1) Gun violence is not caused by gun ownership.
Norway has high ownership and low gun crime.
Switzerland Goes so far as to basically mandate ownership, and also boasts
low crime.
So, I don't understand why people think ownership = violence. (No one has come right out and said it on this particular thread, but the implication has certainly been made.) Obviously, the US has much deeper issues. I think it equally obvious that simply banning guns will not solve them.
Which brings me to my second point...
2) Even if ownership were the cause of violence, banning them in the US wouldn't help. This is one point on which I agree with the anti-immigrationists: Mexico would be a problem (IF we tried to get rid of guns). We're not geographically isolated like Australia, or surrounded on all sides by countries with similar restrictions like most of Europe. It just won't work.
Criminalize firearms, and we'll just see the black market skyrocket, fed by Mexican smugglers. It won't solve anything, only ensure that criminals are the only ones with access.
Prohibition is worthless enough without a ready supply of black market goods sitting next door.