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Harris Snatching Patents

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member

Harris said in 2019 that she wants price controls on drug companies and if they don't comply she will snatch their patents and she will take over.

“For any drug where they fail to play by our rules, and if that drug came about from federal funding for what’s called ‘R and D,’ research and development, I will snatch their patent so that we will take over,” she said. “Yes we can do that! The question is, do you have the will to do it?” “I have the will to do it,” the now Democratic nominee for president said.

Dictators do this. This would end the drug industry and no more new life saving drugs would be created. Wouldn't it be nice for the media to be able to ask her about this? Is she still in favor of this? We can only assume she is. The answer is to not give these grants for R&D, which I am in favor of, but she wants control over the drug companies instead.


Industrial Strength Linguist
It seems to me that, if these corporations are going to take welfare checks from the public to help them develop the drugs, then the public ought to get a reasonable return on its investment. After all, we make individuals on welfare meet certain work obligations in return for receiving the help. Startups need money, too, but investors give them money to get a return on their investment. In the case of taxpaying investors, the return should be controls on how much they can earn off of the patents that the public helped pay for those companies to get.


colors your eyes with what's not there
Look on the bright side. She isn't threatening to walk up to them and snatch their private parts.


It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Harris said in 2019 that she wants price controls on drug companies and if they don't comply she will snatch their patents and she will take over.

“For any drug where they fail to play by our rules, and if that drug came about from federal funding for what’s called ‘R and D,’ research and development, I will snatch their patent so that we will take over,” she said. “Yes we can do that! The question is, do you have the will to do it?” “I have the will to do it,” the now Democratic nominee for president said.
It sounds legal and very beneficial for her constituents, which appears to be ordinary people rather than the 1%.

I'm all for it. Big Pharma is yet another gouger. This what strong representative government can do for its citizens.
Wouldn't it be nice for the media to be able to ask her about this? Is she still in favor of this?
I hope so.
Dictators do this.
Only benevolent dictators, and when was the last time we saw one of them?

And Harris isn't a dictator, so apparently that is a lawful option open to her. I think she knows the law.

The right tries so hard to smear Harris and Walz, but it points back to Trump, who wants to end voting.

Same thing when they called the Democrats antidemocratic because they chose a candidate without primary. How ill-advised is it to point at a competitor and project your own defects onto them?

Or who can forget Trump calling Biden Sleepy Joe and Crooked Joe while falling asleep as he was in the process of being convicted of multiple felonies.
This would end the drug industry and no more new life saving drugs would be created.
No, it wouldn't. If you were told that, you were lied to. The drugs just need to be profitable, not obscenely profitable - to keep them generating them. And if they decide they don't want that profit, then the government can run pharmaceutical manufacturing operations itself.
Look on the bright side. She isn't threatening to walk up to them and snatch their private parts.
After the E. Jean Carroll judgments, we saw, "She grabbed him by the pursey."

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Well, it does sound like she has the right to do it; as laid out in the US Congressionally passed Bayh-Dole Act of 1980; which first allowed Federal funds to assist universities and other facilities to invent and commercialize all sorts of stuff.
So for the last 44 years, these companies have had our tax-payer funds to Research & Develop (R&D) drugs and other things; and then sell those things to make LOTS of money $$$$.

Bayh-Dole Act - Office of Research & Innovation.

Note that during this whole time; the federal government, and NOT the company, have held ownership of the actual patents; but the companies have been ALLOWED to keep the profits for themselves. :innocent:
During all the years of this acts (and the tax-payer funding); many pharma companies have made BILLIONS of dollars in profits; but not once has the government deemed it necessary to take anything from them.

Harris is now (or rather back then, during her bid in 2019) suggesting that the Feds have the power (as they legally actually do); under certain pre-agreed-upon guidelines; to step in and allow other private companies to produce and profit from the patents which the Feds already own.
Yeah. Cry me a river, Big Pharma. :sob: :rolleyes:



"Specifically, the funding agency can require the federal contractor to grant a patent license to a third party if the agency determines that any of four statutory conditions listed in 35 U.S.C. § 203(a) apply:
(1) action is necessary because the contractor or assignee has not taken, or is not expected to take within a reasonable time, effective steps to achieve practical application of the subject invention . . . ;
(2) action is necessary to alleviate health or safety needs which are not reasonably satisfied by the contractor, assignee, or their licensees;
(3) action is necessary to meet requirements for public use specified by Federal regulations . . . ; or
(4) action is necessary because [the contactor or its licensee did not comply with the preference for domestic manufacturing of the invention under 35 U.S.C. § 204]."

Sooooo...... basically; if the company; who got Federal Funds to do their research to make a patentable product; and who handed over those funded patents to the Federal Government before they ever tried to sell them.
If that company drives the price up on Americans, because they have a Monopoly (outlawed across the board in the early 20th century); then the Feds could take the patent and hand it over to other private companies; and thus create (OH THE HORROR! :eek:) a competitive capitalistic marketplace for the product. (See: Insulin)
Or if the Feds found that one of their Federally Funded companies had the only cure for a widespread disease (like COVID-19); but that one company didn't have enough factories to make enough of the product fast enough to save American lives in a reasonable fashion; they could step in and allow other companies to use the patent information to help with the production.

