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God's opposition to homosexuality. Why?


Veteran Member
It does go deeper. As a Christian I can say that there are many things which God asks which I do not understand the "why" behind - lots of illogical stuff:. . .

. . . The falling backwards and letting someone catch you type of exercise... only there is a higher risk than just falling backwards, and a stronger trust - and stronger relationship created at the outset of it.
If you have no idea why showing sexual affection toward someone of the same sex turns off god, that's fine. You have a lot of company.


Well-Known Member
But that's not the way God made them. It is usually the result of something that happened to them during their natal period (either prenatally, perinatally, or postnatally). Their actions and personality cannot be attributed to God.

Psychopathy is a scientifically-studied phenomenon. Some people are born psychopaths.

But by faith, I can hold that the moon is square, I suppose.


Well-Known Member
And about condeming, God will not condemn anybody. He will only be upset (not fuming angry) with those who had the potential to accomplish certain things in life but fell short of their potential.

Like an intelligent young man or woman who stays huddled in his cultural faith rather than going out and investigating the world as it really is?


Question Everything
If you have no idea why showing sexual affection toward someone of the same sex turns off god, that's fine. You have a lot of company.

I am not homosexual, so this subject does not happen to be my "Abrahamic" test. I understand that for some, this is their testing ground, as hard for them as it was for Abraham being willing to sacrifice his son... there is something about laying down the ultimate sacrifice - and the ultimate sacrifice is different for all of us - that can bring you to see a new reality... trust/faith - it's how we escape our little box and see a new reality - our own box consists only of what makes logical sense to us, so in order to escape our box and see the box of another (not that I want to see into everyone else's boxes, but I would like to see into God's box) we take a leap of faith... Abraham was able to see into God's box through his sacrifice...


Question Everything
Like an intelligent young man or woman who stays huddled in his cultural faith rather than going out and investigating the world as it really is?

Most Christians find the atheistic view a narrow one in which a certain population refuses to look at a larger picture :D

We each choose what to investigate - what to devote our lives to.
Perhaps some like cars, and investigate mechanical engineering / engines / etc. etc. - devote their life to cars...
Perhaps some love art, or music, or law, or money, houses, nature - and devote their lives to these things...
Some love God, and devote their life to Him... there is nothing wrong with this, and incredible riches which can be found through doing so.
We cannot learn it all, or do it all - jack of all trades but master of none - it takes a lifetime to become a master,
so... what does everyone want to become a master at?of?in? and why?
cars are cool, art is nice to look at, music is pleasant enough to listen to.... but eternal life - now that's something worth living for imo.
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Well-Known Member
I am not homosexual, so this subject does not happen to be my "Abrahamic" test. I understand that for some, this is their testing ground, as hard for them as it was for Abraham being willing to sacrifice his son... there is something about laying down the ultimate sacrifice - and the ultimate sacrifice is different for all of us - that can bring you to see a new reality... trust/faith - it's how we escape our little box and see a new reality - our own box consists only of what makes logical sense to us, so in order to escape our box and see the box of another (not that I want to see into everyone else's boxes, but I would like to see into God's box) we take a leap of faith... Abraham was able to see into God's box through his sacrifice...

If Abraham had seen that only a false God would command him to kill Isaac, then he would have seen into God's box.

Same with homosexuals. The Godliest ones see that the God who condemns them is false. The true God has no problem with homosexuality.

That's my view of it anyway, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.


Question Everything
If Abraham had seen that only a false God would command him to kill Isaac, then he would have seen into God's box.

Same with homosexuals. The Godliest ones see that the God who condemns them is false. The true God has no problem with homosexuality.

That's my view of it anyway, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.

If Abraham had refused, he would have never known God's anguish over sacrificing Jesus... if there was no ultimate sacrifice, there would be no ultimate love... if there was no ultimate love - no willingness to give up everything for another, there is no ultimate God...

just my view :D


Well-Known Member
Most Christians find the atheistic view a narrow one in which a certain population refuses to look at a larger picture :D

Sure. And the Muslims think the same about Christians. The Christian view is so narrow that they missed the larger picture when God's Messenger delivered it to them.

