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HALLOWEEN : Pat Robertson vs. (anyone, someone, just debate ;) )


Veteran Member
So, do any Christians here believe Halloween is actually 'evil' and 'satanic'?

What's the harm in dressing up for a holiday and getting candy? How is this evil?
It's totally ridiculous, if you think about it, totally ridiculous.

I don't celebrate Halloween and haven't for the past 25 years.

Evangelical LDS at heart...


Veteran Member
Actually, I think all of thise business about Halloween being evil is areally a cover-up so nobody finds out that it's actually Pat Robertson who is evil and working for Satan. *nod* You've all been fooled by his....charms!
See what I mean MaddLlama ???

Joke or not, you still said it and it wasn't hard to find this, just did a quick search. It took less than a minute..

Pat Robertson is a very very good man...

People love to see good as evil and evil as good...


Obstructor of justice
See what I mean MaddLlama ???

Joke or not, you still said it and it wasn't hard to find this, just did a quick search. It took less than a minute..

Pat Robertson is a very very good man...

People love to see good as evil and evil as good...

Do you have a point, or are you just looking to harass me?

You're free to believe whatever you want is evil, just as I'm free to believe Pat Robertson is a waste of perfectly good air. However, there's also nothing stopping me from believing your opinion is based on ridiculous and fantastical conjecture.


Veteran Member
Do you have a point, or are you just looking to harass me?

You're free to believe whatever you want is evil, just as I'm free to believe Pat Robertson is a waste of perfectly good air. However, there's also nothing stopping me from believing your opinion is based on ridiculous and fantastical conjecture.
No, just debating and illustrating that it goes both ways..

I would say the same thing to Becky, if she can dish it out, she can take it from me also, or is this just a one way forum, no opposing views allowed...that would be very boring..


Deviled Hen
As a kid, I would rather have gotten an apple with a razor blade in it instead of a tract. At least with the apple, once you removed the blade, you had something left to enjoy:sorry1:

On, the contrary, I used to have a hefty "Ho Ho" file filled mostly with Chick tracts found (aptly) in loos around the nation.

As for Halloween, we always get at least one kid who shows up dressed in faux Bible garb passing out brochures.

With Christmas, we had one lady who the management let literally dictate the contents of the office Christmas party. There couldn't be a Christmas tree, because a verse in Jeremiah says that's idolatry. The only music played could be religious hymns. Strangely, very few people showed for the party, and most of the no shows were Christians.


Brother Rock
with FFH on this one!

why did i teach my child 364 days a year that the Devil and demons are bad, then one day out the Year dress him up like one to go get a reward of candy?

what does that say about my faith? Call good , good, and evil , evil.

HELL O WEEN is a Holy day for the satanic church, No? So it is religious. AHHHH
So why then can we have it in public school and not a christmas theme?

I am sure Jesus would tell the little children in his day, " go dress up like the devil and go knock on doors and get candy". LOL

the Devil is OUR ENEMY!

now on the other hand , if you dress like something cute, like a puppy or cartoon, thats your business, for me and my house, we just skip it. To each his own.

but please , to the christians on here, watch who you are calling " FREAKS"
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Obstructor of justice
Halloween is not a holiday for Satanists. It's the commercialization of European customs that stem from the ancient Celtic festival to honor our ancestors, and the inhabitants of the An Saol Eile. Any association with Satan is purely a modern concept in the minds of modern people (since, ancient Pagan tradition was around before the idea of Satan, and before Christianity found its way to that part of Europe)

Technically the actual festival is November 1st, but the start of the celebration was the previous evening. It is, and was a very important holy day for modern and ancient Celtic Pagans.

Though, we all still enjoy going to costume parties on halloween.


Deviled Hen
Absolutely nothing wrong with that of course...what does that have to do with Halloween ???

Because it's nothing but an annual fancy dress party.

Except for the Midwest where I'm from, where it's also a celebration for a good harvest.

Where do you think traditions like bobbing for apples come from?


Deviled Hen
It also shares the date with the Catholic "All Saint's Day" (Nov. 1st) "Halloween" was known as "All Souls" and "All Hallows" and some of the Halloween traditions stem from the idea that the souls of the not-so-saintly dead would be out and about the night before the celebration day for all of the saints.

In Mexico we can see this tradition continue in Nov. 5th's "Day of the Dead."

Though, we all still enjoy going to costume parties on halloween.

I'm still trying to figure out what's evil about Eibhlin dressing up as an elf and giving treats to cute kids dressed up as princesses, dinosaurs and superheros.


Brother Rock
I'm still trying to figure out what's evil about Eibhlin dressing up as an elf and giving treats to cute kids dressed up as princesses, dinosaurs and superheros.


are you trying to tell me NO people dress like, demons and devils on that day?

its a "dark" day, meant to scare you. devils, ghost, witches, Hanted houses, blood, murder, what holys about that?


Deviled Hen

are you trying to tell me NO people dress like, demons and devils on that day?

its a "dark" day, meant to scare you. devils, ghost, witches, Hanted houses, blood, murder, what holys about that?

I'm not sure where you've been hanging out for Halloween, but it sure isn't where I've been.


Obstructor of justice
its a "dark" day, meant to scare you. devils, ghost, witches, Hanted houses, blood, murder, what holys about that?

There isn't anything "holy" about that. That's why those things are all part of the commercialized aspects, and it's really only the Pagan community that treats it as a "holy" day (and, there aren't very many of us).