves in a physical frame and an existing mathematical analogy already proven within living things

geeeeeeeeze... :slap:


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Who said tha I was rational? I believe that our Reality is created with our thoughts, feelings, emotions and most importantly Beliefs - change your beliefs and the world literally changes around you (lucid dreamers are well aware of this - when we dream our thoughts are instantly materialized - when it 'appears' that we are awake our thoughts are materialized in exactly the same way - there is just a delay involved.
This is a shared universal dream - one where we feel hunger and pain - but a dream none the less) - Your thoughts are as alive as the wind blowing around the leaves in a tree, as alive as the flowers in a garden. Your thoughts have a fundamental effect on all that is around you - they are not separate from me - sitting here in NJ or separate from the clouds in the sky. Our conscious mind has taught itself to block out inner knowledge - that very inner knowledge is our very spirit - and our spirit can indeed 'help' but we are not listening. Put no one's words above your own inner knowledge and Understating. Sometimes the answers to the most difficult questions are the more simple answers.
I have written on several occasions, here on RF, that our personal reality is created by our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. The main resistance to the idea that I have encountered is that people find it difficult to understand that they can change their beliefs. There has actually been a thread or two discussing the matter. What is required is a better description than simply saying, “Personal reality is created with our thoughts, emotions and beliefs”. What would be far more compelling is attempting to describe how the process works rather than just dropping the line and not explaining the mechanics. What Seth doesn’t mention is that to change beliefs there must be some kind of mitigating circumstances to do so as belief structures are very sturdy foundations that are build over time. One must have a reason to change a given belief or be presented with earth shattering evidence that effectively squashes a given belief outright.

I understand what you are saying - and you will find more acceptance than I will.

You were unable to imagine a concept of Time not existing. For any 'change' to take place - Time would have to be present.

If Everything is happening 'Right Now' - Time is an Illusion that allows us to experience.

God is changeless because God exists Now. Without Time.
I am intimately aware of the concepts you are using here and that alone should give you pause. Fifteen years ago, I would probably have agreed with you without reservation. Again, you only assume that I don't understand the ‘spacious present”, where it is actually central to my understanding in fact. Once again, we simply have different vantage points.

I see reality as being like a bubble that is forever expanding whereas you see it like a glistening beach ball, resplendent and complete. What you are failing to account for can be described as "multidimensional time" if you will. As Seth said in one of his books, “It takes time to understand time.”
To illustrate this, I once had a visitation from no less than Vishnu. The “meeting” lasted approximately 6 earth hours (to the physical me sitting on my bed in the full lotus position). The personality energy essence of “me” that was attending the “meeting” experienced something that was entirely outside of time constraints as we know it. To that aspect of “me” the experience seemed to go on forever. Now add to this the possibility that that aspect is still hovering slightly below the form of Vishnu even as I type these words. Now add the reality that I am the “me” for which all these are but memories. The sum total of the above is what I am meaning by multidimensional time experienced by a multidimensional personality. The important part is EACH exists in its own present; all within a spacious present and each have their own sense of time.

The point I am trying to make is that time is not necessarily solely chronological, though that is how our physical senses order time, but in other areas of activity time still exists, but not as we normally think of time. In other areas of experience time oscillates in a most peculiar way to our ordinary senses and is based on cognition or perhaps rates of cognition.

I might add that this “visitation” occurred during a period where I still believed in a given god concept. I no longer feel a need FOR such concepts and my reality is not dependant on such a factors. It would not be incorrect to say that “god” has become irrelevant to my existence. I KNOW I exist, I prefer to leave to others to decide if “god” exists. From my perspective, I am merely consciousness that has come full circle – though that may be a daunting claim. When I looked into the eyes of Vishnu what do you think I saw? The answer to that is the root of where my need for a “god concept” began to unravel.

We experience reality in relation to time. We have free will - and change is always before our eyes.
That being the case, you have just defeated your own argument. What you are not saying is that you are talking only about chronological time which results from the attenuation of the physical senses impacting on their environment. In a sense, no pun intended, our physical senses compress reality so that we can process information. This is central to the experience of physically based life forms, imho. Also, it’s a bit negative to say that our senses are illusory as that tends to negate them unnecessarily. I have become rather fond of telling those who promote the idea that sense perception is illusory that I have a large piece of 2 x 4 that will change their mind rather quickly.

