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Goodbye Perhaps?


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
You know, I wasn't being sarcastic. It was a light bulb moment for me, but not in a good way. In a sad way.

But good to know you reciprocated with your understanding that I was being sarcastic.
Most people I know don't describe sad epiphanies as "very enlightening" without sarcastic intent, so you'll forgive my misunderstanding your statement as sarcasm if none was intended.


colors your eyes with what's not there
Most people I know don't describe sad epiphanies as "very enlightening" without sarcastic intent, so you'll forgive my misunderstanding your statement as sarcasm if none was intended.

Thank you for explaining why you misinterpreted my intent, and I'm sorry you didn't at least give me the benefit of the doubt before reciprocating, since I don't recall we have a history of prior run-ins.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Many of us do want to delete them, but there are issues with that mostly regarding membership and loss of revenue. Personally I don't think the damage would be that great. Also those other fora aren't causing huge problems and generating tens of reports.
I wouldn't know much about that. Is RF somebody's source of income or is it more of a public service content to cover expenses? I also don't know how much time or aggravation goes into moderating squabbles. I hope I don't give you a lot of work there.

I understand that many people are just looking for a polite and respectful conversation, but others also enjoy debate and analysis. It seems like the DIR threads, which seem to be intended for the former, are less frequent and shorter than in the past. Is that meaningful in determining what people want from RF?
Much of the membership have said they dislike all the politicking and that ought be taken into account.
I'd say that it is. Threads have titles and category markers. One doesn't have to spend much or any time at all in areas of no interest.

The threads I like least are the ones where believers are disputing theology. When I open a thread and the first several posts are discussing what some biblical passage means, I move on, so I don't really understand this objection to political discussions existing on RF.
If that waffle house has a flavour 70% of people don't buy, it will stop selling it.
But would they stop selling it because some customers don't want others to enjoy that item in the same restaurant or just let those customers know that they can order something else if they don't like that selection?


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
This is a 2 page thread, and you couldn't go back and see if you'd misread my post?

NOWHERE did I say my "values should weigh more than what [you] or the OP value." Those are your words, that you put in my mouth.

Here's what I said:

I literally said that a subject block would be a good way to go for all categories, while also saying why I thought that would have a downside.
I never accused or implied you said that. Here is what I asked:
Is what you value more important than what another values?
It was a simple yes or no question. No implications or accusations intended. No underlying subtext.

Instead of answering the question, you chose to read into the question what was not there, tell me that you said the opposite (of what I'm still not sure I understand) and then accuse me of building a straw man.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Thank you for explaining why you misinterpreted my intent, and I'm sorry you didn't at least give me the benefit of the doubt before reciprocating, since I don't recall we have a history of prior run-ins.
You're welcome. I was sincerely confused by your reaction, because you and I have always gotten along well. I was genuinely confused by what I said exactly that offended you.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
I wouldn't know much about that. Is RF somebody's source of income or is it more of a public service content to cover expenses? I also don't know how much time or aggravation goes into moderating squabbles. I hope I don't give you a lot of work there.

I understand that many people are just looking for a polite and respectful conversation, but others also enjoy debate and analysis. It seems like the DIR threads, which seem to be intended for the former, are less frequent and shorter than in the past.
RF is a source of income for the owners (not the staff). They own more fora. Losing membership decreases revenue, clicks on ads etc.

I'd say that it is. Threads have titles and category markers. One doesn't have to spend much or any time at all in areas of no interest.

The threads I like least are the ones where believers are disputing theology. When I open a thread and the first several posts are discussing what some biblical passage means, I move on, so I don't really understand this objection to political discussions existing on RF.
You dislike an aspect of the religion part but not the politics part, which is the opposite of the way the forum is intended, so this baffles me. People debating Biblical passages on Religious Forums should be expected. I understand that as an Atheist you dislike those threads, but saying politics is in the same category is an error. Politics is not the main thrust of the forum's essence, Biblical debate is one of the main thrusts.

