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Harsh Truth: If Intelligent Design is Untestable . . .


Based on what I have already posted, there is clear evidence that science has contributed much to the misery and suffering experienced by many people, in many nations. For everything they have produced, the planet and its inhabitants have paid for it in some way.
Science and (more often) engineering have been blind to the problems that were created by "solutions" to people exceeding the carrying capacity of thier environment. Religion has been the major impediment to population control.
Pollution is the result of man's mismanagement of this earth. She is heaving under the strain of what science has done in the name of progress. Do you see what corporations such as Monsanto have done to farming and agriculture?
Sure, they've damaged the environment, permitted population growth far in excess of what had been thought possible and fed the human race better than was ever expected. But the basic problem is still the numbers of people.
Pesticide resistant plants have been genetically engineered so that poison sprayed on weeds all around them will not kill these plants....but they might kill the people that eat them. Seeds that grow crops won't produce seed for next years crop unless you buy it from the big boys. Great use of science there. :rolleyes:
I think you mean "herbicides" not "pesticides." I agree with you that the patenting of organisms should not be permitted.
Have you seen the way food is produced these days in order to facilitate our current lifestyle? Living creatures are fed foods that they would never normally eat and killed en masse to supply supermarkets with meat.
"Lifestyle" is a minor issue ... numbers is a major issue.
Pigs and Poultry are kept in cramped, artificial environments and fed hormones to make them grow faster. Some are so grossly distorted that they can't even stand on their feet. Science did that.
I am likely more against that than you, since I understand it better, but until you come to grips with the numbers of people on earth you will simply have to accept two realities: 1) in the end density dependent phenomena are going to kill us all, unless: 2) we need to reduce the population which is hard to do when many religions oppose effective family planning.
In the supermarkets they sacrifice nutrition for shelf life. To ensure that things last longer, they kill every living organism in them so that it will not spoil. We are designed to eat living food. Our whole digestive system is bacterially operated. Nothing in our food supply is fresh and its nutritional value is poor. Even in affluent countries, this amounts to malnourishment. Science has contributed to all of that....so don't blow the trumpet too hard, will ya? :oops:
Again, I agree, but to solve that problem you must either reduce the population of accept the status quo.
I understand what science claims about how evolution took place. I have yet to see any "proof" that does not contain supposition and educated guessing masquerading as established fact.
Then you not looked at the evidence, all you've done is blinder yourself with Awake and The Watchtower.
I could say the same of you. :D Your beliefs are more precious to you than the reality that is right under your nose.
The reality is created. But you don't want to see it.
Horse puckey, come out into the light and begin to grasp the real problems.


You know, you amaze me with your analogies sometimes.....why will a person who knows cats immediately identify a cat's skeleton? Because it is still a cat. :D No guessing required there....eh?
A one second glance at the skull is that it would take, the carnasial teeth are a dead giveaway for cats, lions have them, house cats have them.


And please tell me what things you use for a specific purpose in your occupation were not designed by someone familiar with that occupation, for that purpose?

The Bible itself uses this logic......"....the one who constructs a house has more honor than the house itself. Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God." (Heb 3:3, 4)

You cannot prove that statement is false by applying science. Science gives more honor to the house than to the builder. This is nothing new. They say there is no builder...but look at the modifications that the house made to itself! Amazing, undirected chance mutations constructed all you see....? Seriously, you don't see the flaw in this argument?

Evolution uses a lot of imagination, (educated guessing) as has been demonstrated in this and other threads. Can you tell me why clever men making assumptions about fossils is equivalent to "facts" being presented as unalterable truth. A truth isn't truth until it's proven to be a lie. A truth might stand challenged but it is unalterable. An assumption isn't a fact.

It has already been established by scientists themselves that the fossil record is incomplete and relies on environmental circumstances that are also assumed to have taken place.

"The fossil record is incomplete. This incompleteness has many contributing factors. Geological processes may cause confusion or error, as sedimentary deposition rates may vary, erosion may erase some strata, compression may turn possible fossils into unrecognizable junk, and various other means by which the local fossil record can be turned into the equivalent of a partially burned book, which is then unbound, pages perhaps shuffled, and from which a few pages are retrieved. Beyond geology, there remains taphonomy -- the study of how organisms come to be preserved as fossils. Here, there are further issues to be addressed. Hard parts of organisms fossilize preferentially. The conditions under which even those parts may become fossilized are fairly specialized. All this results in a heavily skewed distribution of even what parts of organisms become fossilized, and that affects which features of morphology are available for use in classification. The issue of geography enters into all this, as a consequence of the fact that living lineages occupy ecological niches, and those niches are bound to certain features of geography.

