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Guys - are you Undateable?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I missed these on the list, but I think they should be added:
- Furvert
- Living in his car
- Living in his parents' car
- Living with his parents in their car

Traits of undateable women:
- Explaining that big thighs were caused by ice skating as a youth.
- Shoulder pads
- Pancake makeup
- Saying, "You can't hug a child with nuclear arms."
- Not knowing who Dr Zoidberg is
- Deadly heels


If someone tells you "Revolting" is in his name, believe it.

Bring it.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I know I'm undateable.
Mrs Rev probably wouldn't approve of my dating anyway.

Well shoot. I was looking forward to sharing jabs with you. That's no fun.

Ugh. I hate people who use overly-sensitive self-help phrases like that.

I'd like to nominate, "You should go and take a swim in Lake You."

I dote excessively on kids, then I make them cry and put them in cages. I do the same with men, too.


Well-Known Member
Does he stimulate my mind?

Does he know how to have a meaningful conversation?

Does he have a sense of humor? Especially about himself?

And finally.....will he submit to my authority and my punishments?

...mmm, authority and punishments...:drool:...{how does one spell the drooly noise that Homer Simpson makes over doughnuts? or that noise the Wow murlocs make?}...careful Mystic, you will make me think I'm a Kinsey 5 instead of 6!


Bliss Ninny
I have no idea what the heck some of that stuff is...Man Shakes? :confused:

I agree about the use of the C-word. That's a deal-killer. So is being cheap and/or having really bad manners. (That does not include certain guy stuff that makes me laugh...like a well-timed burp or fart. That's hilarious.)

My husband and I were goofing around with our new cable, checking out different channels (and basically trying to figure out how to work it all :p ), when we ran across a local dating channel. It featured short videos of young singles talking about themselves and what they were looking for in someone else.

Not a single one mentioned looking for someone who was honest and kind. They all, however, listed being "in shape" and good looking as priorities. One woman said she would only want a guy with a six-pack. :rolleyes:


Bliss Ninny
Those are various forms of male greetings. Like fist-bumps, high-fives, chest bumps, etc.
Ooooh. *nods* Got it, thank you.

Years ago, a friend of my cousin's greated me with a fist-bump after a brief introduction. I must have had the funniest look on my face ~ I had no clue what he was doing and just looked down at his hand and then back at him like, "Um...nice to meet you?" :help:

He laughed and showed me, "It's like this." I wanted to ask him, "Are you serious? This is how to introduce yourself to someone?" He isn't a kid either. He's older than I am.

Ah well. At least I made him laugh.


Bliss Ninny
Holy crap, did you watch the Shakeweight video demo?! :biglaugh: Please tell me I'm not the only one who raised her eyebrows! If my husband ever sees this, I'll bet $10 it ends up under the Christmas tree. :p


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Ooooh. *nods* Got it, thank you.

Years ago, a friend of my cousin's greated me with a fist-bump after a brief introduction. I must have had the funniest look on my face ~ I had no clue what he was doing and just looked down at his hand and then back at him like, "Um...nice to meet you?" :help:

He laughed and showed me, "It's like this." I wanted to ask him, "Are you serious? This is how to introduce yourself to someone?" He isn't a kid either. He's older than I am.

Ah well. At least I made him laugh.

I fist bump when I'm mocking people. Some people get the joke. :D


Well-Known Member
lol I think this list is based off of a bunch of OVERLY prissy, stuck-up women (or men ;)) who don't appreciate humor. My husband (my AMAZING husband) does many of the things in the "undateable" list. Okay... just to go down the list... What is wrong with a man having the following?:

-Tanks (Um... if it's 100+ degrees out, I'd completely understand)
-Dirty Car (Um... normal? Mine gets dirty too...)
-Air Guitar (Goodness... loosen UP people! You know you've done it too!)
-Boners (haha This is just so stupid...)
-Names for Breasts ;)
-Speaking in a cartoon voice (This is a problem??? Goodness, why? I love doing this!)
-Listening to lite FM (Who cares. It's their personal preference. Doesn't make them undateable.)
-Pet Names for Penis (hehehe........)
-Playing Dungeons and Dragons (Now... I don't play this but I play World of Warcraft with my husband... It's fun... as long as he still has time for me, I wouldn't care about him playing D+D.)
-Overly Creative Voice Mail (this reminds me of something my Dad used to do... It was so funny!)
-Leather pants (um... sexy? haha Actually... I just thought of a sweaty guy in leather pants... yikes... I change my mind! Chaiffage much?)

Anyhow... I'm sure you fine people understand what I am saying... haha I wouldn't pay attention to stupid VH1 stuff anyway... that stuff is all faulty... MTV as well.



Well-Known Member
I'm probably undateable because I'm poor, I have no car or home of my own, and I like Dungeons and Dragons. Other than that, I'm a catch for any beautiful goddess.

Does he stimulate my mind?

Does he know how to have a meaningful conversation?

Does he have a sense of humor? Especially about himself?

And finally.....will he submit to my authority and my punishments?

Lol, you want a super-man, Heather. ;):areyoucra:D


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Holy crap, did you watch the Shakeweight video demo?! :biglaugh: Please tell me I'm not the only one who raised her eyebrows! If my husband ever sees this, I'll bet $10 it ends up under the Christmas tree. :p

Yep. It's real. And it's hilarious.

Steve wants me to change my exercise routine from yoga to using the ShakeWeight above my head with my mouth open while kneeling on the bed. Makes me want to just pinch his nose.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I'm probably undateable because I'm poor, I have no car or home of my own, and I like Dungeons and Dragons. Other than that, I'm a catch for any beautiful goddess.

Lol, you want a super-man, Heather. ;):areyoucra:D

Nothing wrong with that, Conor. I have my standards. :flirt:


Well-Known Member
OK I am guilty I almost ordered the shakeweight.
I have the Ab-doer already (from back in the day) Bow-Flex, Tae-Bo Heavy bag, and about 3 or 4 more gadgets from TV.
They all work! :p That shake weight looks so cool though.


Well-Known Member
The thing is I always want to be doing something with my hands. Even if I am watching TV, I want to be curling a dumbell :shrug: