It's pretty much par for the course, isn't it? To equate actual scars, physical pain, sickness, risk of complication, etc. with paying child support? And that a woman's bodily scarring is seen as merely inconsequential.
The main difference between the bodily risk of complications, scarring, loss of blood or organs, or death is pregnancy and childbirth for women, and war for men.
There are FAR more women and underage girls who are finding themselves in a position of pregnancy and childbirth than men and boys who are finding themselves fighting battles.
And we call them heroes and erect monuments in their honor for their sacrifice. A woman who suffers the complications from pregnancy is merely fulfilling some evolutionary or "intelligently designed" role. If he faces these risks, willingly or unwilingly, he is lauded as courageous, selfless, heroic. But Youif a woman faces the risks of pregnancy and childbirth, the response is....
"So what?"