But would they stop selling it because some customers don't want others to enjoy that item in the same restaurant or just let those customers know that they can order something else if they don't like that selection?
They will stop selling it because it's not making money and is actively disliked by most of the customer base. You want to satisfy and keep your main audience.


colors your eyes with what's not there
I never accused or implied you said that.

Is what you value more important than what another values?

Did I say or imply what I value is more important than what another values?

No, I did not.

Should I have been required to click through all the channels instead of just the one's I had interest in?

Did I say or imply that you should be required to view every and all forums?

No, I did not.

@anna. made a point that she values having visibility to threads that she did not intend to participate in. I and the OP don't value having visibility to threads we have no interest in. I was asking her why what she values should weigh more than what I or the OP value.

Yet you go on to mention me and ask someone "why what she values should weigh more than what I or the OP value."

I never said or implied that what I value should weigh any more than what you or the OP value.

It was a simple yes or no question. No implications or accusations intended. No underlying subtext.

Instead of answering the question, you chose to read into the question what was not there, tell me that you said the opposite (of what I'm still not sure I understand) and then accuse me of building a straw man.

Nothing I can add other than what I already said. I hope you can what I'm trying to explain to you.


colors your eyes with what's not there
For the last few weeks I have been getting a strong urge to say my goodbyes to the people of RF. This is not meant as disrespect to them but more out of a feeling of loss.

When I joined ten years ago, the debate was at times exhilarating. Biblical knowledge was superb. There were Buddhists and Pagans too, who really knew there stuff. The downside was a fair number who seemed to be here simply to mock
I recall when (in my opinion) the best Buddhist announced his departure, he was asked "why" and he replied, "have you looked around this place".

Well I don't expect great Buddhism, but I am sick to the back teeth of Biden and Trump. Sick sick sick.

Of course, not all members are too concerned about those gentlemen, many in fact choose to spend their time in Games pics and jokes. Well it has been said that I have a good sense of humour but f***k me what is the appeal of that pile of s***t.

Anyway, that is how I am feeling right now. The pro's are, and they are quite strong, that I have been a member for ten years, and I do not easily walk out on old friends.
Secondly, there are people here who I respect and like. I like to be able to drop a hint of that now and again. It must be said, that there are more sighs than smiles.

I hope for some response, I am genuinely interested.

I hope you stay, you have friends here, and common interests and shared history.

I'll do my part to reduce the amount of political posts here, so thank you for the thread, being the genesis that it is for a dawning understanding that I was too slow to pick up on before now. Take care.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Did I say or imply what I value is more important than what another values?

No, I did not.

Did I say or imply that you should be required to view every and all forums?

No, I did not.

Yet you go on to mention me and ask someone "why what she values should weigh more than what I or the OP value."

I never said or implied that what I value should weigh any more than what you or the OP value.

Nothing I can add other than what I already said. I hope you can what I'm trying to explain to you.
I can. Thank you for clarifying your meaning and intent.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
For the last few weeks I have been getting a strong urge to say my goodbyes to the people of RF. This is not meant as disrespect to them but more out of a feeling of loss.

When I joined ten years ago, the debate was at times exhilarating. Biblical knowledge was superb. There were Buddhists and Pagans too, who really knew there stuff. The downside was a fair number who seemed to be here simply to mock
I recall when (in my opinion) the best Buddhist announced his departure, he was asked "why" and he replied, "have you looked around this place".

Well I don't expect great Buddhism, but I am sick to the back teeth of Biden and Trump. Sick sick sick.

Of course, not all members are too concerned about those gentlemen, many in fact choose to spend their time in Games pics and jokes. Well it has been said that I have a good sense of humour but f***k me what is the appeal of that pile of s***t.

Anyway, that is how I am feeling right now. The pro's are, and they are quite strong, that I have been a member for ten years, and I do not easily walk out on old friends.
Secondly, there are people here who I respect and like. I like to be able to drop a hint of that now and again. It must be said, that there are more sighs than smiles.

