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HALLOWEEN : Pat Robertson vs. (anyone, someone, just debate ;) )


Brother Rock
Do those things have to be part of Halloween when you celebrate it? You don't have to go to a haunted house, watch scary movies, decorate the house like a graveyard, and wear scary costumes. If you take those types of things out of the equation, what makes it evil then?

thats the problem, those things are a part of the equation. ( when you think of that holiday).

if those elements were not there , it would not be evil.


Obstructor of justice
thats the problem, those things are a part of the equation. ( when you think of that holiday).

if those elements were not there , it would not be evil.

It's perfectly possible to celebrate Halloween without that, though. I've never much been into the haunted house thing, and I don't care for scary movies anyway. What's wrong with having a party at home with costumes, candy and games?

I'm not trying to say you have to celebrate Halloween, you're free to do as you please. I just think that most people who don't celebrate it because they think it's "evil" haven't spent much time thinking that one through.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
When the average person thinks of Halloween, there are visions of jack-o-lanterns with candles inside to make the jeering faces look even more eerie. There are thoughts of skeletons and ghosts, goblins and devils. Black is a favorite color of Halloween and rooms are made to be dark and scary.
Consider for a moment the symbolism of Halloween. What has that symbolism to do with the true God or Christianity? The symbols of Halloween are blackness and darkness. These are symbols of Satan.

There are dark elements to Halloween. But there are dark elements in each of us (once we make the assumption that there is light in us as well). A necessary aspect of existing in a universe with "light" is having "darkness." A creative universe has a destructive side as well.

And these dark elements must rise out of us, whether it be in celebration of Halloween, the Day of the Dead, mourning at a funeral, participating in communion, demolishing a house, slaughtering/hunting food, or setting up a "hell-house."

Interestingly, I read interviews of young people who acted in hell-houses; the most popular parts were playing murderers, demons, and "witches."

I celebrate Halloween with great zeal! I am not evil, but I can be dark. I am not cruel, but I can be destructive. The new life of Spring submits to the death of winter in the sacrifices of the Harvest.


Veteran Member
Rocka said:
I am sure Jesus would tell the little children in his day, " go dress up like the devil and go knock on doors and get candy". LOL

On All Hallow's Eve people dressed up like demons and the like to scare away the demons which they presumed came around...

An anti-Christian tactic; scare a demon with a demon.

Jesus said, "How can Satan cast out Satan ???".

it's only y the power and the name of Jesus Christ whereby "demons must flee".

"Resist the devil and he will flee from you."

It's by God's grace and mercy that "no weapon formed against thee shall prosper".

We can't fight evil with evil, but must fight evil by doing good and calling upon the neme of Jesus Christ in times of despair when Satan attacks us heavily and without remorse or sympathy. He plain does not care about us or our misery and would "speedily drag us down to hell." if he could and he does manage to do that with many...

Dress up like a demon or a witch to fight off evil. Like that's gonna help...

That's what All Hallow's Eve was all about...

This is just one holiday which is filled with the "spirit of antichrist".

Trin-I-Tee 5:7 - God's Grace

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan

On All Hallow's Eve people dressed up like demons and the like to scare away the demons which they presumed came around...

An anti-Christian tactic; scare a demon with a demon.

Jesus said, "How can Satan cast out Satan ???".

it's only y the power and the name of Jesus Christ whereby "demons must flee".

"Resist the devil and he will flee from you."

It's by God's grace and mercy that "no weapon formed against thee shall prosper".

We can't fight evil with evil, but must fight evil by doing good and calling upon the neme of Jesus Christ in times of despair when Satan attacks us heavily and without remorse or sympathy. He plain does not care about us or our misery and would "speedily drag us down to hell." if he could and he does manage to do that with many...

Dress up like a demon or a witch to fight off evil. Like that's gonna help...

That's what All Hallow's Eve was all about...

I disagree. It's more about celebration than fighting off evil.

Then again, the best way to fight off evil is to celebrate, isn't it? Revel in the Harvest Celebration! Celebrate the Autumn! Fight off evil by releasing the darkness within!


Veteran Member
Rocka said:
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20).

Amen to this...

This is the basic foundation of all Satan's lies he pushes onto mankind in the form of many holidays and celebrations..

Satan teaches there is no hell, there is no punishment for sin, all is good, sin is good and a necessary part of your progression into a higher level of consciousness...

There is no evil, but only good, celebrate with me on this most hallowed eve/holy evening/Halloween night...

Demons laugh at those who celebrate Halloween and they are pleased to see so many following in their traditions.

Satan and his demons laugh at our stupidity...

Satan and his demons tremble at the sound of the name of Jesus Christ..

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Amen to this...

This is the basic foundation of all Satan's lies he pushes onto mankind in the form of many holidays and celebrations..

Satan teaches there is no hell, there is no punishment for sin, all is good, sin is good and a necessary part of your progression into a higher level of consciousness...

There is no evil, but only good, celebrate with me on this most hallowed eve/holy evening/Halloween night...

Demons laugh at those who celebrate Halloween and they are pleased to see so many following in their traditions.

Satan and his demons laugh at our stupidity...

Satan and his demons tremble at the sound of the name of Jesus Christ..


Satan and his demons dance in the moonlight with Jesus and his saints. The moonlight is in me and you!


Veteran Member
Guitars said:
Fight off evil by releasing the darkness within!
and the only way to "release" that darkness within is by our good choices, by doing good...

"Resist the devil and he will flee from you".

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
and the only way to "release" that darkness within is by our good choices, by doing good...

"Resist the devil and he will flee from you".

