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Goodbye Perhaps?


That's not my complaint. I'm talking specifically about the toxicity that the political forums bring to the table. I've spent an excessive amount of time moderating mean-spirited posts in forums I rarely even participate in.
That I have clearly seen. But in religious threads as well. "Debate" appears to become "let's play dirty" to some posters.



More liberals than conservatives.
And that's one I didn't even bother to open. That topic alone says "Look Out!"

Secret Chief

Do you think this is the intent?

I feel like I'm just not getting through.
The intent, as per all the different sections listed, is to offer a place where any and all topics can be discussed/debated. If it was only for religions it would be a lot briefer front page.


That's the problem. It really shouldn't :(
But that's just human nature, and the 21st century is just rolling in "______." Fill in the blank. Our cup runneth over to the point of obscurity in importance.


I think people just aren't understanding. Maybe the age of the single topic discussion forum is over, I don't know, but back when I used the web in the early noughties, fora were generally dedicated to a single subject and that was the main focus. Other topics were allowed but they were not meant to be on par with or dominate the main focus of the board. So 9/10 threads would be in relation to what the forum was dedicated to. I think now people think everywhere on the web is like social media and it's a free for all, but this is not what fora are supposed to be. For example, if you go to Christian Forums, you expect it to be Christian discussion, if you go to Engineering Forums you'd expect engineering discussions. If I found those forums were full of discussions about politics I'd be a bit concerned.
I don't necessarily disagree with you. I would love to learn more about religious topics than I do here. And I have opened threads with little to no participation in that attempt, and some with good results, but I didn't design this site. I chose to take it as it is, and all those subforms are there.

What is not there is a user's how-to link. To even look at the available platforms I've found no other way than to click on "Post Thread" and when the screen asks where to post my new thread I ignore it and scan the options to see what's available. There's a massive amount of sub-forums untouched for what seems to be years.


Could you rephrase that?
How about today's world has it so easy they often get hung up on the trival aspects of life. In an example that came up in a discussion last night (a face to face, not online) Americans sure do have a lot of allergies. Find a child in Hati these days who would complain of lactose intolerance or gluten sensitivity. The privileged sure can whine. True?

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
As an olive branch to @rocala and @Rival I had hoped to post some interesting comments from the Seth L. Sanders book,

heralded as "... the first book to approach the Bible in light of recent epigraphic discoveries on the extreme antiquity of the alphabet and its use as a deliberate and meaningful choice."

It really is an interesting text. Sadly, it's very first chapter bears the title:

Modernity's Ghosts: The Bible as Political Communication

Damn! Is there nothing safe from political discord?


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
As an olive branch to @rocala and @Rival I had hoped to post some interesting comments from the Seth L. Sanders book,

heralded as "... the first book to approach the Bible in light of recent epigraphic discoveries on the extreme antiquity of the alphabet and its use as a deliberate and meaningful choice."

It really is an interesting text. Sadly, it's very first chapter bears the title:

Modernity's Ghosts: The Bible as Political Communication

Damn! Is there nothing safe from political discord?
Sounds fairly interesting. I love linguistics.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member

More liberals than conservatives.
That was helpful for me to understand your POV
These threads demonstrate why RF is a horrible place to be Abrahamic.
I think that's a revelatory sentence because from an American context the crimes of Catholic priests, the alliance of Catholic Bishops with the political right, attacks by Christian fanatics on first abortion, then IVF and now no-fault divorce along with the "evil evil gays people" viewpoint leave many easily triggered as that thread illustrates.

In a way I find it ironic or something that RF is focused on the two topics people are told to avoid: religion and politics.

One final comment: I've never spent time on a single-focus forum from CompuServe to today's possibilities. I find them too limiting but a fast search tells me they still exist. For example Anglican Forums

Secret Chief

How about today's world has it so easy they often get hung up on the trival aspects of life. In an example that came up in a discussion last night (a face to face, not online) Americans sure do have a lot of allergies. Find a child in Hati these days who would complain of lactose intolerance or gluten sensitivity. The privileged sure can whine. True?
Maybe such issues exist in all populations but only those in wealthier countries are able to test for them and address them? I have friends with both such issues and if they accidentally eat the wrong thing I fully understand why one might "whine."

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Iirc the founder created this place while he was in college in the hopes that he could use it as a resource for his own studies on religion and theology.

But as far as I know all (or most) of the other non-religion related subforms were part of the original schematic.
Yes. Things such as politics and media do overlap into religion, and we're all people and like to talk about more than just that. Like how the first What are you Listening To thread started way back then in the early days. The home page also featured poll of the day, and for a very long time everyone from first time visitors to the original members were greated with a poll if they prefer their toilet paper crumpled or folded.
Inner faith discussions were the primary reason for its existence, but in the right ways the community at large didn't take things too seriously if we didn't have to. We even has someone roleplaying a crossdressing sheep.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
What a weird attitude.

By you maybe. Not by me and I'd suggest not by a lot of others here.
No, that's how RF was set up from the start. Religion intended to be the primary focus, everything else off in sub forums so we could still talk about more thingss and have more of a community thing going.
However, you must realize there was great religious diversity on the forum back and such discussions and debates were possible and were a frequent thing. And it happened despite the "gays going to hell" garbage initially not being tolerated and something that got people banned. But there were Mormons, Muslims, Amish, Kimetics, Wiccans, Asatru, Daoist, Buddhists, Atheists and more. It really was a religious forum in name and practice.