Paleospecies, then, have to be recognized as species from morphology alone, where the available morphological characters are drawn from a skewed distribution, the pattern of fossilization is skewed, and the geographic correlates of fossilization are limited in extent."

Are these statements false?
Provide sources for the blue. The only place I was able to find this copy pasted from was a from a website talking about creationism and evolution as if they were equals. The context of such statements are highly important
I find the blue in dozens of anti-evolution sites and forum posts, but none from actual science. However that is really unimportant (besides revealing the bankrupt ideology of the YECs). Even were we to stipulate to them, nothing would be lost, evolution would not be tarnished, there is so much supporting evidence, in so many fields, that the fossil record is just a dusting of sugar on top of the icing on the cake.


If you had read my posts here you would see that I have not altered my stance. Macro-evolution is NOT a fact.
I will never believe that it is, any more than I could accept that the earth itself is not designed to support life.
So ... as we knew all along your mind is completely closed and you are just here trolling.
I accept adaptation as fact because that is what science can actually demonstrate as fact. But adaptation is not something anyone can base macro-evolution on. Evidence for one is not a basis for the other. It is stretching it beyond what science can actually prove.
They are one and the same, just as a mile is 5,280 feet or 1760 yards.
So you cannot judge all creatures on the basis of a few fossils. It is not facts forcing conclusions...but pre-conceived conclusions masquerading as facts.
The data is so clear from so many sources that the fossil record is, at this point, completely unnecessary to demonstrate evolution.
The Bible says that creatures reproduce "according to their KIND"....and I do not see one proven incidence of that not being the case. Do you?
Rather hard to do since no YECer will ever be so kind as to define "kind."
Well, if some would actually listen to what I am saying instead of blindly thinking that I hate all science and decry all adaptive change in earth's creatures, we might get somewhere.
Your likes and dislikes are irrelevant, it's your abysmal lack of basic biological knowledge that is the problem. We will get know where until you either get some education or learn to accept as fact what those who demonstrable know better than you do.
What I am saying is there is "proof" for small adaptive change in many creatures, but there is no "proof" for anything else except in the minds of scientists who want their findings to support their beliefs and to be accepted by their peers.
Step by step the longest march can be won, can be won
Many stones can form an arch, singly none, singly none
And by union what we will can be accomplished still
Drops of water turn a mill, singly none, singly none.

Traditional American folk song as well as from the preamble to the constitution of the United Mineworkers of America


Avid JW Bible Student
Science and (more often) engineering have been blind to the problems that were created by "solutions" to people exceeding the carrying capacity of thier environment. Religion has been the major impediment to population control.

Religion is only one contributing factor to the problems of population control. Education is the key to everything.

When you have decisions driven by poverty and ignorance, and not by education, nothing will get ever get any better.
Even in affluent countries, short sighted decisions about government spending in education results in whole sections of the community being perpetually disadvantaged for the very same reasons. Education could fix a lot of things, but the system keeps making these terrible decisions, sentencing more and more children to a life of poverty, drug abuse and crime. If more money was spent on education, then less money would be needed for prisons.....but now we see that there are big privately run prisons springing up all over the place and these are very lucrative enterprises. Is this co-incidence? Opportunism?......or planned?

In countries where the mortality rate in children is high, and education is low, people keep having children in the hope that some will survive to care for them should they reach old age. This is their 'old age pension'....their insurance against starving to death sooner than they would have with no one to care for them. Can we blame them?

Do the wealthy have the capacity to carry those who are in dire circumstances? Yes they do....but they will not share.
10% of people have 90% of the wealth. If we all shared instead of greedily feathering our own nest, we could do so much good....but the philanthropists are in short supply.....and the multi-billionaires are too busy making more money to care about anyone but themselves and the success of their next enterprise.

Sure, they've damaged the environment, permitted population growth far in excess of what had been thought possible and fed the human race better than was ever expected. But the basic problem is still the numbers of people.

