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Gods plan?


Well-Known Member
Getting back to the thread topic. God created man, god knows all, god is perfect, man doesnt cause anything because we have no free will because of the flawed logic.
Really ??? no free will ???
Who compelled you to answer my post ??? :confused:

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
If there is indeed a god and he has a perfect grand plan, why bother praying for somebody or something? :sarcastic

There is God, but He is an Incorporeal Spirit. And the only way to relate to Him is in a spiritual manner. (John 4:24) Regarding prayers, you are rght, being it the attempt to make God change His mind, it becomes only something between us and whom we pray for. God is not like a man to change His mind. Prayer is between us and ourselves though. However, psychologically, it is good to let whom we are praying for know that we are. They usually feel good about it. And all that charity life is about is to make others feel good about us.


If there is indeed a god and he has a perfect grand plan, why bother praying for somebody or something? :sarcastic

Maybe some oppertunities present themselves to God. But we are free spirits able to choose alot of things ourself. What would be the point in living if it was all predeterminded?


Well-Known Member
If there is indeed a god and he has a perfect grand plan, why bother praying for somebody or something? :sarcastic

Maybe God's grand plan includes us praying for somebody or something. But yeah, I know what you mean. It's like, "why should I pray to try and change God's will." The thing is, God's plan is that in order to bless us, sometimes we have to ask. By praying and asking for help, he is able to. "I stand at the door and knock. If any man will open I will enter in and sup with him and he with me."


Well-Known Member
Maybe some oppertunities present themselves to God. But we are free spirits able to choose alot of things ourself. What would be the point in living if it was all predeterminded?
I believe God's plan for his creation (presently conforming man to His likeness) is pre-determined , that much we can see from scripture. Us praying to him is not so much to ask for favours or change his mind but for him to give us insight into what he has in store for us. I think it would help us immensely if we had a better idea of how and where we are supposed to fit in ??? :confused: We might be less contrary that way ! Isn't knowledge power ? :confused: Hos.4v6.


Angel Of The North
Yes - under GOD's guidance and direction !!! :)
very true!
Imo The messiah has moved into the temple that god made for him and is now setting up the kingdom of God and is doing Gods work!!! God extended his life so he can carry on gods will down the line of the 3rd son. As he does the fathers work in the temple, he looks out at the angel before him!!!
He will then build a temple for God 3.33 miles between him and the angel. The messiah will be recognised by the world and they will ellect him to rule over them. The temple will be took down and shipped to israel. anyone that wants to be close to God will seek the jew for guidence. evil manipulation will be no more. The world will live as one, in peace. mankind will move forth!
kinda looking forward to all the new technologys and attaining our full potential!!
Bring on "the communication" :beach: ah can feel my piniel tingling already lol



Well-Known Member
David , I only live in Yorkshire not very far from you but...
I.m having trouble understanding you !!! :help:


I believe God's plan for his creation (presently conforming man to His likeness) is pre-determined , that much we can see from scripture. Us praying to him is not so much to ask for favours or change his mind but for him to give us insight into what he has in store for us. I think it would help us immensely if we had a better idea of how and where we are supposed to fit in ??? :confused: We might be less contrary that way ! Isn't knowledge power ? :confused: Hos.4v6.
You might be right about asking for favours. I don't think praying is actually asking for favours as much as it is thanking Him for what we have and asking about spiritual matters. And maybe some knowledge of our destiny would help. Personally if it concerned me I would ask Him.


God rules!
If there is indeed a god and he has a perfect grand plan,
Only for the righteous.
"Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’ -Matt.25:34-43:facepalm:

why bother praying for somebody or something? :sarcastic[/quote]
we must pray for those who are not yet in the right path. So it's very important to pray always. God wants all people to be saved & come to the knowledge of the truth.:yes:


Well-Known Member
You might be right about asking for favours. I don't think praying is actually asking for favours as much as it is thanking Him for what we have and asking about spiritual matters. And maybe some knowledge of our destiny would help. Personally if it concerned me I would ask Him.
Don't you think God's plan concerns us all ??? :confused:
Should we not all take an interest in what God has to say ?


Angel Of The North
David , I only live in Yorkshire not very far from you but...
I.m having trouble understanding you !!! :help:
yorksire and geordie accent is somewhat different lol. u see, I dont do books but am guided by God :cool: I know what I know by his guidance and carry out his will!
what dont u understand?


Well-Known Member
yorksire and geordie accent is somewhat different lol. u see, I dont do books but am guided by God :cool: I know what I know by his guidance and carry out his will!
what dont u understand?
Your # 68 has kind of left me perplexed. I could not relate it to the Bible. Now that you tell me you don't do 'books' (I assume you mean the Bible ) I can see the distance between us.
To rely only on God's guidance can mean anything and does not give us the common connection by the written Word to which we can all point Math.4 shows Jesus putting emphasies on that as a common /unifying teaching. Are we not all to come together 'as ONE' ? This can not happen if you follow one way and others another way ??? :facepalm:
If scripture does not count with you we have nothing in common :sad4:
Btw I have read plenty geordie dialect and had no trouble understanding it
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Angel Of The North
Your # 68 has kind of left me perplexed. I could not relate it to the Bible. Now that you tell me you don't do 'books' (I assume you mean the Bible ) I can see the distance between us.
To rely only on God's guidance can mean anything and does not give us the common connection by the written Word to which we can all point Math.4 shows Jesus putting emphasies on that as a common /unifying teaching. Are we not all to come together 'as ONE' ? This can not happen if you follow one way and others another way ??? :facepalm:
If scripture does not count with you we have nothing in common :sad4:
Btw I have read plenty geordie dialect and had no trouble understanding it

I am not meant to do scriptures, God allows me to see for myself the truth without having to read. I have dreams and visions. If God himself guides me, why would I have to read scriptures? Theres that many different religions and authors etc so its best he shows me himself imo at least I realise the truth.
That post that was so perplexing; how would I know what I know if God hadnt made it his will for me to know? theres a lot of stuff that is secret and will be reveiled by the real messiah imo


Well-Known Member
I am not meant to do scriptures, God allows me to see for myself the truth without having to read. I have dreams and visions. If God himself guides me, why would I have to read scriptures? Theres that many different religions and authors etc so its best he shows me himself imo at least I realise the truth.
That post that was so perplexing; how would I know what I know if God hadnt made it his will for me to know?

theres a lot of stuff that is secret and will be reveiled by the real messiah imo
I could answer your first paragraph but I won't ! :eek:
as for your last sentence you are right :) except God has no secrets from his true servants.
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Angel Of The North
I could answer your first paragraph but I won't ! :eek: didnt think you would lol but please do answer?
as for your last sentence you are right :) except God has no secrets from his true servants.

lol, is that so!!! when and where was the messiah born?
how old is he?
whats the oldest civilisation to hold the code that identifies the messiah?
what is the code and how does it relate Jesus to the messiah and in how many ways?
what jewish rabbi knows who the messiah is?
where is the temple that God built for the messiah? how many level is it?
I could go on and on...
So u are telling me that all the messiah knows from God is in your bible? clearly not imo ;)
If religion knew it all then it could sort its own mess out eh!


Well-Known Member
So u are telling me that all the messiah knows from God is in your bible? clearly not imo ;)
If religion knew it all then it could sort its own mess out eh!
All we need to know for salvation is in the Bible - the rest is not important for now !!! :rainbow1:
If we could sort out our own mess we would not need a Saviour - but that is not in God's plan for mankind.:bow: