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Harsh Truth: If Intelligent Design is Untestable . . .

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
What your thoughts about the fetus ?

The fetus developed and created in the womb, do you think the fetus becomes a new creation or a new evolver (of course this word doesn't exit yet) ?
It depends on what you mean. It is a new organism with new DNA that has never occured before in that exact order. It would be a transitional form for the species as their genetics will be slightly different than their parents. They have the ability to have developed a new mutation that may be either harmful, beneficial or (most likely) irrelevant. But the development of a fetus is not evolution itself. It is development. So I will need you to clarify what you are asking before I can give you a better answer.


Veteran Member
I was going to ask if he had any schooling at all. In any case, I rather enjoy silly from time to time.

If X then Y
X then Y
If the earth isn't flat then the earth isn't a sphere
The earth isn't flat therefore the earth isn't a sphere
Logic .101000000

"They're opposing answers to the same question, thus, any test for one will inherently test the other."
Isn't that only the case if there are 2 possibilities?


Well-Known Member
Which of the following images contains the embryo of a human?






Veteran Member
I did not invent the term "micro-evolution" nor did I invent "macro-evolution". There is more than one form of evolution according to science. I believe that science has definite evidence for adaptation, which some call micro-evolution, but I do not subscribe to the belief that adaptation can explain one creature evolving into another, no matter how much time elapsed...or that literally thousands of creatures did the same thing through what science attributes to mutations. Beneficial mutations are rare, so the odds are against evolution ever happening the way they claim.

I do not believe that creatures like whales were once land animals who evolved into marine creatures. There is no proof that it ever happened, except in the over active imagination of the scientists.

I believe that the creatures the Genesis account calls "kinds" were created separately and individually but with the ability to adapt to changing environments. They are and always have been, separate "kinds".

In their experiments scientists did not find one kind turning into another kind of creature. They found them adapting in small ways to suit a changing environment.

The findings of science are no more than hypothesis, supposition and educated guessing. They have huge gaps that they fill, not with evidence, but with imagination. Science can no more prove that all life evolved from a single organism than we can prove that an intelligent Creator brought all things into existence according to his design.

Claiming that something is a fact when it is unprovable is dishonest.
Where did you get the idea that evolution claims that creatures evolved into other creatures? That is just a misunderstanding of the scientific theory.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
You are talking nonsense.
And you not only do not understand the basics of the ToE, you also fabricate one lie after another. Anyone who uses their religion as a set of blinders, not only demean themselves, but also their "religious" beliefs as well. A valid religion must be enlightening, not a manifestation of Dark Age mentality.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Is nonsense. You just write prejudiced nonsense from beginning to end, fighting for evolutionary theory tooth and nail, without any reasonability.
The only nonsense in this thread has been your posts. I say this not as an assertion but as an observation. If you want people to take your responses seriously then seriously write them.

Mohammad Nur Syamsu

Well-Known Member
The only nonsense in this thread has been your posts. I say this not as an assertion but as an observation. If you want people to take your responses seriously then seriously write them.

....there is no use to try to reason with people who don't accept freedom is real and relevant, and who reject subjectivity. Those are foundations on which reasoning takes place. Just acknowledging force and facts are not sufficient foundation for having a reasonable exchange of ideas, freedom and opinion must be acknowledged as well.


Freedom Of Mind
Which of the following images contains the embryo of a human?





Then We made the seed a clot, then We made the clot a lump of flesh, then We made (in) the lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, then We caused it to grow into another creation, so blessed be Allah, the best of the creators.(23:14)

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
....there is no use to try to reason with people who don't accept freedom is real and relevant, and who reject subjectivity. Those are foundations on which reasoning takes place. Just acknowledging force and facts are not sufficient foundation for having a reasonable exchange of ideas, freedom and opinion must be acknowledged as well.
The funny thing is I remember the first time I engagued you in debate and before I had even done anything you were already accusing me of all kinds of things without actually first having a conversation with me. This seems to be your pattern. You simply state you are correct, fail to substanciate and then make baseless accusations in the face of all evidence to the contrary. Good day to you sir.


