When you say God has no name, do you mean no title describes him? Or you mean no title is chosen among titles?
The way I understand, God has not a chosen a title among titles as in sound words or written words, but rather, he has chosen his images and holy ones as his "names" metaphorically.
They somehow have in their holy spirits infinite aspects of God but in a limited way. They are more like "pointers" to God if you understand programming, none of these are the original essence of God, but they all point to God and manifest infinite attributes he has, while God is One and transcends divisions.
God is infinitely more "not like" his "his highest likeness in the heavens and earth" and has no real sign to point to him and is beyond metaphor, but his greatest signs are his path and they point to the middle balance and glory.
God will forever be unknown, and there is no way to know him. But yet, he is what is travelled to, honor is gained by ascending to him, and the path cannot be walked without acknowledging his Oneness and Unique absolute level of exaltedness such that we should not see anything on par with him and reserve a word of revering for him (worship).
It seems you didn't really understand what I was saying at all. All that you speak of means nothing. The only thing that matters is WHAT IS!!
Focus away from all the beliefs that come to you from every direction. Religion is mankind's attempt to Understand God. When the facts are not known, they patch the gap with Beliefs. They teach people to value beliefs because that is all they have.
Sadly, I can not see where religion even searches for anything about God. This leaves them standing still. In time, religion will have to change and more forward or they will become obsolete.
Is God really unknowable??? Have they convinced you of that so that you must go through them??
Everyone will go to God when they die. There probably won't be much conversation, however everyone will know God. They will see where they are and where they need to be. This is the point of judgment. Each will judge themselves.
God is at a much Higher Level. WE are but mere ants. God is working on multiple levels with multiple views. A few moments conversation with God might take an intelligent person a week to understand all that was said. How much was missed and went over one's head?
Most would just end up confused with a conversation with God. In order to have a conversation, one must have a certain amount of Understanding. People see what they want to see rather than WHAT IS.
Have to ever talked to an ant? If the ant has not learned and grown enough to understand and God isn't giving answers, telling anyone what to choose and not intimidating choices, how could a person ever expect to understand a conversation of High Intelligence?
In this time-based causal universe, God's actions can be seen. Example: God doesn't give out knowledge. People must struggle to acquire knowledge. Wisdom is acquired on the journey to Discover.
Free choice is an important part of learning. If one is not free to choose, one will choose the opposite as soon as one is free just to find out the other side.
God will never tell anyone what choices to make. God will never hate or condemn, like mankind does, over anyone choices. On the other hand, God will teach us all what our choices really mean. When one truly understands all sides, Intelligence will make the Best choices. There has never ever been a need to hate, condemn and all those petty things mankind holds so dear.
The first thing God pointed to me is that mankind carries such a narrow view. I cry that!! I work on mine every day.
God hides nothing and God needs no holy books. All the secrets of the Universe and God are staring us all in the face. It all waits to be Discovered and it can not be corrupted by the Beliefs mankind wants to be the truth.
Widen your view, Purge yourself of those petty things mankind holds so dear. Expand your thinking to the limit and the view will change before your eyes as your understanding grows. Open a door and it leads to more doors that can be opened.
God is so much more than can be found in any book. Further, there is an almost limitless number of things to Discover.
I know you are getting there when you look at this world and see that it has never ever been a mess. This world is a Masterpiece!!
Expand your understanding enough and you might just get an actual visit from God. Hang onto your hat. On the other hand, if the visit would intimidate your choices, the visit will never happen. That's why the understanding must be great enough that you would be much more than confused or intimidated.
That's what I see. It's very clear!!