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Gods You'd Never Worship


Eternal student
How could I forget to list my :no: deities by kind? My list is:
-"Hearth" deities (ex.: Brighid);
-Queenly goddesses (ex.: Aset);
-Jealous and exclusivist deities (ex.: the Abrahamic god, Sumerian deities).
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Don't the more mystical strains of Christianity not anthropomorphize their god? I forget. Mysticism in Christianity is pretty underground, so I only hear bits and pieces about it in passing.

At any rate, why just the Greek pantheon, Riverwolf? What about them in particular is worse than, say, the males in the Egyptian pantheon or Japanese pantheon?
I specifically don't like most of the Olympic (and Roman by correlation) pantheon because they're such immature fickle beings in the stories we have of them. Yes lets start a war over an apple or play "who can I screw" when my wife isn't looking, and so on. Partially I don't know the mythos of Egypt or Japan enough to have equally strong opinions. Although I like Egyptian deities I find them EXTREMELY confusing so I'd probably never worship them either.

I do find myself attracted to the chthonic deities in Greece though.


Eternal student
I specifically don't like most of the Olympic (and Roman by correlation) pantheon because they're such immature fickle beings in the stories we have of them. Yes lets start a war over an apple or play "who can I screw" when my wife isn't looking, and so on. Partially I don't know the mythos of Egypt or Japan enough to have equally strong opinions. Although I like Egyptian deities I find them EXTREMELY confusing so I'd probably never worship them either.

Ditto for the Greek (and Roman) deities! I also hate their behaviour and morals in the myths!


رسول الآلهة
Allah and the Jewish and Christian Gods.

Tis a shame, I worship Allah daily. The very fact that Allah like Baal and El is placed at t he center of a pantheon and given the most godly of traits makes Allah, El and Baal very worshipful gods to me. My favorite being Allah since I am so used to the word
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رسول الآلهة
I myself would never worship any anthropomorphic deity and my primary kicker for this is Jesus. A man-god wandering around making constants errors, contradictions and portraying no worshipful aspects.


Eternal student
Ooooooooohhh, a lot of them!
-The Abrahamic god;
-Mesopotamian deities (Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, etc.);
-Semitic deities;
-Meso-American deities (Mayan, Olmec, Aztec) - I HATE bloodthirsty deities!
-LHP "deities";
-Orishas and lwa - animal sacrifices no way Jose!
-Greek and Roman;
-Heathen (Germanic-Scandinavian) deities - too remote and uninterested in humans for my taste!

Another addendum: most warrior deities scare the s*** out of me.


Well-Known Member
It's debatable whether or not I actually worship any deity in the first place. However, when I do feel I could use a god's assistance I'm quite happy to use a wide range of deities, spirits and demons.
Notably I never invoke Jehovah/Yahweh/Allah, nor do I invoke Zeus, Ra, Janus or Odin. If I'm going to invoke a deity that is supposed to be top dog, I'll pick the universe as a whole rather than an anthropomorphic god. Anthropomorphism is useful for specific needs, but as a generalized god the traditional "kings of the gods" don't cut it for me.


Well-Known Member
It's not the gods, it's the interpretations people put on them. For example, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Baha'i, Brahmo Samaj, etc are, in theory worshiping, the same god: how many supreme beings can you have? But the Christians say he commands you to love your neighbour, while the Muslims say he commands you to make war on your neighbour if he won't convert.

It's the same with myths. Some are symbolic expressions of truth, some are just stories. You don't have to reject the gods of Greece because you don't like some of the myths: do what Plato did and reject those myths.

I find it difficult to think of any real gods I couldn't worship (as opposed to the made-up ones of Wicca), but I can think of a lot of religions I'd draw the line at.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I would not worship a god that does not embody qualities such a Love, Life, Wisdom etc.
In Hinduism, God is described to be the God of Love and Life, who is also Knowledge itself, and eternity/infinity.

I would not worship any God who stands for war or violence, who exhibits petty behaviour, who requires submission/is tyrannical, who would send people to hell for not worshiping him/her/it. etc. Because these qualities are not respectable, are not 'good' in my view. And so to bow to them, would make me also 'not good' and I can not justify it.

So that basically takes out most gods, especially the Abrahamic ones.
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Any God who prefers one religion over another, who would pick one people over another as his chosen ones, who is bothered by petty human matters , whose mood changes, whose will wavers at the instance of prayer, who is thirsty for worship,who judges good and evil,who does miracles when the universe is his magnum opus....

Wont bend my knees to that......


I have a real problem with chihuahuas. Annoying little yippy things. I like most other dogs, but really, Underdog's the only one powerful enough to even consider worshiping.

Wait... I think I may have read a word backwards. :p

So the first god that comes to mind as one I wouldn't worship is one that asks for animal sacrifices, kills people for petty jealousy, has silly rules that make no sense and kills people for not obeying them, etc. In other words, the one one that I grew up supposedly worshiping as a Jew (I was never very religious, even when I was supposedly Jewish), before I acknowledged my atheism.

But like several others here, I can't imagine ever actually worshiping any god.

Sir Doom

Cooler than most of you
I'd never worship any god that didn't show up and tell me what worship is supposed to look like.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Hmm perhaps the Roman/Greek Gods? I mean, I do actually like all the soap opera-y drama that is intrinsically linked with their mythology (though that might because I grew up watching Xena lol) but they seem awfully petty, cruel and vindictive.