When you say "fed the human race better than was expected"......do you mean "better" than starvation?
Do you think we are fed "better" by the scientific advances in mass produced, nutrient poor food than in keeping with the farming practices of by gone times when soils were actually biologically alive and fertilised with organic matter recycled from natural waste? Do you think that the farming methods used today are actually making us healthy? Do you think that the food we buy in our supermarkets is actually nutritious? Most of it has been kept in cold storage for months...sometimes years. It isn't about good healthy food (although that is the illusion) it's about profit and shelf life. How stale can we let something get before we can't sell it to you at full price? Has science aided and abetted this situation? Could it exist without the back-up of science? I don't think so.

I think you mean "herbicides" not "pesticides." I agree with you that the patenting of organisms should not be permitted.

You cannot patent something you didn't create. Science created the monster called genetic engineering. If used for a good purpose...all well and good....but if used for evil (and there always seems to be those who find an evil purpose for everything) it can destroy the world. The battle between good and evil is seen in all areas of life in this world.

Actually a documentary that I watched recently, stated that some plants are genetically engineered to kill insects and so they are legally classified as "pesticides"...so I meant what I said.

Both are poisons introduced after WW 11 and propagandised to farmers as some kind of revolution in farming...but I believe it was closer to the truth to say that there were vast amounts of chemicals left over from the war that they couldn't flog off any other way. Poisoning of the soils and our food was the result. How much poison....not enough to kill us obviously, but enough to keep us from good health and needing the services of doctors and pharmaceutical companies. $$$$$

There are natural farming methods that humans used long before mass production made its way into our lives. We aren't meant to live in cities with others supplying our food and catering to our every whim. We are supposed to grow our own food in rural settings.....rats exist in a rat race...and most "rats" are born into it without knowing that there is something better. Country people are often more knowledgable about a lot of things city dwellers see no need to know. What has this resulted in? A population that is completely dependent on the system to supply their every need. Self sufficiency is sacrificed and we have become useless at fending for ourselves. That sets is up for control. The Bible has predicted this.

I am likely more against that than you, since I understand it better, but until you come to grips with the numbers of people on earth you will simply have to accept two realities: 1) in the end density dependent phenomena are going to kill us all, unless: 2) we need to reduce the population which is hard to do when many religions oppose effective family planning.

Global problems require global solutions. But we know that man is not good at coming to the table to sacrifice anything for the common good of all.

Education again would solve a lot of these problems. Educating people about population control and creating a situation where the poor are not compelled to keep producing more children because of fears for their own future and providing a more even distribution of food by the nations who do produce well. We need to 'teach the man to fish' and share our knowledge and resources. All we seem to care about is ourselves and what is of benefit to us. We could eliminate poverty tomorrow if there was a more even distribution of the wealth and a more caring attitude, but politically the world is doomed to perpetuate the current situation with only more conflict in sight. When it comes to ruling over others.....humans suck!

Again, I agree, but to solve that problem you must either reduce the population of accept the status quo.

How would you solve these problems which seem beyond man's capacity to address in any real way? Will he adopt either of those options?

I find the Bible's solution very appealing, mostly because it doesn't rely on man to accomplish it. I believe that the Creator has the power to accomplish all he has stated that he will do. He does not have to prove himself to us. If we don't want to believe in him, we are free to reject the whole thing. He has told us that this is not the life he intended for us and we all know in the depths of our being that we should be living a much happier existence. In fact the pursuit of happiness is enshrined in what US citizens hold to be sacred...."life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"...no?
The trouble is, their pursuit of happiness is often at the expense of the happiness of others, so until we learn not to be selfish....no good will ever be accomplished in this world. Why are we doomed to keep repeating the same mistakes...why are there still senseless wars?.....because we never learn the lessons from the past. Shouldn't we have moved past all that by now?

No one likes where the world is headed....and science has played a large role in this planet's current state of chaos. In an age when things should be getting better, we are sinking further and further into self destruction with no excuses to offer for any of it.

I have not abandoned God because of what stupid religion has done in this world...he hates it as much as you do, but he is allowing us enough rope....can't you see it? We are not condemned by God......we are condemning ourselves by thinking we are so clever that we can determine our own future purely by our own means.....when do you see anything changing for the better, any time soon?

Then you not looked at the evidence, all you've done is blinder yourself with Awake and The Watchtower.

The material offered in the Watchtower and Awake are practical lessons about life and genuine Christianity. They contain valuable information on how to form lasting relationships and happy families who stay together to raise well adjusted and responsible children. To the extent that people apply that advice, their lives are happier for their selfless efforts.

So JW's are not part of the problem at all. We are well educated and we don't have an issue with population control.
Our religion teaches us to be law-abiding, self-sufficient individuals who share everything we have. We take care of our own, which, if all religions did the same, we would see a vastly different picture to what we see at present. The richest religious organization on earth has adherents who make up a huge portion of the world's poor, but their leader lives in a gold inlaid palace with servants....and yet they are still expected to give what little they have.

People have a brain and they should use it to figure out when they are being conned.
Just because the world is full of bad religion, doesn't mean that good religion can't exist. Just because religion paints God in a bad light, doesn't mean that God can't exist. Throwing the baby out with the bath water is a common knee jerk reaction by those who can't be bothered checking the dirty water before they throw God away.

Man is a spiritual being, no question about it, but evolution cannot explain traits in man that have no survival advantage. Art, music, literature, theatre.....where and why would such traits evolve and why do we see none of these traits in animals without man's intervention?

Where are the cave paintings of the apes or elephants?

Horse puckey, come out into the light and begin to grasp the real problems.

I came out of the dark a long time ago. The real problem is right under our noses but man can't see it for the fact that his nose is so far in the air.


Veteran Member
Religion is only one contributing factor to the problems of population control. Education is the key to everything.

When you have decisions driven by poverty and ignorance, and not by education, nothing will get ever get any better.
Even in affluent countries, short sighted decisions about government spending in education results in whole sections of the community being perpetually disadvantaged for the very same reasons. Education could fix a lot of things, but the system keeps making these terrible decisions, sentencing more and more children to a life of poverty, drug abuse and crime. If more money was spent on education, then less money would be needed for prisons.....but now we see that there are big privately run prisons springing up all over the place and these are very lucrative enterprises. Is this co-incidence? Opportunism?......or planned?

In countries where the mortality rate in children is high, and education is low, people keep having children in the hope that some will survive to care for them should they reach old age. This is their 'old age pension'....their insurance against starving to death sooner than they would have with no one to care for them. Can we blame them?

Do the wealthy have the capacity to carry those who are in dire circumstances? Yes they do....but they will not share.
10% of people have 90% of the wealth. If we all shared instead of greedily feathering our own nest, we could do so much good....but the philanthropists are in short supply.....and the multi-billionaires are too busy making more money to care about anyone but themselves and the success of their next enterprise.

When you say "fed the human race better than was expected"......do you mean "better" than starvation?
Do you think we are fed "better" by the scientific advances in mass produced, nutrient poor food than in keeping with the farming practices of by gone times when soils were actually biologically alive and fertilised with organic matter recycled from natural waste? Do you think that the farming methods used today are actually making us healthy? Do you think that the food we buy in our supermarkets is actually nutritious? Most of it has been kept in cold storage for months...sometimes years. It isn't about good healthy food (although that is the illusion) it's about profit and shelf life. How stale can we let something get before we can't sell it to you at full price? Has science aided and abetted this situation? Could it exist without the back-up of science? I don't think so.

You cannot patent something you didn't create. Science created the monster called genetic engineering. If used for a good purpose...all well and good....but if used for evil (and there always seems to be those who find an evil purpose for everything) it can destroy the world. The battle between good and evil is seen in all areas of life in this world.

Actually a documentary that I watched recently, stated that some plants are genetically engineered to kill insects and so they are legally classified as "pesticides"...so I meant what I said.

Both are poisons introduced after WW 11 and propagandised to farmers as some kind of revolution in farming...but I believe it was closer to the truth to say that there were vast amounts of chemicals left over from the war that they couldn't flog off any other way. Poisoning of the soils and our food was the result. How much poison....not enough to kill us obviously, but enough to keep us from good health and needing the services of doctors and pharmaceutical companies. $$$$$

There are natural farming methods that humans used long before mass production made its way into our lives. We aren't meant to live in cities with others supplying our food and catering to our every whim. We are supposed to grow our own food in rural settings.....rats exist in a rat race...and most "rats" are born into it without knowing that there is something better. Country people are often more knowledgable about a lot of things city dwellers see no need to know. What has this resulted in? A population that is completely dependent on the system to supply their every need. Self sufficiency is sacrificed and we have become useless at fending for ourselves. That sets is up for control. The Bible has predicted this.

Global problems require global solutions. But we know that man is not good at coming to the table to sacrifice anything for the common good of all.

