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Has anyone associated with JW's here? If so how was it?

Was your expirence bennificial?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • No..

    Votes: 16 61.5%
  • Don't know these people..

    Votes: 1 3.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I don't believe the JW's have a valid case against Christmas or birthdays.

True! I am 57, and to this day, myself or anyone I have ever known has never gotten on their knees and worshiped a Christmas tree, or prayed to it! I have never seen or heard of anyone taking their child and setting them on a throne and worshiping them on their birthday either. IMO, birthdays are to celebrate the gift of a child that God has given us, nothing more, nothing less.

Heck, they brought gifts to Jesus when He was born for crying out loud! They celebrated!!
God's witnesses are the only people I've ever known who obey every law, treat everyone with love and respect, and who obey all of God's will. They are the only ones who don't cheat on their time cards or taxes, who don't roll through stop signs, or cut people off on the road. they're the only ones I've ever known who help anyone who needs it, and who never lie, and who never treat anyone as being less than they are. They're the only ones I've ever known who know the entire inspired word of God, cover to cover, and who obey it, and who preach it accurately to everyone whom they are able. They don't adhere to the lies of religions of man, and who don't do anything pagan as all other religions do. And I do mean all other religions.

I would hate to burst your bubble. I know plenty of Christians who are just like that, me included, who behave in a Christlike manner at all times. You seem to be promoting works. But, we are not saved by our works. We are saved because we believe in the person of Jesus Christ and trust in Him alone for salvation. Our works will not get us into God’s Kingdom. You can have the impeccable model of behaviour from a pagan, but he isn’t saved. Our conduct originates because we love Him and that love flows through us to the people who are around us. See also
Philippians 2:12-13 (KJV)
12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. WHY
13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Work OUT your salvation, not work FOR your salvation. When you believe in Jesus Christ as Saviour, you are then saved. In appreciation of what Christ has done for you, you then work out your salvation by submitting yourself to the Holy Spirit.
If you are going to hold up the conduct of certain people as a model, what about those who are new to the faith. It would take years before they can be a model of conduct through their faith. Certainty for eternity.


Jesus in me
Internet and fuel is "part of this world" owned and operated by satan, and they are to be "no part of this world"!
I believe that "no part" is a misquote. Jesus said "in the world but not of it." So the question remains what He meant by that. I believe He meant that we partake of worldly things but do not become enamored of them.


Jesus in me
Soooooooooooooo many denominations of Christians world wide.
J.W.'s just one of what some might consider on the "fringe".
Who can say who is right or wrong or if ANY denomination is spot
on "right"?
Number of Christian Denominations
How many Christian denominations are there?

About 34,000.

So how can I conclude the Baptists, J.W.'s, Catholics, etc. are right or
wrong in the dogma they espouse as the "truth"?

Many; