Faith_is_an_assurance said:
I did not call followers of your path or any other path evil. I would never do such a thing. No one is evil but Satan and his spirit followers. We are only mortals who do good and bad things.
I call evil evil and good good.
Witchcraft is evil, magic is evil. People are neither evil nor good.
The scriptures
We only do evil and good deeds. Does this make us evil or good ???
I would never say anyone is evil or good.
"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God."
Luke 18: 19
None is good but God.
I am only saying that witchcraft and magic is done by the power of Satan which is evil. This is doctrine taught in the Bible.
Yes, Satan does have power and can impart that power to humans on earth. I believe that witchcraft and magic are forms of Satan's power. Satan's power is real and so is God's power.
Witchcraft is evil, magic is evil. People are neither evil nor good.
Rubbish, if you will forgive my directness. It depends entirely what you mean by witchcraft and Magic.
I do faith healing; I am sure that, apart from the people who laugh out loud at me, there are others who see it as 'magic'.
Remember that Magic is only something natural, but something about which we have no ability to understand.
In Africa, the natives used aMagig rather a lot. A witch doctor took away a black man who had been taken to the hospital after having been gored by a lion.
The doctor who let him go (well, there was little he could do for him) was astounded to see him again, at a later date, apparently healed.
The natives used to buty their badly hurt people in earth, with just their head sticking out; feeding them, making sure they were not dehydrated...etc.
What the black man did not know was that the soil was heavily laced with radioactive material - that was what was doing the healing, as well as the maggots which would have been eating and disposing of all the necrotic tissue.
Magic!!!! - evil ?