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Harris's Bigotry

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Being an European, I care about those who treasure the European civilization.
What the bloody hell is "the European civilization"? Even when it comes to religion there's been some horrible wars because there is no homogenous Europe. Greek influence, being repressed by Roman Imperialism, becoming the Western Roman Empire and Christianity are about the only reason we even have a continent called Europe amd a concept of the West in the first place.


colors your eyes with what's not there
Why? It doesn't necessarily reflect ability. Age brings decline, but not at the same rate, pace or even age for everyone. I've known 35 year olds I wouldn't trust to run a lemonade stand, but some into their 80s remain sharp.

Age brings decline, yes. Physically and mentally. I want to vote for a president that has physical vigor and mental acuity. That's not a diss on older people, but a brake on politicking past the age where one can best serve their constituents.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Pointing out that Trump is old is only using one of Trump's arguments against Biden against him.
So if trump uses sexism, racism, & other bigotries,
does it become OK for Democrats to do the same?
I would like to see if that was what she was doing. Pointing out the hypocrisy of others is perfectly fine in a debate.
Do you think that was what she was doing?
One has to remember that news accounts are often edited. Ideally one would have a link to the entire reported conversation.
You doubt she said it?
Do you extend the same skepticism to Vance's statements in the news?
And finally, do you approve of her using "old" as an epithet?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Why? It doesn't necessarily reflect ability. Age brings decline, but not at the same rate, pace or even age for everyone. I've known 35 year olds I wouldn't trust to run a lemonade stand, but some into their 80s remain sharp.
Age also brings experience & perspective.
Until one suffers decline, age can be good.

Harris just calls him "old". She doesn't make
an argument about age.
Is her barb any better than calling her the
"DEI" candidate?


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member


Well-Known Member
"Trump is old and quite weird?" as a Kamala Harris campaign statement put it.

Trump's age isn't the problem. (It's his being
a fascist thieving violent treasonous thug.)

Her sex & race aren't the problem. If it's
bigoted to criticize her for irrelevant things
beyond her control, then it's wrong for her
to do the same.
Clean up your act, Harris.

Note that she's not claiming some objective
age related infirmity. She's just dissing being
She might feel differently if she's lucky enuf
to become old some day.
I might agree with you, if the MAGA crowd hadn't spent the past year screaming about how Biden is TOO OLD. If it was a legitimate concern about Biden then it should be just as a legitimate concern about Trump, now that he's the oldest candidate in the race.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I might agree with you, if the MAGA crowd hadn't spent the past year screaming about how Biden is TOO OLD. If it was a legitimate concern about Biden then it should be just as a legitimate concern about Trump, now that he's the oldest candidate in the race.
When "old" is used as a pejorative, not in the
context of addressing age, it's bigotry. Bigotry
is not made good just because the other side
does it.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
When "old" is used as a pejorative, not in the
context of addressing age, it's bigotry. Bigotry
is not made good just because the other side
does it.
Why do we centrists always have to be the damned good guys? :mad:

Plus, pay-back FEELS good. :smilingimp::smilingimp::wink:



Well-Known Member
When "old" is used as a pejorative, not in the
context of addressing age, it's bigotry. Bigotry
is not made good just because the other side
does it.
MAGA folks would deny that calling Biden too old was bigotry... if they're telling the truth then calling Trump old isn't either. If they were lying, then calling Trump old points out their hypocrisy. And note, there's a difference between calling someone too old and simply pointing out that they are old.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
That is in no way close to real socialism which is international in scope. You seem to a lean towards European nationalism and a aberrant variation of socialist thought (if you are indeed socialist). So should we call you a national socialists?
No. Socialism that respects all nations.
It's so funny how in the United States the mantra is that Asian nationalism is sacred, African nationalism is sacred, but European nationalism is racist.


Well-Known Member
I have never denied he targets the opponents.
But he also speaks of economics and geopolitics most of the times.
Sure, he speaks about how horrible the Biden economy is, while ignoring that it's currently more robust than ever. But he says NOTHING about what he's specifically going to do for the economy if reelected... aside from give billionaires and corporations another massive tax cut. As for geopolitics... all I hear his talk about if how much he admires how the worst world leaders are able to rule with an iron fist. He DOES claim that he'd end the war in Ukraine almost instantly... but then, he also claimed he completely fix the border, provide healthcare for EVERYONE at lower cost, lower EVERYONE'S taxes (ends up he kept his promise to the rich, but raised taxes on the rest of us), would instantly pass an infrastructure bill... the list of things he SAID he'd fix with ease during his first term but didn't goes on and on.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad she stoped short of, "and smells funny".

It needs to be done with a certain amount of finesse though, otherwise you can wind up offending and alienating the wrong people.

In this case older voters.
I don't think pointing out the "weirdness" is going to turn off older voters, if anything it a more appropriate response in terms of civility and decorum than they are used to hearing from Trump and they are nowhere near as isolated as they are perceived. As usual, avoid stridency and excessive emotion and I and they are more than willing to have a conversation. Weird gets a what,how, why response, but he smells or even he is a fascist will not get you where you want to go. Same as with most people.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't think pointing out the "weirdness" is going to turn off older voters,

I'm an older voter and it turned me off because it sounds like something a 12-year-old would say.

In any case, that's not the part of her statement that people are worried about. It's the unqualified 'old' part.
if anything it a more appropriate response in terms of civility and decorum than they are used to hearing from Trump

Is that the bar we're using now? :p
and they are nowhere near as isolated as they are perceived. As usual, avoid stridency and excessive emotion and I and they are more than willing to have a conversation.

^Not sure what that sentence means.^
Weird gets a what,how, why response,

No, from me, 'weird' gets a, "With all the ammunition he's giving you is that really the best you can do"? response
but he smells or even he is a fascist will not get you where you want to go. Same as with most people.

Also not sure what you're saying with this sentence. The, "he smells" comment in my last post was my way of saying I thought her statement was a bit juvenile.

By the way, I'm curious: did you turn me into a Republican and/or Trump supporter while you were reading my post? Because you seem to be replying to me in that context.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
What is wrong with using the bar Trump himself set?
Because you're giving up the, "See? We're better than that", advantage that Trump has so graciously handed to whoever winds up running against him.