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God's opposition to homosexuality. Why?


Veteran Member
The following are "typical interpretations by religious conservatives" as presented by Religioustolerance.org.
Genesis 19 Condemns all same-sex sexual behavior, whether by two men, two women, within a loving committed relationship or a "one-night stand."

Leviticus 18:22 Condemns all same-sex sexual behavior.

Leviticus 20:13 Condemns all same-sex sexual behavior.

Romans 1:26-27
Condemns all homosexual behavior as unnatural.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Sexually active homosexuals will go to Hell, not Heaven, at death. Once truly saved, homosexuals will become heterosexuals.

1 Timothy 1:9-10 Condemns all same-sex sexual behavior.

Jude 1:7 Sexually active homosexuals will go to Hell, not Heaven, at death.

If one accepts the passages cited as those inspired of god, and their interpretation in accordance with conservative Christian understanding, can anyone explain why the Christian god finds homosexuality "detestable" and worthy of "punishment of eternal fire"?

I know I'm asking people here to second guess god and his reasoning, but because so many Christians are keen to speak for him on numerous issues I figure some here would have a good insight into his thinking. So, Just what is it about showing sexual affection toward someone of the same sex that turns off god? Is it just some eeeeew factor, or does it go deeper than this?


Well-Known Member
Kay, then; it ain't God.

Old skool - more as a part of tribal conditioning (Jewish) to avoid symbolism of a decadent culture (Greco- Roman; there's a parallel in the prohibition against tattooing)

New skool - obviously, Paul was one of those runts making up for lack of stature with volume - it's all about the fornicators with Paul.


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
Gay society is rife with drugs and disease. They keep neither within their community, but share that gift with us all, for one example. Individually, the very acts that are part of homosexual sex can and do injure the participants, driving our health care costs up.


Veteran Member
Gay society is rife with drugs and disease. They keep neither within their community, but share that gift with us all, for one example. Individually, the very acts that are part of homosexual sex can and do injure the participants, driving our health care costs up.
So you're saying that homosexuality is the cause of society "being rife with drugs and disease." Interesting, although I don't see these as being mentioned as the reason for god's denouncement of homosexuality, and it certainly isn't given as the reason he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Got any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
So you're saying that homosexuality is the cause of society "being rife with drugs and disease." Interesting, although I don't see these as being mentioned as the reason for god's denouncement of homosexuality, and it certainly isn't given as the reason he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Got any other ideas?
No, IIRC, it stated they were a decadent and evil people.


Veteran Member
No, IIRC, it stated they were a decadent and evil people.

And this goes right back to my original point. If those who practiced homosexuality were, as you think god considered them, decadent and evil people, then why? Why did god see sexual affection toward someone of the same sex as decadent and evil?


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
And this goes right back to my original point. If those who practiced homosexuality were, as you think god considered them, decadent and evil people, then why? Why did god see sexual affection toward someone of the same sex as decadent and evil?
Decadence takes many definitions. Seriously, sexual attraction alone doesn't begin to define that.


Veteran Member
Decadence takes many definitions. Seriously, sexual attraction alone doesn't begin to define that.
I just consulted four versions of Genesis 19, those of the American Standard Version, King James Version, New International Version, and the New Living Translation, and none of them used the words "decadence" or "sin," so I have to believe this is your speculation as to god's reasons. So I have to ask YOU why you think god regards sexual affection toward someone of the same sex as decadent and evil. To my way of thinking, mutual affection among consenting adults is pretty much a good thing. But I digress.

Why you think god regards sexual affection toward someone of the same sex as decadent and evil?


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
I just consulted four versions of Genesis 19, those of the American Standard Version, King James Version, New International Version, and the New Living Translation, and none of them used the words "decadence" or "sin," so I have to believe this is your speculation as to god's reasons. So I have to ask YOU why you think god regards sexual affection toward someone of the same sex as decadent and evil. To my way of thinking, mutual affection among consenting adults is pretty much a good thing. But I digress.

Why you think god regards sexual affection toward someone of the same sex as decadent and evil?
It mirrors the actions of the idolatrous nations that Am Yisrael was plucked from. The indulgent, hedonistic societies that we left behind and their ways are something we were meant to avoid like the plague it is.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
The culture of the OT was far more grotesque and repulsive than any modern day gays could ever hope to be. And it's embarrassing that anyone would actually use it as a moral compass.


