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Guys - are you Undateable?


Well-Known Member
*Anne*, that is awful, and shows how shallow youth are.

Funny thing. I read "man shakes" and instantly thought, Shake Weights. Which are hysterically funny... I had really believed them to be someone's idea of a joke. But they aren't - they are sold via infomercial.



Infomercial, heck, I saw them at Target the other day!

ETA: and yes the video was unintentionally hilarious! I mean, seriously if one could get that kind of body by doing that particular motion repeatedly, WHY in the heck don't I look like that?! I mean, yah, I got the freaky pop-eye forearm, but the six pack abs and extra wide lats aren't there yet. Maybe I am not doing it enough? Buy stock in boy-butter folks, I'm workin out!
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Infomercial, heck, I saw them at Target the other day!

ETA: and yes the video was unintentionally hilarious! I mean, seriously if one could get that kind of body by doing that particular motion repeatedly, WHY in the heck don't I look like that?! I mean, yah, I got the freaky pop-eye forearm, but the six pack abs and extra wide lats aren't there yet. Maybe I am not doing it enough? Buy stock in boy-butter folks, I'm workin out!
Ohhh no, they are taking over civilization as we know it! LOL, I don't get out much, obviously, to have missed them at Target. Well, don't shop much, anyway.

I have found that most exercise commercials profile bodies that had to take hours in a gym every day for years, while suggesting that you can look just like those actors with a half an hour a day. Do we have a good rolly-eyes emotie here?

Oh boy, Duck is gonna be a toned god!


Bliss Ninny
Maybe I am not doing it enough? Buy stock in boy-butter folks, I'm workin out!
:D I'm a big fan of exercise in all forms.

Well, I broke down and showed (Why does "showed" always look weird to me?) the video to Doc. Only one of his comments was tame enough to post here:

"You already have one of those." *points to his crotch* :rolleyes: :p


Well-Known Member
:D I'm a big fan of exercise in all forms.

Well, I broke down and showed (Why does "showed" always look weird to me?) the video to Doc. Only one of his comments was tame enough to post here:

"You already have one of those." *points to his crotch* :rolleyes: :p

Wahoo! Heh, you know I can't finish watching that video. Mostly I just break down laughing so hard that I cry and can't breath. How much are they supposed to sell for? I have never gotten to that part.


Well-Known Member
I was at work when I first read this. Now I can actually see the list.

By these standards, I'm completely undateable.

I'd hate to end up with the dead *** of a hag that would be uptight about most of this stuff.


Well-Known Member
Nuh-uh. Say it loud and say it proud. :rainbow1:
Oh geez, I couldn't be gay if I wanted to. Just something about a woman... wow, just couldn't imagine being attracted to the opposite sex.

However, I am confused about how the weight shaker is a "gay" exercise piece. The way I look at it, is any device that works to hit muscles I might not otherwise workout I am game for. You should have seen all the contraptions Bruce Lee had.

Now get over here so I can whisper in your ear :D


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Oh geez, I couldn't be gay if I wanted to. Just something about a woman... wow, just couldn't imagine being attracted to the opposite sex.

Ah, that's OK.

However, I am confused about how the weight shaker is a "gay" exercise piece. The way I look at it, is any device that works to hit muscles I might not otherwise workout I am game for. You should have seen all the contraptions Bruce Lee had.

It isn't gay, it's supremely phallic. ;)

Now get over here so I can whisper in your ear :D

No. :slap:


Bliss Ninny
Ohhhhhh I get it now... You girls are freekin naughty... I have zero experience thinking like that, so it went right over my head.
It gets worse. I have an additional suggestion for that contraption. :p But I pretend to be a lady, so I won't post it.


Well-Known Member
Ok, let's go through this one by one, hahaha.