I hope for some response, I am genuinely interested.
Please don't leave. We've had such an exodus of posters as it is, we don't need to lose another. But I don't blame you as I stop logging in for weeks and months at a time. Maybe take a break. The staff is obviously trying to come up with a solution to all the acrimony that takes away from what this forum is supposed to be about.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
You dislike an aspect of the religion part but not the politics part, which is the opposite of the way the forum is intended, so this baffles me.
What specifically is baffling to you? I find much of the political debating boring as well, but I do enjoy anything about Trump or MAGA. And I do engage in religious discussions, but not at the level of theology. The religion and politics aspects of RF are about the same for me - some I enjoy, some I avoid. But none offend me, and there are none I'd like to see eliminated, because those threads don't affect me.

I don't know who intended what when, but the forum is set up to accommodate both people with interests more like yours and people more like me.
People debating Biblical passages on Religious Forums should be expected.
Agreed. So should political discussions. And philosophical ones. And scientific subjects. And threads about what's for dinner.
I understand that as an Atheist you dislike those threads, but saying politics is in the same category is an error. Politics is not the main thrust of the forum's essence, Biblical debate is one of the main thrusts.
Not dislike. Uninterested.

You seem to be arguing that topics other than religion don't belong on RF because it's named after religious discussions, or because it's not "the way the forum is intended," and now essences and main thrusts. I don't see a valid argument there for disallowing other topics.

And if what you say about RF being somebody's source of income is correct, it's unrealistic to think that changes would be made that hurt the bottom line. If the owners think that the threads you disapprove of are hurting business, they'll do away with them, but according to what you've written, the concern is that the changes you suggest will hurt business. We should expect the site's mission and policies to evolve to serve that agenda, not original intent or essence.


Premium Member
It's called Religious Forums, the main element is the Religion.

If people are coming here for politics specifically rather than for the main event there's an issue.

There are many, many fora dedicated to politics for people who want that. This isn't one of them. So it makes little sense to me.

Also, it's 99.9% US politics. I'm British, I'll be honest: I don't give a damn about US politics and I want it to go away. It's so over the top and stupid.
I was thinking about this. The forum is in English ... US, Canada, Britain, and Australia are about the only large countries whose primary language is English. I'm sure in a country like India where politics can be volatile, and over the top sometime, there are very active political forums, but mostly in Hindi, or one of several regional languages. Basically, all of us 'outsiders' are outnumbered by Americans.


Staff member
Premium Member
Well, I'm confused. (Of course you are, George, you just woke up. Now, you're talking to yourself, too!)

Why would the 'opt out' idea regarding politics be bothersome to anyone? We have an Eros forum many people elect not to be a part of. How is it any different?

And to share another perspective on why the 'what's new' being filled with politics might be a problem:

I've got a very needy son I care for around the clock. I post 'on the run' most of the time. I get exactly 3 minutes(lets say) to read/participate in a post... I don't have time to scroll through 'Trump brushed his teeth', 'Biden sneezed', etc, etc. I assume there may be other posters out there who also have to ;post on the run', and being able to eliminate topics they have no interest in from showing in the feed might be helpful.

It wouldn't prevent those from hearing about politics from continuing to discuss it(or those who wanted access to a broad range of content from getting it).


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
You seem to be arguing that topics other than religion don't belong on RF because it's named after religious discussions, or because it's not "the way the forum is intended," and now essences and main thrusts. I don't see a valid argument there for disallowing other topics.
Unless you haven't noticed, the political threads are a dumpster fire pretty consistently.

That is the problem.

That alongside this not even being the main thrust of the forum, which is primarily aimed at religion, makes that a problem. Why should we spend too much time dealing with a subtopic that generates far too much flaming and poo-flinging when we don't have to as it's not the primary focus of the forum? It's a huge waste of time as far as many people are concerned.

If you compare it with the UK election thread you'll see the difference. The US tribalism is the problem and is causing people to leave the forum. On my poll thread, 14/16 people so far want the politics minimized or completely eliminated. That says a lot.
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No religious beliefs
Why would you come to 'Religious Forums' for politics?

I'm not being funny but this is kind of the problem here.

When asked why he climbed Mt Everest, George Mallory replied "because it's there".

That's probably why people come here for political threads.

@ChristineM said:
It's a pity there is no block forum feature

There is. We all have one in our heads. See a thread about politics, don't read it.