Education again would solve a lot of these problems. Educating people about population control and creating a situation where the poor are not compelled to keep producing more children because of fears for their own future and providing a more even distribution of food by the nations who do produce well. We need to 'teach the man to fish' and share our knowledge and resources. All we seem to care about is ourselves and what is of benefit to us. We could eliminate poverty tomorrow if there was a more even distribution of the wealth and a more caring attitude, but politically the world is doomed to perpetuate the current situation with only more conflict in sight. When it comes to ruling over others.....humans suck!

How would you solve these problems which seem beyond man's capacity to address in any real way? Will he adopt either of those options?

I find the Bible's solution very appealing, mostly because it doesn't rely on man to accomplish it. I believe that the Creator has the power to accomplish all he has stated that he will do. He does not have to prove himself to us. If we don't want to believe in him, we are free to reject the whole thing. He has told us that this is not the life he intended for us and we all know in the depths of our being that we should be living a much happier existence. In fact the pursuit of happiness is enshrined in what US citizens hold to be sacred...."life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"...no?
The trouble is, their pursuit of happiness is often at the expense of the happiness of others, so until we learn not to be selfish....no good will ever be accomplished in this world. Why are we doomed to keep repeating the same mistakes...why are there still senseless wars?.....because we never learn the lessons from the past. Shouldn't we have moved past all that by now?

No one likes where the world is headed....and science has played a large role in this planet's current state of chaos. In an age when things should be getting better, we are sinking further and further into self destruction with no excuses to offer for any of it.

I have not abandoned God because of what stupid religion has done in this world...he hates it as much as you do, but he is allowing us enough rope....can't you see it? We are not condemned by God......we are condemning ourselves by thinking we are so clever that we can determine our own future purely by our own means.....when do you see anything changing for the better, any time soon?

The material offered in the Watchtower and Awake are practical lessons about life and genuine Christianity. They contain valuable information on how to form lasting relationships and happy families who stay together to raise well adjusted and responsible children. To the extent that people apply that advice, their lives are happier for their selfless efforts.

So JW's are not part of the problem at all. We are well educated and we don't have an issue with population control.
Our religion teaches us to be law-abiding, self-sufficient individuals who share everything we have. We take care of our own, which, if all religions did the same, we would see a vastly different picture to what we see at present. The richest religious organization on earth has adherents who make up a huge portion of the world's poor, but their leader lives in a gold inlaid palace with servants....and yet they are still expected to give what little they have.

People have a brain and they should use it to figure out when they are being conned.
Just because the world is full of bad religion, doesn't mean that good religion can't exist. Just because religion paints God in a bad light, doesn't mean that God can't exist. Throwing the baby out with the bath water is a common knee jerk reaction by those who can't be bothered checking the dirty water before they throw God away.

Man is a spiritual being, no question about it, but evolution cannot explain traits in man that have no survival advantage. Art, music, literature, theatre.....where and why would such traits evolve and why do we see none of these traits in animals without man's intervention?

Where are the cave paintings of the apes or elephants?

I came out of the dark a long time ago. The real problem is right under our noses but man can't see it for the fact that his nose is so far in the air.
I'm not really sure what you're going on about, but I feel the need to interject one little thing here in regards to your ideas about farming the old fashioned way.

My grandparents both grew up on rural farms in Saskatchewan, much like what you are trying to describe here. They didn't have much in the way of machinery and they didn't have electricity or indoor plumbing. During the winter months when it wasn't possible to grow crops outdoors, they kept their food in cold storage and ate it throughout the rest of the year, and they would ration it because they were never quite sure if it would last until the spring. Cold storage is not a new thing. It doesn't turn food into poison.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I've come to the conclusion that debating someone in evolution who obviously does not understand biology, DNA, evolution, and natural selection is just as clear and easy to spot as debating someone in Marxism with someone who has clearly not read anything by Marx. Yet, for some reason, the ignorant are prone to wallowing in their ignorance. Some do come to realize the fault of their ways, but I do not understand why so many are so strongly intent on believing stories that just do not match up with the evidence we have. The very fact that things like abiogenesis and thermodynamics are still brought up as "evidence against evolution" is remarkable in that people will accept distorted views of other things just because they are so strongly set against one idea that they so obviously do not understand.