The Closed System is in the state of being isolated from its surrounding environment. That can not be the case here because God is not separate from the surrounding environment - but is one with the surrounding environment.
The problem here is that "god" has not been a singularity for a very, very long "time".


Bodhisattva in Recovery
i offered you a tangible frame to comrpehend how knowledge evolves in a physical frame and an existing mathematical analogy already proven within living things. geeeeeeeeze... :slap:
The refinement of your thought is far too subtle for this unwashed knave, methinks. If I were you, I wouldn't waste another moment on further elaborations. :flirt:


Active Member
The refinement of your thought is far too subtle for this unwashed knave, methinks. If I were you, I wouldn't waste another moment on further elaborations. :flirt:

OK.... me know as well gOD knows, don't **** off the mighty mouse. :bow:


Active Member
Ymirgf: I have written on several occasions, here on RF, that our personal reality is created by our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. The main resistance to the idea that I have encountered is that people find it difficult to understand that they can change their beliefs. There has actually been a thread or two discussing the matter. What is required is a better description than simply saying, “Personal reality is created with our thoughts, emotions and beliefs”. What would be far more compelling is attempting to describe how the process works rather than just dropping the line and not explaining the mechanics. What Seth doesn’t mention is that to change beliefs there must be some kind of mitigating circumstances to do so as belief structures are very sturdy foundations that are build over time. One must have a reason to change a given belief or be presented with earth shattering evidence that effectively squashes a given belief outright.
Agree. Unfortunately, as you have seen, My explanations are simple and at the most basic level. I found it quite easy to change my beliefs - but - I have found others that are trapped and unable to do so. For me - the first thing I wanted to change was a bout with (what I thought was) insanity. At times I could not control my mind - I could not slow it down - I felt trapped and in pain. BUT... once I realized that I control my reality... and that I was at the mercy of nothing except my own understanding... I only needed to 'Deny the Battle' within my mind. Instead of fighting it - I realized that I had full control of it. With that came sanity, an end to depression, an end of nightmares and a light of understanding smashing against me.

In the end - people need to believe before anything is possible.

But - Seth does go in to great detail on how this works - just a few quotes.
"To change the physical effect you must change the original belief -- while being quite aware that for a time physical materializations of the old beliefs may still hold. If you completely understand what I am saying, however, your new beliefs will -- and quickly -- being to show themselves in your experience. But you must not be concerned for their emergence, for this brings up the fear that the new ideas will not materialize, and so this negates your purpose."

"You must accept the idea completely, however, that your beliefs form your experience. Discard those beliefs that are not bringing you those effects you want. In the meantime you will often be in the position of telling yourself that something is true in the face of physical data that seems completely contradictory. You may say, I live amid abundance and am free from want, while your eyes tell you that the desk is piled with bills."
Ymirgf: I am intimately aware of the concepts you are using here and that alone should give you pause. Fifteen years ago, I would probably have agreed with you without reservation. Again, you only assume that I don't understand the ‘spacious present”, where it is actually central to my understanding in fact. Once again, we simply have different vantage points.

I see reality as being like a bubble that is forever expanding whereas you see it like a glistening beach ball, resplendent and complete. What you are failing to account for can be described as "multidimensional time" if you will. As Seth said in one of his books, “It takes time to understand time.”
To illustrate this, I once had a visitation from no less than Vishnu. The “meeting” lasted approximately 6 earth hours (to the physical me sitting on my bed in the full lotus position). The personality energy essence of “me” that was attending the “meeting” experienced something that was entirely outside of time constraints as we know it. To that aspect of “me” the experience seemed to go on forever. Now add to this the possibility that that aspect is still hovering slightly below the form of Vishnu even as I type these words. Now add the reality that I am the “me” for which all these are but memories. The sum total of the above is what I am meaning by multidimensional time experienced by a multidimensional personality. The important part is EACH exists in its own present; all within a spacious present and each have their own sense of time.