Well-Known Member
When the Bible was written, not all information about human actions were explainable, that is why homosexuality was forbidden, because it was not understood. We now know that there is genetic coding that can contribute to homosexuality in male homo sapiens as well as other creatures in nature such as the flamingo. There are reasons for all creations and I personally refuse to tell Nature it is wrong for something (one of many ways to insult the Divine IMO) we just don't know what they are yet. Prejudice is very strong in people who fear what they do not understand or something the are afraid they may be; others just choose to make judgments based on philosophies written centuries ago (talk about living in the Dark Ages, the Dark Ages are modern in comparison).:rolleyes:

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Yeah, Yeah, Jews evil, fluffy fluffy fluffy, move on.

I was wondering when you were going pull out and hide behind the tired "anti-semite" card, like the boy who cried wolf. The ancient hebrews owned, beat and raped slaves. They sold their own daughters into arranged marriages (which amounts to sexual slavery). They stoned people to death over petty and trival reasons (mixing fabrics, rotating crops, eating shellfish). They were primitive, unjust, cruel, oppressive, misogynistic savages. Let's not pretend otherwise. You of course want to turn it into a race issue, even though it has nothing to do with that. I think everyone's ancestors were brutal barbarians back in ancient times. The difference is most people don't celebrate it or use it as a basis for morality in the modern world. Vikings took babies from raided villages, tossed them into the air, and caught them on the ends of pitchforks. Now if you thought that was horrible, would that make you prejudice against modern day Scandinavians? Of course not, so don't even try to play that pathetic little "anti-Semite" game, son. Playing the victim and the martyr wore thin and has become transparent.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering when you were going pull out and hide behind the tired "anti-semite" card, like the boy who cried wolf. The ancient hebrews owned, beat and raped slaves. They sold their own daughters into arranged marriages (which amounts to sexual slavery). They stoned people to death over petty and trival reasons (mixing fabrics, rotating crops, eating shellfish). They were primitive, unjust, cruel, oppressive, misogynistic savages. Let's not pretend otherwise. You of course want to turn it into a race issue, even though it has nothing to do with that. I think everyone's ancestors were brutal barbarians back in ancient times. The difference is most people don't celebrate it or use it as a basis for morality in the modern world. Vikings took babies from raided villages, tossed them into the air, and caught them on the ends of pitchforks. Now if you thought that was horrible, would that make you prejudice against modern day Scandinavians? Of course not, so don't even try to play that pathetic little "anti-Semite" game, son. Playing the victim and the martyr wore thin and has become transparent.
I so very much agree! Well said!:yes:


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
I was wondering when you were going pull out and hide behind the tired "anti-semite" card, like the boy who cried wolf. The ancient hebrews owned, beat and raped slaves. They sold their own daughters into arranged marriages (which amounts to sexual slavery). They stoned people to death over petty and trival reasons (mixing fabrics, rotating crops, eating shellfish). They were primitive, unjust, cruel, oppressive, misogynistic savages. Let's not pretend otherwise. You of course want to turn it into a race issue, even though it has nothing to do with that. I think everyone's ancestors were brutal barbarians back in ancient times. The difference is most people don't celebrate it or use it as a basis for morality in the modern world. Vikings took babies from raided villages, tossed them into the air, and caught them on the ends of pitchforks. Now if you thought that was horrible, would that make you prejudice against modern day Scandinavians? Of course not, so don't even try to play that pathetic little "anti-Semite" game, son. Playing the victim and the martyr wore thin and has become transparent.
Yeah, you claim someone's playing victim when I just made a statement about being bored with your almost constant attack on Jewish history. Get over yourself and stop making dismissing you so easy.

EDIT: Also, your quickness to accuse someone of using said race card makes me wonder if you're just attempting to bait for said race card. Maybe attempting to discredit a group? It does occasionally seem so. Either way, you're getting boring, and quickly.
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Veteran Member
It mirrors the actions of the idolatrous nations that Am Yisrael was plucked from. The indulgent, hedonistic societies that we left behind and their ways are something we were meant to avoid like the plague it is.
Not understanding. In what way would god see homosexual behavior as mirroring the idolatrous nations? In fact, if this is indeed how he regards it, then we're right back at the original question of why god regards homosexual behavior deserving of such a condemnatory comparison?


Veteran Member
When the Bible was written, not all information about human actions were explainable, that is why homosexuality was forbidden, because it was not understood.
I understand this could very well be the case; however, the presumption here is that the Bible is god's inspired word and that he would well understand the true nature of homosexuality. So the denunciations of homosexuality we see in the Bible are his and ostensibly have a rational explanation.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
accepts the passages cited as those inspired of god, and their interpretation in accordance with conservative Christian understanding, can anyone explain why the Christian god finds homosexuality "detestable" and worthy of "punishment of eternal fire"?

Because the ancient goat-herders who wrote the bible thought homosexuality was yucky.

Same as religion being used as a rationale and shield for homophobic attitudes today.