Sometimes doing good is celebrating the dark side of reality through things we perceive as evil, but may not be, such as dressing up as a ghost and celebrating dark things, the harvest, and death.


Veteran Member
Sometimes doing good is celebrating the dark side of reality through things we perceive as evil, but may not be, such as dressing up as a ghost and celebrating dark things, the harvest, and death.
Satan loves to mix things up by combining something good with something evil.

He loves to mix his lies with God's truths, men's philosophies with inspired scripture, good holidays with evil traditions.

He whispers to every man, celebrate the harvest with me and the spectacle of death and darkness at the same time...

Celebrate the fall, at which time you can observe the lovely colors of the leaves, (FFH comments; which represent the colors of the fires of hell, red orange and yellow flames) and the darkness of the night (FFH comments; also found in hell)

The leaves on the trees turning orange yellow and red are beautiful, but they should also serve to remind us of death and the firey colors of hell which they represent as they are dying..

There is nothing good about death and dyiing, these were introduced into the world by Satan, when Adam and Eve transgressed the laws of God.

Christ has overcome death and sin, life/overcoming death being a free gift to all, but those who do not believe in Christ will spend some time in a firey setting, let the fall remind us of that, as well as the darkness of the night, which is found in hell also, because there is no light away from the love and light of Christ...

Lets celebrate death in the fall with Satan, when the nights begin to be longer and longer and all that is beautiful in the world dies or bacomes dormant...happy happy joy joy....:sad4:

I would rather celebrate life in the spring, when all is renewed and the nights become shorter and all that is beautiful in the world is renewed again and seems to come back to life from nothing...:rainbow1:


Obstructor of justice
I would rather celebrate life in the spring, when all is renewed and the nights become shorter and all that is beatiful in the world is renewed again and seems to come back to life from nothing...:rainbow1:

Without death there is no life. Everything has to die before it's reborn. It doesn't make sense to celebrate only the pretty things.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Satan loves to mix things up by combining something good with something evil.

He loves to mix his lies with God's truths, men's philosophies with inspired scripture, good holidays with evil traditions.

Good and evil are intertwined. One creates the other. Lies mixed are the beginnings of truth. And truth is the biggest lie of all.

He whispers to every man, celebrate the harvest with me and the spectacle of death and darkness at the same time...

Death equals life. The death and darkness of autumn and fall pave the way for the bright living spring. The harvest brings fat bellies and cheer!

Celebrate the fall, at which time you can observe the lovely colors of the leaves, (FFH comments; which represent the colors of the fires of hell, red orange and yellow flames) and the darkness of the night (FFH comments; also found in hell)

The leaves on the trees turning orange yellow and red are beautiful, but they should also serve to remind us of death and the firey colors of hell which they represent as they are dying..

The fiery colors of Autumn also represent the fire of candles and love. They cheer the aching heart as well as the flowers of Spring.

Lets celebrate death in the fall with Satan, when the nights begin to be longer and longer and all that is beautiful in the world dies or bacomes dormant...happy happy joy joy....:sad4:

I would rather celebrate life in the spring, when all is renewed and the nights become shorter and all that is beatiful in the world is renewed again and seems to come back to life from nothing...:rainbow1:

I will celebrate both in remembrance that I am the love-child of God and Satan. :):sad4:


Veteran Member
Without death there is no life. Everything has to die before it's reborn. It doesn't make sense to celebrate only the pretty things.
If that were true then death, darkness and ugliness would be a part of heaven...

Death, darkness and sin entered the world through one man and woman's transgression, life, light and righteousness entered into the world by one man's sacrifice..


Deviled Hen
Do those things have to be part of Halloween when you celebrate it? You don't have to go to a haunted house, watch scary movies, decorate the house like a graveyard, and wear scary costumes. If you take those types of things out of the equation, what makes it evil then?

Scary stories were part and parcel of the Calvinist part of our history as well, MaddLlama, long before pagans had any influence here (think "Sleepy Hollow" for instance).

Were Calvinists evil? They used those scary stories not just for entertainment, but as moral lessons. Celebrations of ghosts and demons to them were just reminding people of the dangers of straying from the faith.


Deviled Hen
Ii don't care what you or catholics do,,,,,,,, its just not for me, OK?

I'm hardly insisting anyone who disagrees with it take part, Rocka.

But I don't see where a handful of people who have a problem get to say the rest of us can't have a bit of harmless fun, which is what I've faced on several occasions here.


Well-Known Member
Isn't it strange how some of the people who supposedly believe that death is not the end are the same people who fear and hate death? If you don't die, you're stuck here.


Liebe ist für alle da
This is just one holiday which is filled with the "spirit of antichrist".

It's good to know now that a Holiday some people truly follow as part of there religion is now "evil". So, just because of what some people do on the holiday now a day make an Ancient holiday "evil now. :cover:......:slap:


Obstructor of justice
Scary stories were part and parcel of the Calvinist part of our history as well, MaddLlama, long before pagans had any influence here (think "Sleepy Hollow" for instance).

Were Calvinists evil? They used those scary stories not just for entertainment, but as moral lessons. Celebrations of ghosts and demons to them were just reminding people of the dangers of straying from the faith.

Hmm, Hans Christian Anderson and the Grimm Brothers must be pretty evil then. The Disney versions of those stories are waaaay prettier than the real versions.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
It's good to know now that a Holiday some people truly follow as part of there religion is now "evil". So, just because of what some people do on the holiday now a day make an Ancient holiday "evil now. :cover:......:slap:

Evil is, of course, in the eye of the beholder.