The point I am trying to make is that time is not necessarily solely chronological, though that is how our physical senses order time, but in other areas of activity time still exists, but not as we normally think of time. In other areas of experience time oscillates in a most peculiar way to our ordinary senses and is based on cognition or perhaps rates of cognition.

I might add that this “visitation” occurred during a period where I still believed in a given god concept. I no longer feel a need FOR such concepts and my reality is not dependant on such a factors. It would not be incorrect to say that “god” has become irrelevant to my existence. I KNOW I exist, I prefer to leave to others to decide if “god” exists. From my perspective, I am merely consciousness that has come full circle – though that may be a daunting claim. When I looked into the eyes of Vishnu what do you think I saw? The answer to that is the root of where my need for a “god concept” began to unravel.
Interesting meeting. I would like to hear more of this meeting. For now we will just have to disagree on this topic of time. I understand Multidimensional time - however - I can still only view this as experiencing time - in different dimensions - but - time nonetheless. I use the word 'God' because people understand the word - in their own ways.
Ymirgf: That being the case, you have just defeated your own argument. What you are not saying is that you are talking only about chronological time which results from the attenuation of the physical senses impacting on their environment. In a sense, no pun intended, our physical senses compress reality so that we can process information. This is central to the experience of physically based life forms, imho. Also, it’s a bit negative to say that our senses are illusory as that tends to negate them unnecessarily. I have become rather fond of telling those who promote the idea that sense perception is illusory that I have a large piece of 2 x 4 that will change their mind rather quickly.
I am speaking of any kind of time. If 'Everything' is happening 'Now' ....Then Time is something we experience in many dimensions - BUT - something that is not universal to all of existence.

All Seth Quotes - Bold for impact...
"Now the origin of the universe that you know, as I have described it, was of course a master event. The initial action did not occur in space or time, but formed space and time."

"-- master events, then, involve work or action whose main thrust exists outside of time, yet whose effects are felt within time."

"Such effects may appear suddenly within time’s context, rather than slowly emerge, say, into that framework. It is, of course, that kind of outside-of-time activity that in your terms explains the origin of your universe. There are dimensions of activity, then, that do not appear within time’s structure, and developments that happen quite naturally, following different laws of development than those you recognize."

"The creative abilities operate in the same fashion, appearing within consecutive time, but with the main work done outside of it entirely."

Bishadi - you may like this...

"Einstein came closest perhaps in this regard, for he was able to quite naturally identify himself with various functions of the universe. He was able to listen to the inner voice of matter. He was intuitively and emotionally led to his discoveries. He leaned against time, and felt it give and wobble."


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Agree. Unfortunately, as you have seen, My explanations are simple and at the most basic level. I found it quite easy to change my beliefs - but - I have found others that are trapped and unable to do so. For me - the first thing I wanted to change was a bout with (what I thought was) insanity. At times I could not control my mind - I could not slow it down - I felt trapped and in pain. BUT... once I realized that I control my reality... and that I was at the mercy of nothing except my own understanding... I only needed to 'Deny the Battle' within my mind. Instead of fighting it - I realized that I had full control of it. With that came sanity, an end to depression, an end of nightmares and a light of understanding smashing against me.
I thought you might be entertained by what was possibly my 2nd post way back when on RF. It is a delightful thread called The Mind of a Child. Quess what I book I had been reading? Any comments I could say about your own experience are covered in that thread. Do check it out and feel free to add your own comments. I'd did find it amusing that no one asked me what they book was that I got the idea from.

In the end - people need to believe before anything is possible.
That is exactly what I am saying too. People have to want to change and believe they have the power to change that which makes them unsatisfied or unhappy.

But - Seth does go in to great detail on how this works - just a few quotes.