Oh, Harris; that conniving dictatorial *****!! :mad::mad::eek::mad:


:rolleyes: Really? That's all the Pugs have come up with? :D:p:D

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
It sounds legal and very beneficial for her constituents, which appears to be ordinary people rather than the 1%.

I'm all for it. Big Pharma is yet another gouger. This what strong representative government can do for its citizens.
No, that is what communist governments do, steal patents and destroy companies. Do you like having these life saving drugs? We will have less of them if this is done.
I hope so.
I doubt they will, She has shown no inclination to answer any questions about her policies. Do we not have the right to question her and her policies? Dictators do not get elected nor do they answer questions from the people.
Only benevolent dictators, and when was the last time we saw one of them?

And Harris isn't a dictator, so apparently that is a lawful option open to her. I think she knows the law.

The right tries so hard to smear Harris and Walz, but it points back to Trump, who wants to end voting.
Why can't any talk about Harris's positions without bring up Trump? Are her positions only good because Trump is bad?
Same thing when they called the Democrats antidemocratic because they chose a candidate without primary. How ill-advised is it to point at a competitor and project your own defects onto them?
That happened. She received 0 primary votes, Biden was forced because the dems knew he couldn't win, not because he was incapacitated That is thwarting the vote of the people in the dem party. That happened.
Or who can forget Trump calling Biden Sleepy Joe and Crooked Joe while falling asleep as he was in the process of being convicted of multiple felonies.
Ok, what has this do do with Harris's policies?
No, it wouldn't. If you were told that, you were lied to. The drugs just need to be profitable, not obscenely profitable - to keep them generating them. And if they decide they don't want that profit, then the government can run pharmaceutical manufacturing operations itself.
Yes, by force, you lower your prices or we will take the patent from you. That sound like democracy in action.
After the E. Jean Carroll judgments, we saw, "She grabbed him by the pursey."
Can you focus on Harris's policies?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I'd personally like to hear her policies. Otherwise, I will just default to the Democrat policies. Which suck, in my opinion.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member

Harris said in 2019 that she wants price controls on drug companies and if they don't comply she will snatch their patents and she will take over.

“For any drug where they fail to play by our rules, and if that drug came about from federal funding for what’s called ‘R and D,’ research and development, I will snatch their patent so that we will take over,” she said. “Yes we can do that! The question is, do you have the will to do it?” “I have the will to do it,” the now Democratic nominee for president said.

Dictators do this. This would end the drug industry and no more new life saving drugs would be created. Wouldn't it be nice for the media to be able to ask her about this? Is she still in favor of this? We can only assume she is. The answer is to not give these grants for R&D, which I am in favor of, but she wants control over the drug companies instead.
Harris is indeed bad news.
Her love for price controls & property seizure is authoritarian.
But note, she's still better than the far more authoritarian treasonous rapist, Trump.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
that is what communist governments do, steal patents and destroy companies.
No companies are being destroyed, and neither America, where apparently that practice is legal (I hadn't heard that that was a thing previously), nor Harris are communistic or communists.

You're not going to get very far with that trope outside of MAGA circles, but I don't think that matters to you, since it should be obvious to you that it resonates with other MAGA but not with liberals, centrists, or moderate conservatives - just conservative extremists.

Nobody who is actually worried about dictators and authoritarianism is going to move from Harris to Trump, but maybe a few undecideds will be won over by that if it becomes a campaign issue.
Do you like having these life saving drugs? We will have less of them if this is done.
You're wrong.

We pay much less for pharmaceuticals here in Mexico than Americans pay, and you know that nobody involved from manufacturer to pharmacy is working at a loss.

Incidentally - and I hope you don't mind me saying so - the proper word is "fewer" (drugs) or any other countable noun. Uncountable nouns get "less." Chair is a countable noun, as with four chairs around the table, and three is fewer chairs, not less chairs. Contrariwise, furniture is an uncountable noun. You can't have four furnitures. And removing that chair results in fewer chairs but less furniture.
Do we not have the right to question her and her policies?
Sure you do. And she has the right to answer or to evade the question.
Dictators do not get elected nor do they answer questions from the people.
They often begin by being elected.

But you just can't make the case that Harris is a dictator or won't discuss her policies. It's up to her how much time she wants to take from campaigning to give press conferences.
Why can't any talk about Harris's positions without bring up Trump? Are her positions only good because Trump is bad?
I wasn't talking about her position when I mentioned Trump. I was referring to the double standards of the right. We see that Trump and Trump supporters don't care about democracy or Harris' policies except to try to find something to smear her with much as a creationist doesn't care about science unless they think it can be used against a perceived enemy, other science.

You support a man who has contempt for democracy, the law, the truth the military, and the police, yet here you are trying to make the case that Harris is a dictator. That's was his name was introduced into this thread. It's not whataboutism. It's about the difference between a dictator wannabe and a woman that you want to brand as such. Big difference.
Biden was forced because the dems knew he couldn't win
There is zero evidence that Biden was forced out, and no mechanism for that anyway. If he wanted to be running, he would be. What it appears actually happened is that great man made a personal sacrifice and put country ahead of himself. Others exhorted him to make that move, but it was his choice to make.