Religion is only one contributing factor to the problems of population control. Education is the key to everything.
Education reducing population is a correlation, religion and out of control population is a causality.
When you have decisions driven by poverty and ignorance, and not by education, nothing will get ever get any better.
If only you took the same view when it comes go evolutionary science.
Even in affluent countries, short sighted decisions about government spending in education results in whole sections of the community being perpetually disadvantaged for the very same reasons. Education could fix a lot of things, but the system keeps making these terrible decisions, sentencing more and more children to a life of poverty, drug abuse and crime. If more money was spent on education, then less money would be needed for prisons.....but now we see that there are big privately run prisons springing up all over the place and these are very lucrative enterprises. Is this co-incidence? Opportunism?......or planned?
I'd say it's a mix of all three.

Given your lack of knowledge concerning basic biology I nominate you as the poster boy for lack of education. But remember, ignorance is curable ... only stupidity is life-long.
In countries where the mortality rate in children is high, and education is low, people keep having children in the hope that some will survive to care for them should they reach old age. This is their 'old age pension'....their insurance against starving to death sooner than they would have with no one to care for them. Can we blame them?
The elderly in Korea have found out that it's true. A dependable social security net is more what is needed.
Do the wealthy have the capacity to carry those who are in dire circumstances? Yes they do....but they will not share.
10% of people have 90% of the wealth.
[/quote]We agree. Tax the wealthy at 1950s rates.
If we all shared instead of greedily feathering our own nest, we could do so much good....but the philanthropists are in short supply.....and the multi-billionaires are too busy making more money to care about anyone but themselves and the success of their next enterprise.
We agree. Tax the churches, they are businesses too, they just sell a product that they do not have to deliver.
When you say "fed the human race better than was expected"......do you mean "better" than starvation?
Yes, projections were that by now (without the "green revolution," industrial farming and monoculture and pesticides and herbicides that people would have been starving to death all over.
Do you think we are fed "better" by the scientific advances in mass produced, nutrient poor food than in keeping with the farming practices of by gone times when soils were actually biologically alive and fertilised with organic matter recycled from natural waste? Do you think that the farming methods used today are actually making us healthy? Do you think that the food we buy in our supermarkets is actually nutritious? Most of it has been kept in cold storage for months...sometimes years. It isn't about good healthy food (although that is the illusion) it's about profit and shelf life. How stale can we let something get before we can't sell it to you at full price? Has science aided and abetted this situation? Could it exist without the back-up of science? I don't think so.
My wife and I live on (live off of) a sustainable organic farm, we feed six families, so unless you live the same way ... you should keep your mouth shut until you too are willing to put your money where your mouth is.
You cannot patent something you didn't create. Science created the monster called genetic engineering. If used for a good purpose...all well and good....but if used for evil (and there always seems to be those who find an evil purpose for everything) it can destroy the world. The battle between good and evil is seen in all areas of life in this world.
Science is nothing more than a method of learning, it does not "do" anything. The misuse of scientific discoveries (and there have been many from gunpowder and smallpox infected bodies thrown over the city wall on) is not in the pervue of science, that is (by and large) government and it's staunch supporter (and in many cases master) religion.
Actually a documentary that I watched recently, stated that some plants are genetically engineered to kill insects and so they are legally classified as "pesticides"...so I meant what I said.
Yes, pyrethrins (for example) are potent insecticides, but you were referring to herbicides (which are also produced by plants like the creosote bush) such as the one branded "Round Up."
Both are poisons introduced after WW 11 and propagandised to farmers as some kind of revolution in farming...but I believe it was closer to the truth to say that there were vast amounts of chemicals left over from the war that they couldn't flog off any other way. Poisoning of the soils and our food was the result. How much poison....not enough to kill us obviously, but enough to keep us from good health and needing the services of doctors and pharmaceutical companies. $$$$$
I believe that your conspiracy theories are getting the best of, someone must have poisoned your precious bodily fluids and jammed you corpus amygdaloideum into over-drive.
There are natural farming methods that humans used long before mass production made its way into our lives. We aren't meant to live in cities with others supplying our food and catering to our every whim. We are supposed to grow our own food in rural settings.....rats exist in a rat race...and most "rats" are born into it without knowing that there is something better. Country people are often more knowledgable about a lot of things city dwellers see no need to know. What has this resulted in? A population that is completely dependent on the system to supply their every need. Self sufficiency is sacrificed and we have become useless at fending for ourselves. That sets is up for control. The Bible has predicted this.
The bible can be read so as to find predictions to cover all eventualities so that's crap. Again, unless you are farming as we are I think you lack standing to comment.