100. Man Shakes Still don't know what the hell these are...
99. Blue Tooth Umm.. what if he needs it for business?
98. Wrong Sheets REALLY? Wrong sheets?? Are girls this shallow?
97. Mandanas This depends..
96. Tanks & Sleeveless Ts Jay wears beaters all the time. They're hot.
95. Arm Wrestling In Public ....?
94. “The Blank –STER” ....?
93. Vanity Plates Oh, yeah, this one's right.
92. Quoting Lines From Movies I LOVE a guy that can quote movies! If he can keep up with my quotes, he gets bonus points.
91. Unfortunate Ties Don't like ties in any form.
90. Cell Phone On The Waist Hahaha, yes.
89. Sports Cliches Yes.
88. The Flatulence Trifecta What?
87. Ordering Wine @ Stadium LOL No wine drinkers for me.
86. Online TMI Meh, whatever
85. Pleated Pants Ew, yes.
84. Embellished Jeans Gods, yes!
83. Rearranging Junk / Butt Picking Hahahaha, sometimes it's gotta be rearranged!
82. Sports Jerseys Why is this on here?
81. Dirty Car Meh, if a guy HAS a car, it's a bonus for me, haha!
80. Aggressive Sport Fans Oh, but girls can be hardcore Sex and the City fans, right?
79. Murses Yes.
78. Whining Yes.
77. Jorts & Japris WHAT? What are these?
76. Air Guitar Hahaha, air guitar is fun, c'mon!
75. Boners Um... I'd have more of a problem if a guy COULDN'T get a boner...
74. Fake Swearing What is "fake swearing"?
73. Hawaiian Shirts Meh
72. Overly Creative Voice Mail Meaning what?
71. Names For Breasts Agree
70. Listening To Lite FM Hahaa, agree!
69. Skullwear Huh?
68. Speaking In Cartoon Voice Um.. Seth McFarlane is SO dateable!
67. Can’t Throw Ball This is a problem, but they're not allowed to be overzealous sports fans???
66. Pet Names for Penis Meh, whatever
65. Crocs Yes!
64. Pitted Out Shirts Yes
63. Booya Hahaha, I say it, so why can't he?
62. Tap That / Hit That I say that too.
61. Playing Dungeons & Dragons I play.... Yes, I'm a nerd..
60. Going Shirtless In Public Why?
59. Owning Nunchucks I think that's awesome!
58. Bling Yes, I hate bling.
57. Stupid Tees Meaning what?
56. Bad Dancing Yeah, if he can't swing, he's not for me.
55. Busting Out Porn Too Soon I LOVE porn!
54. Biker Shorts Ew!
53. Talking About Video Games I play Video games, why can't he?
52. Bro-Code ....?
51. “Moist” What? lol
50. Leather Pants I LOVE a boy in leather pants, haha! Dean wears 'em all the time!
49. Crotch Grab ?
48. Holiday Sweaters Ew, yes.
47. Bad Table Manners What, like caveman table manners?
46. Cut Off Shorts Cut off how? Like to the thighs? Then ew. To the calves, fine.
45. Penis Enlargement AHhahahaha!
44. Frequenting Gun Range HOT!
43. Tacky Texting What's tacky texting?
42. Chain Wallet Love it.
41. Getting Drunk On a Plane ? Where's the problem?
40. Disturbing Laugh ...?
39. Lame Pick Lines Hahaha, lame pick up lines are fun.
38. Open-Mouth Breathing Ew, yeah
37. Excessive Ed Hardy EW, definite yeah
36. Burping Loudly & Proudly Everybody burps. So f'n what.
35. Owning A Van Why is this a problem??
34. Baby Talk I'm cool with it sometimes
33. Dad Jeans What are dad jeans?
32. Hairy Back, Neck & Nose Boys are hairy.. deal with it.
31. Eminem-Speak You mean like yo yo speak? Yeah, that's annoying.. but Eminem is hot
30. Wimpy Drinker. Gods yes! He has to at least keep up with me!
29. Double Demin Hahaha, yep
28. Bicep & Calf Implants People DO THIS?
27. The Pregnant Man Still had girl parts in order to get pregnant.. not a pregnant man.
26. Speedos Yes!
25. Bad Driver (Sissy/Rage) Meh.
24. Attending Geek Conventions I attend geek conventions yearly!
23. Talking in Third Person Yeah, that's weird.
22. Riding A Contraption Contraption?
21. Moobs Ha!
20. Guy lights/ Dyeing Your Hair I dye mine, why can't he dye his?
19. Bringing Glove to A Game What?? These ******* need to grow up
18. Tighty Whities Ok, yes, haha
17. Bad Facial Hair Yes
16. Gross Nails ... so they shouldn't dye their hair, but they should get manicures?
15. Not Paying On First Date Oh please! Are we still in the 1950s?
14. Dirty Hair Meh
13. Fur Coats Anyone wearing a fur coat sucks.
12. Bald Denial People deny being bald?
11. Steroids Yes!
10. Creepily Into Mom Hahaha, yeah
9. Excessive Waxing Ew, yeah
8. Hocking Loogies Meh, whatever
7. Mandals with Socks Why "mandals"? They can't just be called sandals? This is getting ridiculous!
6. The V & Other Gestures Oh come on. So what.
5. Bustin’ a Sag ...? What??
4. Eye/ Face lift I don't agree with plastic surgery for anyone.
3. Chewing Tobacco It's gross, but it's their perogative.
2. Talking About your Ex I'm torn. It sucks sometimes, but sometimes, stories are funny.
1. The C-Word I use it tons. So can they.

This is a retarded list. Are girls actually this annoying and shallow?? If so, I want to switch clubs.


Well-Known Member
Most of these are perfectly acceptable if done with a sense of sincere irony, though I think the list itself is loudly ironic. lol Many are perfectly legitimate though.

My ironic list of female traits that would prevent me from dating her:
1. She makes an ironic list of male traits that would prevent her from dating me.