To change the physical effect you must change the original belief -- while being quite aware that for a time physical materializations of the old beliefs may still hold. If you completely understand what I am saying, however, your new beliefs will -- and quickly -- being to show themselves in your experience. But you must not be concerned for their emergence, for this brings up the fear that the new ideas will not materialize, and so this negates your purpose."
"You must accept the idea completely, however, that your beliefs form your experience. Discard those beliefs that are not bringing you those effects you want. In the meantime you will often be in the position of telling yourself that something is true in the face of physical data that seems completely contradictory. You may say, I live amid abundance and am free from want, while your eyes tell you that the desk is piled with bills."
Though I wouldn't call two paragraphs "great detail" it certainly is helpful I will agree.

Interesting meeting. I would like to hear more of this meeting. For now we will just have to disagree on this topic of time. I understand Multidimensional time - however - I can still only view this as experiencing time - in different dimensions - but - time nonetheless. I use the word 'God' because people understand the word - in their own ways.
I am speaking of any kind of time. If 'Everything' is happening 'Now' ....Then Time is something we experience in many dimensions - BUT - something that is not universal to all of existence.
Fair enough.

All Seth Quotes - Bold for impact...
I certainly don't dispute what Seth is saying in these quotes but then again he isn't saying that time does not exist or that it is an illusion. What I get from his statements is that unlike our normal understanding where time and space are inter-connected, he gives the impression that they are separate. For example, he gives the impression that we can move through space independantly of time and also move through time without moving a millimetre in space.
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Active Member
Ymirgf: I thought you might be entertained by what was possibly my 2nd post way back when on RF. It is a delightful thread called The Mind of a Child. Quess what I book I had been reading? Any comments I could say about your own experience are covered in that thread. Do check it out and feel free to add your own comments. I'd did find it amusing that no one asked me what they book was that I got the idea from.

And here you have it. Further evidence is not required for those that understand.

Ymirgf - Post #11 - The Mind of a Child thread: "I know it sounds silly, but my main "evidence" is my lasting happiness and peace of mind. "

Nothing to add to the thread - I agree with what you said.

I imagine no one asked about the book because they assumed it was a traditional self-help book.

Ymirgf: That is exactly what I am saying too. People have to want to change and believe they have the power to change that which makes them unsatisfied or unhappy.
As soon as people understand - the sadness fades away. I was depressed on and off up until I hit 25 - then - I was never depressed again.

Ymirgf: Though I wouldn't call two paragraphs "great detail" it certainly is helpful I will agree.
Oh no - there is much more. I only posted the two..
Me: "But - Seth does go in to great detail on how this works - just a few quotes."

Ymirgf: I certainly don't dispute what Seth is saying in these quotes but then again he isn't saying that time does not exist or that it is an illusion. What I get from his statements is that unlike our normal understanding where time and space are inter-connected, he gives the impression that they are separate. For example, he gives the impression that we can move through space independantly of time and also move through time without moving a millimetre in space.
He does say reality itself is an Illusion... All Seth Quotes.

"If you realized thoroughly that your physical world was an illusion, you would not be experiencing sense data."

"Remember also that if physical reality is in a larger sense an illusion, it is an illusion caused by a greater reality. The illusion itself has a purpose and a meaning."

"This is the result of the focusing and yet limiting behavior of the physical brain, for effective survival behavior in your reality depends upon time reactions. The nerve patterns activity therefore causes the illusion of a present, in which your consciousness appears focused and alert. In certain terms future events exist now, but they are too fast. They jump over the nerve endings too quickly, and physically you cannot perceive or experience them as yet."

I've enjoyed looking at these quotes. Like I said - I haven't read this stuff in over a decade.

For the amount of abuse I have taken here - this one makes me feel better...

"The nature of All That Is can only be senses directly through the inner senses, or, in a weaker communication, through inspiration or intuition. The miraculous complexity of such reality cannot be translated verbally."

Happened upon this quote just now - which in light of my post yesterday concerning Insanity... is a little forbidding.

"In other words All that is existed in a state of being, but without the means to find expression for its being. This was the state of agony of which I spoke" "At first, in your terms, all of probable reality existed as nebulous dreams within the conscious of All that is..." "Had he not solved it, All that is, would have faced insanity, and there would have been, literally, a reality without reason and a universe run wild. The pressure came from two sources: from the conscious but still probable individual selves who found themselves alive in a God's dream, and from the God who yearned to release them."
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