Global problems require global solutions. But we know that man is not good at coming to the table to sacrifice anything for the common good of all.
Man is very good at it, our willingness to behave in an altruistic fashion is clear and likely an deeply ingrained part of our evolutionary makeup. Unfortunately it goes hand in hand with our equally ingrained suspicion of those who are different than we are. And what is a primary focus of that distinction? Religion.
Education again would solve a lot of these problems. Educating people about population control and creating a situation where the poor are not compelled to keep producing more children because of fears for their own future and providing a more even distribution of food by the nations who do produce well. We need to 'teach the man to fish' and share our knowledge and resources. All we seem to care about is ourselves and what is of benefit to us. We could eliminate poverty tomorrow if there was a more even distribution of the wealth and a more caring attitude, but politically the world is doomed to perpetuate the current situation with only more conflict in sight. When it comes to ruling over others.....humans suck!
Be careful what you wish for, the best religion killer is education.
How would you solve these problems which seem beyond man's capacity to address in any real way? Will he adopt either of those options?
I like education.
I find the Bible's solution very appealing, mostly because it doesn't rely on man to accomplish it. I believe that the Creator has the power to accomplish all he has stated that he will do. He does not have to prove himself to us. If we don't want to believe in him, we are free to reject the whole thing. He has told us that this is not the life he intended for us and we all know in the depths of our being that we should be living a much happier existence. In fact the pursuit of happiness is enshrined in what US citizens hold to be sacred...."life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"...no?
and ... if (as most of them most educated feel) there is no god(s)? What then? We all stand around looking really stupid?
The trouble is, their pursuit of happiness is often at the expense of the happiness of others, so until we learn not to be selfish....no good will ever be accomplished in this world. Why are we doomed to keep repeating the same mistakes...why are there still senseless wars?.....because we never learn the lessons from the past. Shouldn't we have moved past all that by now?
Wars are almost never "senseless." Useless, inefficient, wasteful, sure ... but not senseless.
No one likes where the world is headed....and science has played a large role in this planet's current state of chaos. In an age when things should be getting better, we are sinking further and further into self destruction with no excuses to offer for any of it.
I think you are very wrong, our biggest threat today is the violence that spills over from religious differences. It threatens to sterilize the world in an atomic flash, over what ... the differences between peoples' mythologies?
I have not abandoned God because of what stupid religion has done in this world...he hates it as much as you do, but he is allowing us enough rope....can't you see it? We are not condemned by God......we are condemning ourselves by thinking we are so clever that we can determine our own future purely by our own means.....when do you see anything changing for the better, any time soon?
Actually yes. The recent agreement with Iran and the possibility that it will expand into serious nuclear disarmament talks are very hopeful signs, as is the continuous retreat of religious dogmatism on all fronts.
The material offered in the Watchtower and Awake are practical lessons about life and genuine Christianity. They contain valuable information on how to form lasting relationships and happy families who stay together to raise well adjusted and responsible children. To the extent that people apply that advice, their lives are happier for their selfless efforts.
I have been able to do a much better job of raising my children than those anti-intellectual cultist rags could ever suggest. But even if we stipulate to your claim, all that would be is having a good effect for the wrong reasons ... it will fail in the end for it is based on lies.
So JW's are not part of the problem at all. We are well educated and we don't have an issue with population control.
Our religion teaches us to be law-abiding, self-sufficient individuals who share everything we have. We take care of our own, which, if all religions did the same, we would see a vastly different picture to what we see at present.
So you have been brainwashed to believe. Those of us looking in from the outside see a very different picture.
The richest religious organization on earth has adherents who make up a huge portion of the world's poor, but their leader lives in a gold inlaid palace with servants....and yet they are still expected to give what little they have.
Yeah, I'm not any more fond of the Catholics either.
People have a brain and they should use it to figure out when they are being conned.
Good advice, you might consider taking it.
Just because the world is full of bad religion, doesn't mean that good religion can't exist. Just because religion paints God in a bad light, doesn't mean that God can't exist. Throwing the baby out with the bath water is a common knee jerk reaction by those who can't be bothered checking the dirty water before they throw God away.
No god there, I checked.
Man is a spiritual being, no question about it, but evolution cannot explain traits in man that have no survival advantage. Art, music, literature, theatre.....where and why would such traits evolve and why do we see none of these traits in animals without man's intervention?
Wrong, there is huge question about it and its contribution to communication and tribal cohesiveness can easily be argued for as iincreasing Darwinian fitness.
Where are the cave paintings of the apes or elephants?
They took other paths to fulfill their social needs.