And so it goes.

We each choose what to investigate - what to devote our lives to.
Perhaps some like cars, and investigate mechanical engineering / engines / etc. etc. - devote their life to cars...

Yes. But if God declares to the faithful that cars are evil, then the faithful must find something else to devote their lives to.

so... what does everyone want to become a master at?of?in? and why?
cars are cool, art is nice to look at, music is pleasant enough to listen to.... but eternal life - now that's something worth living for imo.

But that's too easy. I myself am a master of all things having to do with eternal life. And I mastered it as a teenager.


Well-Known Member
If Abraham had refused, he would have never known God's anguish over sacrificing Jesus...

Why would God feel anguish over the death of Jesus? All humans suffer a physical death. Jesus at least got to come back to life. So why would that anguish God?

if there was no ultimate sacrifice, there would be no ultimate love... if there was no ultimate love - no willingness to give up everything for another, there is no ultimate God...

Sorry, but I have no good idea what all of that means. I'm glad it seems to make you happy, though.


Veteran Member
If Abraham had refused, he would have never known God's anguish over sacrificing Jesus... if there was no ultimate sacrifice, there would be no ultimate love... if there was no ultimate love - no willingness to give up everything for another, there is no ultimate God...

just my view :D
"... if there was no ultimate sacrifice, there would be no ultimate love..." WHY?

"if there was no ultimate love - no willingness to give up everything for another, there is no ultimate God... " WHY?


.45 Cal

Your response is not direct to what I posted. Care to address that?

Or care to educate me with whatever you think I'm missing?

Apparently, you have me labeled one way, and I'll let you know if you think I am (only) that way, you are, how you say, ignorant.

I'll put it this way. whatever advantage a man may possess when it comes to performing oral sex on a heterosexual man is quickly negated when the straight guy see's it's a dude who's servicing him. Though I don't know from experience. You see, straight guys find even the thought of doing that with a man to be revolting.
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Having faith in yourSelf,
would be a good place to start.

(faith is not always to do about 'what exists', nor is it always blind)


Question Everything
"... if there was no ultimate sacrifice, there would be no ultimate love..." WHY?

"if there was no ultimate love - no willingness to give up everything for another, there is no ultimate God... " WHY?

Love is born of sacrifice and trust. have you never sacrificed something for another? trusted another? experienced what that kind of a relationship is?

There are some who believe that Love is the highest, noblest endeavor... that true love brings the greatest fulfillment and happiness in life.

Love - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Hebrew, Ahava is the most commonly used term for both interpersonal love and love between God and God's creations. Chesed, often translated as loving-kindness, is used to describe many forms of love between human beings.
The commandment to love other people is given in the Torah, which states, "Love your neighbor like yourself" (Leviticus 19:18). The Torah's commandment to love God "with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might" (Deuteronomy 6:5) is taken by the Mishnah (a central text of the Jewish oral law) to refer to good deeds, willingness to sacrifice one's life rather than commit certain serious transgressions, willingness to sacrifice all of one's possessions, and being grateful to the Lord despite adversity (tractate Berachoth 9:5). Rabbinic literature differs as to how this love can be developed, e.g., by contemplating divine deeds or witnessing the marvels of nature. As for love between marital partners, this is deemed an essential ingredient to life: "See life with the wife you love" (Ecclesiastes 9:9). The biblical book Song of Solomon is considered a romantically phrased metaphor of love between God and his people, but in its plain reading, reads like a love song. The 20th-century Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler is frequently quoted as defining love from the Jewish point of view as "giving without expecting to take" (from his Michtav me-Eliyahu, Vol. 1).

