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God's Hell

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
So, if based God knows everything, has planned it all out before the creation why is there Hell? There isn't really freewill if he knows everything we're going to do, so he takes us to Hell for doing what is determined by him. Right? Scary guy.


So, if based God knows everything, has planned it all out before the creation why is there Hell? There isn't really freewill if he knows everything we're going to do, so he takes us to Hell for doing what is determined by him. Right? Scary guy.
"Based God". I see what you did there.


Hostis humani generis
So, if based God knows everything, has planned it all out before the creation why is there Hell? There isn't really freewill if he knows everything we're going to do, so he takes us to Hell for doing what is determined by him. Right? Scary guy.
Not my God.

"God" doesn't stop at Abrahamic religions.


Premium Member
When talking of hell, I think it meant The Grave. At least that is one definition and probably the most prevalent. I don't believe for one second that there is any eternal torment of any kind.

work in progress

Well-Known Member
So, if based God knows everything, has planned it all out before the creation why is there Hell? There isn't really freewill if he knows everything we're going to do, so he takes us to Hell for doing what is determined by him. Right? Scary guy.
I take comfort in the fact that the Uncertainty Principle tells us that we cannot have a clockwork universe where every cause and effect can be predetermined....as imagined by Isaac Newton. So, if there was a God, he couldn't know all future outcomes. The best he could do would be to use the same rules of probability to determine the most likely outcomes.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
When talking of hell, I think it meant The Grave. At least that is one definition and probably the most prevalent. I don't believe for one second that there is any eternal torment of any kind.

Still, why make others get not-as-good results?


New Member
I really like this: "'Hell' is an Aramaic idiom for Mental Torment."-AWOON

I believe that nothing is predetermined/predestined. There is a basic blueprint for our lives based on heredity, ancestry, etc, some kind of latent potential. However, depending on where we grow up, how we are raised, the kinds of experiences we have, we become something for which God could never necessarily intend or forsee. The quality of life we create here on earth, the quality of love we have for those around us (or the lack of it) and the quality of our determination to be better, determines where we end up. Those who are engulfed in their own personal misery, intent on hurting others and themselves, with no desire to do or be better, end up in a kind of mental prison state after they die. I believe that they get to witness, and maybe spiritually experience the kind of pain they inflicted on others, which would be awful. I don't believe God intends some people to go to heaven, and some to hell before we are born, but we* determine it by how we lead our lives: living for the sake of others, or purely ourselves.
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Hostis humani generis
You guys don't have a hell?
We don't.

Not in the way an Abrahamic would envision it.
Very few Dharmic believers believe in an eternal Hell.
We do not believe one goes there for not believing.
We especially do not believe one goes there for sins that were introduced by the first man and woman.

Possibly, according to some, there is a Hell realm where one stays to rid oneself of the effects of negative karma.

Hell is, however, almost always seen as a state of mind. That's what I think.

Or is hell this life all over again?:)
For some, yes. ;)
Hell is not eternal. For those who are Vaishnavas (such as Hare Krishnas), Hell can be interpreted in three possible ways: a) it is a literal place where people must suffer retribution for their actions in this life; however, hell is only a temporary place, and one will eventually come back to this earth into another human form of life, b) being reborn in a lower species of life can be a hellish form of existence, and c) it is the state of consciousness in separation from Krishna.

Many devotees will see all three as absolute possibilities. However, Hell is not where God sends us, but rather a form of karmic retribution for our own actions. Going the other way, if one desires to come to Krishna, then Krishna will protect His devotee, no matter what happens in eir next life.

Bob Dixon

God gave angels and humans freedom of choice. Some people choose to refuse God's offer of salvation so they go to hell.

Ismaila, this is a very primitive way of thinking.
For example, what if someone does not know that God is offering salvation? What then?

No, Hell is not a Biblical doctrine. It's a later invention; just ask any Jew.