I came out of the dark a long time ago. The real problem is right under our noses but man can't see it for the fact that his nose is so far in the air.


Veteran Member
Responding to the "Fine Tuning" Argument for God (Sean Carroll)
Physicist Sean Caroll lays some of the problems with the popular "fine tuning" arguments for a god.

Here's the whole 2 1/2 hour debate, which is quite interesting, at least Sean Carroll's side. It starts at abut the 10:30 mark.



I accept adaptation as fact because that is what science can actually demonstrate as fact. But adaptation is not something anyone can base macro-evolution on. Evidence for one is not a basis for the other. It is stretching it beyond what science can actually prove.

So you cannot judge all creatures on the basis of a few fossils. It is not facts forcing conclusions...but pre-conceived conclusions masquerading as facts.


Mohammad Nur Syamsu

Well-Known Member
I've come to the conclusion that debating someone in evolution who obviously does not understand biology, DNA, evolution, and natural selection is just as clear and easy to spot as debating someone in Marxism with someone who has clearly not read anything by Marx. Yet, for some reason, the ignorant are prone to wallowing in their ignorance. Some do come to realize the fault of their ways, but I do not understand why so many are so strongly intent on believing stories that just do not match up with the evidence we have. The very fact that things like abiogenesis and thermodynamics are still brought up as "evidence against evolution" is remarkable in that people will accept distorted views of other things just because they are so strongly set against one idea that they so obviously do not understand.

The assertion that people don't understand evolution theory is mostly bogus. It is just authoritarian huffing and puffing by evolutionists of their supposed expertise. There are weaknesses in evolution theory, and whenever a weakness is mentioned, then evolutionists simply reply that the critic does not understand evolution theory.

Evolutionists quite openly wallow in ignorance about how things are chosen in the universe. I mean they go out of their way to talk about what nonsense it all is, and they congratulate each other on the level of denial of the reality and relevance of freedom in the universe that they have achieved.


High Priest of Cynicism
Yet, for some reason, the ignorant are prone to wallowing in their ignorance.
Ahem... Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The assertion that people don't understand evolution theory is mostly bogus. It is just authoritarian huffing and puffing by evolutionists of their supposed expertise. There are weaknesses in evolution theory, and whenever a weakness is mentioned, then evolutionists simply reply that the critic does not understand evolution theory.
In all honesty, mostly the reason *is* because most of the arguments against evolution show a lack of understanding that makes arguing against pointless

Evolutionists quite openly wallow in ignorance about how things are chosen in the universe. I mean they go out of their way to talk about what nonsense it all is, and they congratulate each other on the level of denial of the reality and relevance of freedom in the universe that they have achieved.
Even if what you say is true, it is completely irrelevant to arguments about interpretation of evidence & from where I'm looking, it's simply an attempt at self-aggrandisement


Well-Known Member
The assertion that people don't understand evolution theory is mostly bogus. It is just authoritarian huffing and puffing by evolutionists of their supposed expertise. There are weaknesses in evolution theory, and whenever a weakness is mentioned, then evolutionists simply reply that the critic does not understand evolution theory.

Evolutionists quite openly wallow in ignorance about how things are chosen in the universe. I mean they go out of their way to talk about what nonsense it all is, and they congratulate each other on the level of denial of the reality and relevance of freedom in the universe that they have achieved.
If things are chosen in the Universe, and this is supposedly an obvious fact, just give us an example.

My post will be the 399th in the thread. Thus far, Intelligent Design and Creationism proponents have yet to validate anything they are claiming with a single substantiating link.
There's been nothing other than assertions and claims based on wishful thinking.

Mohammad Nur Syamsu

Well-Known Member
If things are chosen in the Universe, and this is supposedly an obvious fact, just give us an example.

My post will be the 399th in the thread. Thus far, Intelligent Design and Creationism proponents have yet to validate anything they are claiming with a single substantiating link.
There's been nothing other than assertions and claims based on wishful thinking.

I only have to show evolutionists reject freedom is real. To a reasonable audience that is sufficient proof that evolution theory is corrupt, because reasonability requires acknowledgement that freedom is real.

Exactly how things are decided, that was dicussed elsewhere previously. There is a dna world just as like a computersimulation etc.