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Gods You'd Never Worship


Dwelling in the Principle
What do you consider the idea of Satan to be? I ask, because people seem to have very different ideas associated with those five letters.

What's an example of a description that wouldn't make sense to you? Is it things that seem logically contradictory, or something else?

I think the opposing force to order, ethics and harmony. That is satan for me - chaos that will result ultimately always in pain and agony.

Let me give you the example of Matsu, the goddess of sea and good fortune for seamen in Taoism/Shenism. It feels unlikely that such deity would exist in the way she is described for the purpose she is described to exist for.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I think the opposing force to order, ethics and harmony. That is satan for me - chaos that will result ultimately always in pain and agony.

Let me give you the example of Matsu, the goddess of sea and good fortune for seamen in Taoism/Shenism. It feels unlikely that such deity would exist in the way she is described for the purpose she is described to exist for.

Interesting. I couldn't blame anyone for not wanting to honor deities that are adversarial to humanity; very few do.

I'm not familiar with Matsu, but this brings up an interesting issue: how much is what people say about a god representational of that god? Probably a question for a different thread, though.


Dwelling in the Principle
Well, that's certainly not how I view Satan.

Its how the majority of religions view him or his concept. I would argue that if you see him differently, or as not malicious and as in fact benevolent and altruistic, and not egoistic and selfish, then you do not view Satan, as he is understood by those who coined the term, at all but rather something else. In my opinion, that is.

I am talking about Satan, Mara, Angra Mainyu, or beings of that nature.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Its how the majority of religions view him or his concept. I would argue that if you see him differently, or as not malicious and as in fact benevolent and altruistic, and not egoistic and selfish, then you do not view Satan, as he is understood by those who coined the term, at all but rather something else. In my opinion, that is.

I am talking about Satan, Mara, Angra Mainyu, or beings of that nature.

Of course I don't view Satan the same way as mainstream religions view Him because I think they've slandered Beings such as Him because They represent things they are afraid of, such as qualities that make people impossible to control when they are lived out.


Dwelling in the Principle
Interesting. I couldn't blame anyone for not wanting to honor deities that are adversarial to humanity; very few do.

I'm not familiar with Matsu, but this brings up an interesting issue: how much is what people say about a god representational of that god? Probably a question for a different thread, though.

I will say, though, that Matsu f.e could probably be seen as logical, if we are to take her as the mere personification of the possibility of good fortune, a fully abstract entity, rather than as benevolent fortune-granting lady.


Dwelling in the Principle
Of course I don't view Satan the same way as mainstream religions view Him because I think they've slandered Beings such as Him because They represent things they are afraid of, such as qualities that make people impossible to control when they are lived out.

Why are the people consistently afraid of things represented by him?
Why are people needed to be controlled?

In order to maintain order, harmony and pleasant existence. Its not because of power or desire to keep power, that Satan is slandered, as a concept. Its about what meanings it originally entailed: the bad things people committed upon each other.

People found unpleasant things unpleasant. From what you are telling me, your Satan and the other Devil are not the same thing at all, though.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Why are the people consistently afraid of things represented by him?
Why are people needed to be controlled?

In order to maintain order, harmony and pleasant existence. Its not because of power or desire to keep power, that Satan is slandered, as a concept. Its about what meanings it originally entailed: the bad things people committed upon each other.

People found unpleasant things unpleasant. From what you are telling me, your Satan and the other Devil are not the same thing at all, though.

No, He is what you'd called the Devil. A Devil is just a culturally maligned Being. Is it exactly the same as the Christian or Jewish Satan? No. Do I take inspiration from Abrahamic myths? Yes.


رسول الآلهة
There is no god worthy of my worship or praise. They are equally as guilty for poisoning the minds of men and women. If such alleged gods existed they should be challenged and shunned for their wicked ways and incompetence.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
There is no god worthy of my worship or praise. They are equally as guilty for poisoning the minds of men and women. If such alleged gods existed they should be challenged and shunned for their wicked ways and incompetence.

A tad bitter sounding. U mad?


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Since this is not a debate section, I'm simply going to point out that you don't seem to realize how many theists you've offended by saying "They are equally as guilty for poisoning the minds of men and women. If such alleged gods existed they should be challenged and shunned for their wicked ways and incompetence." You may believe that all gods are wicked, incompetent and poison men's minds, but others don't.



Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Oh, the pagan conception of deity?

Let's see... I would probably reject gods of war, and have a fairly difficult time with ancestral gods of specific people, or worse of all, of specific nations.


Eternal student
Updated List!