The Christian understanding is that love comes from God. The love of man and woman—eros in Greek—and the unselfish love of others (agape), are often contrasted as "ascending" and "descending" love, respectively, but are ultimately the same thing.[22]
There are several Greek words for "love" that are regularly referred to in Christian circles.

  • Agape: In the New Testament, agapē is charitable, selfless, altruistic, and unconditional. It is parental love, seen as creating goodness in the world; it is the way God is seen to love humanity, and it is seen as the kind of love that Christians aspire to have for one another.
  • Phileo: Also used in the New Testament, phileo is a human response to something that is found to be delightful. Also known as "brotherly love."
  • Two other words for love in the Greek language, eros (sexual love) and storge (child-to-parent love), were never used in the New Testament.
Christians believe that to Love God with all your heart, mind, and strength and Love your neighbor as yourself are the two most important things in life (the greatest commandment of the Jewish Torah, according to Jesus; cf. Gospel of Mark chapter 12, verses 28–34). Saint Augustine summarized this when he wrote "Love God, and do as thou wilt."
The Apostle Paul glorified love as the most important virtue of all. Describing love in the famous poem in 1 Corinthians, he wrote, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres." (1 Cor. 13:4–7, NIV)

The Apostle John wrote, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." (John 3:16–17, NIV) John also wrote, "Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." (1 John 4:7–8, NIV)



Revelation all the time
I'll put it this way. whatever advantage a man may possess when it comes to performing oral sex on a heterosexual man is quickly negated when the straight guy see's it's a dude who's servicing him. Though I don't know from experience. You see, straight guys find even the thought of doing that with a man to be revolting.

Disagree with the conclusion, and is what the experiment / bet is about.

More accurate to say, some self identified heterosexual males when considering sexual activity with someone of the same gender are prone to prejudices from peers, family, own discriminations, such that the idea of being a "certain way" is determined to be revolting.

The experiment I alluded to earlier, bypasses the prejudice, and deals specifically with what all, or most, heterosexual males (who like oral sex) claim they desire in that act. I think that experiment, when performed, would change minds of some, but not all.

Another way to consider things is to entertain idea that every partner a heterosexual has been with was previously a male (think sex change), but that information wasn't given to you. Admittedly, this is nowhere near the same point I made in the experiment, but for some, it actually is. Because, it would mean, some were / are actually "that way" and if reality was, "ex girlfriend called me up and said she was a guy before we met, but never told me during the relationship," I think certain heterosexual males would feel entirely violated and revolted by the sex they were engaged in. I'm not saying they'd convert, but the revolt would be, in many cases, equal to revolt you are speaking of.


New Member
God wants to protect the institution of family which is not possible by allowing same sex relation ships.Family is necessary for healthy social upbringing of a child.without family ,you are bound to see millions of psychiatrists and druggies filling the gap.


Admiral Obvious
God wants to protect the institution of family which is not possible by allowing same sex relation ships.Family is necessary for healthy social upbringing of a child.without family ,you are bound to see millions of psychiatrists and druggies filling the gap.
Define family.

I ask because I see nothing in the definition to support your claims:
"WordNet (r) 2.0"
n1: a social unit living together; "he moved his family to
Virginia"; "It was a good Christian household"; "I
waited until the whole house was asleep"; "the teacher
asked how many people made up his home" [syn: household,
house, home, menage]
2: primary social group; parents and children; "he wanted to
have a good job before starting a family" [syn: family
3: people descended from a common ancestor; "his family has
lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower" [syn: family
line, folk, kinfolk, kinsfolk, sept, phratry]
4: a collection of things sharing a common attribute; "there
are two classes of detergents" [syn: class, category]
5: an association of people who share common beliefs or
activities; "the message was addressed not just to
employees but to every member of the company family"; "the
church welcomed new members into its fellowship" [syn: fellowship]
6: (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera;
"sharks belong to the fish family"
7: a person having kinship with another or others; "he's kin";
"he's family" [syn: kin, kinsperson]
8: a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized
criminal activities [syn: syndicate, crime syndicate,