(To all)
Tell you what, lets have a survey where everyone says what type of thread/s they don't like, then remove all of them. Oops, no more RF.



Abducted Member
Premium Member
For the last few weeks I have been getting a strong urge to say my goodbyes to the people of RF. This is not meant as disrespect to them but more out of a feeling of loss.

When I joined ten years ago, the debate was at times exhilarating. Biblical knowledge was superb. There were Buddhists and Pagans too, who really knew there stuff. The downside was a fair number who seemed to be here simply to mock
I recall when (in my opinion) the best Buddhist announced his departure, he was asked "why" and he replied, "have you looked around this place".

Well I don't expect great Buddhism, but I am sick to the back teeth of Biden and Trump. Sick sick sick.

Of course, not all members are too concerned about those gentlemen, many in fact choose to spend their time in Games pics and jokes. Well it has been said that I have a good sense of humour but f***k me what is the appeal of that pile of s***t.

Anyway, that is how I am feeling right now. The pro's are, and they are quite strong, that I have been a member for ten years, and I do not easily walk out on old friends.
Secondly, there are people here who I respect and like. I like to be able to drop a hint of that now and again. It must be said, that there are more sighs than smiles.

I hope for some response, I am genuinely interested.
I've only been a member for almost 3 years. Like many here, I've been a member of other forums. It seems to me every forum site discusses politics. American politics always finds its way into the discussion. Where goes American politics, today, there goes the subjects of religion and politics. Science forum sites also debate the Atheism-Theism-Science-Politically-related subjects.

I'm online to somehow satisfy my need for social interaction. I accept there is more than material existence but what that 'more' might be eludes me. I am old yet I am still a child. I am innocent but I am also guilty. Maybe your interest in religion, @rocala can help me, or some information shared here can help you walk forward on your spiritual or material journey. I have not found a better site for that search. Religious Forum is a microcosm of life. RF is reasonably monitored compared to others. Members conduct themselves decently. I'm not leaving. I bought a lifetime membership. I intend to get my money's worth........ The ages of Biden and Trump, like my age, indicate they won't dominate the news cycle forever.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
When asked why he climbed Mt Everest, George Mallory replied "because it's there".

That's probably why people come here for political threads.

There is. We all have one in our heads. See a thread about politics, don't read it.

(To all)
Tell you what, lets have a survey where everyone says what type of thread/s they don't like, then remove all of them. Oops, no more RF.

See this thread, might help POLL: Trump/Biden/Etc.

A large majority want these threads hidden or the political fora deleted.

Some people on here talk as though it's the only forum on the internet. There are multiple other fora for politics. Why come to a forum dedicated to religious discussion for that?

It will never make sense to me.
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Staff member
Premium Member
When asked why he climbed Mt Everest, George Mallory replied "because it's there".

That's probably why people come here for political threads.

There is. We all have one in our heads. See a thread about politics, don't read it.

(To all)
Tell you what, lets have a survey where everyone says what type of thread/s they don't like, then remove all of them. Oops, no more RF.

Of course, that would remove all of them.

What I fail to understand is why the idea of a person using personal preferences to opt out of the political forums is so much more troublesome than the idea that one can choose not to be a part of the Eros forum.

Maybe if we had the 'opt in' choice for politics? When you sign up, its a private forum you can sign up for?

(And the immature part of me snickers because only a small part of the world is affected by American politics, but everybody is affected by sex! After all, its how we got here.)


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
What I fail to understand is why the idea of a person using personal preferences to opt out of the political forums is so much more troublesome than the idea that one can choose not to be a part of the Eros forum.
A certain contingent are the ones not liking this idea. I wonder if they feel it's like being silenced by any other measure.


Staff member
Premium Member
A certain contingent are the ones not liking this idea. I wonder if they feel it's like being silenced by any other measure.
I wonder why one would feel silenced by it.

I do sometimes get people upset with me in the 'real world' because I don't do politics. I cast my vote, but I generally don't talk about it much. Perhaps with a few close friends if an issue particularly bothers me, but that's about it.

I wonder if its just becoming a part of American culture... "you must be invested in this, or else!"