But you prefer to depict is as something unsavory.
not because he was incapacitated
The right and the media had successfully demeaned Biden to the point that even the left was increasingly disillusioned about him and saw him as cognitively impaired for appearing frail in the debate even as Trump was ranting about sharks and cannibals while slurring his words and confusing people for one another. How quickly they forgot that only a few months earlier, that same man hit it out of the ballpark in his State of the Union address.

But that bit them in the bottom, didn't it? Suddenly, they have to face a new candidate, and only theirs is old, feeble, and confused.
That is thwarting the vote of the people in the dem party. That happened.
Your "concern" about Democratic voters being disenfranchised is misplaced.

For starters, the left is ecstatic about the switch - not complaining that their votes didn't count. That is evident from the polls, from all the new voter registrations (they like her better than Joe and now want to vote), the outpouring of contributions mostly from small donors and many first-time donors, and the huge number of people signing up to volunteer for her. That's how you vote for a candidate when the primary elections are over.

And if there's anybody out there that is disappointed that Harris has become the nominee and would prefer to vote for Joe than Kamala, they can write him in. Your claim that this is undemocratic is empty on that count as well.
Yes, by force, you lower your prices or we will take the patent from you. That sound like democracy in action
I guess you don't know what democracy is. A democratic government can take much more than that from you as Trump is discovering.

What makes this democratic is that if it legal to do what she proposes, it's because democratically elected legislators wrote the laws. If she becomes president, that will be democratic as well. And if she uses that too as president, that is here prerogative, because voters gave her the ability.
Can you focus on Harris's policies?
I've covered that. I told you immediately in my first post that I supported them and why. If you have more questions for me, fire away.

The more interesting topic is why you dragged this out. It's from 2019 and to my knowledge hasn't been part of her campaign. Also, why you think that this approach of trying to depict Harris as a Communist or wannabe dictator will do anything but give people like me a chance to make counterarguments that are more powerful that yours while reflecting badly on you.

You can't malign good people to other good people and expect not to look bad in so doing. I assure you that the attacks on Harris and Walz make those who bring them look bad to good people. Do you really want to be one of them? Do you recall the public reaction to Trump calling fallen soldiers suckers and losers? Did you see how Vance's misogynistic cat woman comment was received? Or Noem's reception when the shooting the dog story was told? Or RFK Jr.'s fall in likeability for that dead bear stunt?

People like Kamala, women with cats instead of children, dogs, and juvenile bears, but not the people who disrespect them. People like Kamala, and you defame her at your own risk.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member

Harris said in 2019 that she wants price controls on drug companies and if they don't comply she will snatch their patents and she will take over.

“For any drug where they fail to play by our rules, and if that drug came about from federal funding for what’s called ‘R and D,’ research and development, I will snatch their patent so that we will take over,” she said. “Yes we can do that! The question is, do you have the will to do it?” “I have the will to do it,” the now Democratic nominee for president said.

Dictators do this. This would end the drug industry and no more new life saving drugs would be created. Wouldn't it be nice for the media to be able to ask her about this? Is she still in favor of this? We can only assume she is. The answer is to not give these grants for R&D, which I am in favor of, but she wants control over the drug companies instead.
Great idea. Drug companies have long been a cartel. Such things ought to have been done long time back.

We Never Know

No Slack

Harris said in 2019 that she wants price controls on drug companies and if they don't comply she will snatch their patents and she will take over.

“For any drug where they fail to play by our rules, and if that drug came about from federal funding for what’s called ‘R and D,’ research and development, I will snatch their patent so that we will take over,” she said. “Yes we can do that! The question is, do you have the will to do it?” “I have the will to do it,” the now Democratic nominee for president said.

Dictators do this. This would end the drug industry and no more new life saving drugs would be created. Wouldn't it be nice for the media to be able to ask her about this? Is she still in favor of this? We can only assume she is. The answer is to not give these grants for R&D, which I am in favor of, but she wants control over the drug companies instead.
She may have flipped on that too. Didn't she flip on fracking, marijuana and the death penalty to name a few?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner

Harris said in 2019 that she wants price controls on drug companies and if they don't comply she will snatch their patents and she will take over.

“For any drug where they fail to play by our rules, and if that drug came about from federal funding for what’s called ‘R and D,’ research and development, I will snatch their patent so that we will take over,” she said. “Yes we can do that! The question is, do you have the will to do it?” “I have the will to do it,” the now Democratic nominee for president said.

Dictators do this. This would end the drug industry and no more new life saving drugs would be created. Wouldn't it be nice for the media to be able to ask her about this? Is she still in favor of this? We can only assume she is. The answer is to not give these grants for R&D, which I am in favor of, but she wants control over the drug companies instead.
No, dictators assert it's their right to assassinate political rivals and say things like "I wanna be a dictator."
Guess what? We have price controls in other ways and its embarrassing America has very expensive healthcare we can't afford and results that aren't all that great. Things have got to change.