Gods with who I don't want anything:
-The Abrahamic god;
-Mesopotamian gods+spirits+whatever (creepy!);
-Mesoamerican (scary!);
-Greek (except Athena - I like Her);
-Norse (except Thor);
-Lwa (creepy!);
-LHP "deities";
-Almost all the Canaanite deities (except the Ugaritic ones);
-Hearth/home deities (not interested);
-"Goddesses" who never were goddesses at the original sources and were deified by the feminists at the second half of the 20th century.
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pursuing the Divine Beloved
Premium Member
To paraphrase Patrick Henry (sort of), I know not the deities others may worship, but as for me, give me Adonai any day, Creator of both Jew and Gentile.
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
At any rate, why just the Greek pantheon, Riverwolf? What about them in particular is worse than, say, the males in the Egyptian pantheon or Japanese pantheon?

I don't think I ever answered this. lol Must have missed it.

In any case, a lot of it is just because of how they, in particular, have been presented to me over the years: misogynistic airheads.

...though it does occur to me that that presentation could entirely have been through Christian lenses trying to make the Old Gods look as depraved as possible when compared to the New, Morally Perfect ( :rolleyes: ) God, to discourage their worship. I recall Plato saying that stories depicting the Gods in these depraved manners were just that: stories, and furthermore, offensive to these Gods and their followers. In any case, I don't believe that Athena would be taking part in a beauty contest where she offers a bribe to secure a victory, so why do I trust an old book on Greek mythology from Middle School that claimed Ares was a crybaby if he got wounded once?

In the years since my original statement, my views have altered sufficiently that when I go to Greece, I'll be attending the ceremonies that are going on at that time, regardless of who they're for. 'Sides, turns out the Ese (Aesir) can be real pricks in their own rights. ^_^

Speaking of which...

Well, for starters, Loki is murderous with little to no care for the rest of the gods

Well, his status as murderer is certainly true (though also kinda true for all the Ese/Aesir), but lately I've been thinking a lot about him, and the story Lokasenna (aka, the story where he crashes a party and slanders the Gods one-by-one until Thor chases him away). Loki is a Trickster God, and as such is a Jester/Joker/Clown archetype. IOW, he'd most certainly be a patron of comedians, or at least comedians that are any good. Internet game critic/comedian Yahtzee (host of the show Zero Punctuation and writer of the Extra Punctuation articles), wrote in one of his articles the following:

...I'm a comedy writer, and comedy is arguably dependent on breaking taboos. ... If you asked me whether I'd prefer to tell a joke that two people found mildly amusing, or a joke that one found hilarious and the other found offensive, then I'd say the latter. Someone has to be pushing at the boundaries because otherwise the boundaries will shrink, and the area that's considered 'acceptable' will get smaller and smaller.
The PC Master Race Discussion: Political Correctness vs. Language Police | Extra Punctuation | The Escapist

It's highly likely that every single one of the accusations Loki makes against the Gods are true. (Though, reading it earlier today, I found it... interesting that he focused on some form of sexual infidelity for all the Goddesses). Good comedians force uncomfortable truths to the light so they can be faced, by revealing that they're not worth getting so worked up over. Even the Death of Balder could be read in this manner, assuming that Loki is also a cynic and was trying to use an ironic joke to drive home the fact that the world is horrible and doesn't deserve someone as "good" as Balder (though there's another variation on this story that doesn't involve Loki, where Hod isn't blind, and both brothers are hardened warriors: this euhemerized version, by Saxo Grammaticus for his book, Gesta Danorum/History of the Danes, has Hod kill Balder over a dispute over who gets to be with the maiden Nanna). Of course, if this reading is true, then it backfired hard, because it means Balder wasn't there for Ragnarok, and thus got to come back afterwards to lead the new world into greatness.

Personally, I interpret Loki not as uncaring, but rather harshly caring. He does care, but what he doesn't care for is pretentiousness, which is most exemplified (at least to him) by the ever-watchful and ever-dutiful Heimdall. When he sees the Gods acting all high-and-mighty, he shows up to take them down a peg. Sure, Thor chased him away and this led him to being bound, but even that act of retribution is partially what instigated Ragnarok.


Well-Known Member
Human cultures have come up with all sorts of god-concepts throughout history that represent (or are) aspects of reality. For a moment, entertain the idea that all of these god-concepts of the world's culture and religions are true (in an ideological sense if nothing else). Of these god-concepts, which top the list of ones you would never consider paying respect to? Put another way, what are the aspects of reality that you dislike or disdain? Does the idea of honoring war make your pacifistic heart wrench in your chest? What about paying homage to a personification of chaos and disorder? Perhaps the hearth and home is too boring for your adventurous soul?

Any kind of object, mental image or physical image, or literal person, any individual sky daddy, or anything anti-love, anti-peace, and anti-oneness, anti-freedom.

That eliminates roughly a majority of the 12.73648 billion god's mindkind has created of their own image, as well about all of the 8.03947 billion different religions.