Well-Known Member
Then We made the seed a clot, then We made the clot a lump of flesh, then We made (in) the lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, then We caused it to grow into another creation, so blessed be Allah, the best of the creators.(23:14)

Which one is human?

so blessed be Allah, the best of the creators.(23:14)
How many creators were there?


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Please show us this evidence....It has been shown to be a fraud already.

Fun fact; you surely see Basilosaurus there, right? That name means "King Lizard". Do you know why it's called that? Because when we first found it, we were convinced it was some manner of sea-going reptile. Then we found a far more complete skeleton and we noticed that the body-plan is entirely wrong for a reptile. While the shape looks reptilian, the bone structure is just wrong. But they didn't change the name because, well, it's an established name.

So tell me, why does a whale have a body-structure so remarkably similar to Ungulates(cows, pigs, giraffes, hippos)? If it was a being created as-is, why is it full of left-over parts? They've got vestigial hind-legs. They have finger-nails on their flippers. Actually, scratch that. Why the **** does it have fingers in the first place? Why do all sea-going mammals have individual digits within a meat-glove hand? Fish don't. They've just got flippers.


Well-Known Member
Why the **** does it have fingers in the first place? Why do all sea-going mammals have individual digits within a meat-glove hand? Fish don't. They've just got flippers.

God made it that way so the whales wouldn't have to worry about raisin fingers, duh! Everyone knows that.
He also realized that because he made them so long that they would never be able to reach down to clip their toenails, so he wrapped the whole thing in a neat little pouch for convenience sake. Don't you see? His care and design are in everything!



Well-Known Member
I don't know whats your point

The point is that it requires more mental hoola-hooping to reject the idea of common descent, when simple observation renders us effectively indistinguishable from other mammals until quite late in our gestation processes.

The variations, once they occur, are not incredibly staggering or differentiating. The difference between the largest mammal and the smallest are not that far apart. The handful of adaptations between the Shrew and the blue whale are well understood. The process for these variances and deviations among the species are knowns. They are mapped. They can even be manipulated based on those knowns.

With what we know about biology, and chemistry, and genetics, and anatomy and zoology, and Botany and geology, and oceanography, and any other ology that you can think of, with everything that we have studied and dissected and probed and investigated, nothing has come into direct conflict with the evolutionary model. Hundreds of thousands of studies, spread over every branch of science, and nothing had shown the predictions or assumptions made by the evolutionary model to be undeniably incorrect.

Yet there is push back from the pious because their god of choice isn't part of the conversation of human origins...

The point is that the adherence to the argument for Intelligent Design has so far only offered a philosophical view point, and nothing else. It is entirely founded on a hopeful metaphysical bias that has no basis in observable objective reality. It is little more than a talking point, yet it is adhered to as if it had some vast amount of scientific study backing it. It's somehow being allowed into the conversation of science, with absolutely no other substantiation except for someone saying "I like this idea better," or other such arguments from logic.

Put up or shut up. If there is a designer, or a creator, then present the evidence. Try to offer something other than "Evolution doesn't make any sense because I read some non-science books."

If you can't tell the difference between a dolphin embryo and a human embryo, then you shouldn't you make any claims about the biological process at all.


Those genotypes are kind of different, aren't they? But you'd never know it by looking at the phenotype.

but with investigation all were for humans.
I don't know what this means

Everyone can be a creator, bringing a new idea is a creation, and the best creator of all is God.
Is that what the Koran meant with that sentence? It says that god is the best of all the creators... Well, we can make better and more sensible stuff that what god supposedly designed. Does the fact that we can make more efficient machines render that statement from the Koran moot? Or was it saying something else entirely?


Veteran Member
....there is no use to try to reason with people who don't accept freedom is real and relevant, and who reject subjectivity. Those are foundations on which reasoning takes place. Just acknowledging force and facts are not sufficient foundation for having a reasonable exchange of ideas, freedom and opinion must be acknowledged as well.
Do you have any evidence to support your claims the monk of reason doesn't accept freedom as real and relevant and rejects subjectivity? Can you cite specific comments where he admits this?