Fine, God is a monster. Have it your way.
We're all capable of being monsters, and we're capable of not being monsters. Even psychopaths can learn to control themselves.
Another one of my thoughts, I know I should stop that.
We make parent liable for things children do. However as they gain more knowledge and independence we accept the blame to be on the child. So in society we recognize when someone should be blamed or not.
So the question becomes when has god become no longer liable? Have we learned enough to be independent, do we know enough? There is the rub, knowledge. Do we know as much as god? Obviously that would be a no. However do we know enough? That last question I think is the important one, if we really know enough to be liable for what we do. God would have needed to give us knowledge and the ability to decide from right and wrong. Did this happen enough to release god from any blame? The big thing is we are not omniscient and that is the area we need gods help. Cause we are idiots and don't know better when we can't predict all the ramifications of seemingly innocent things.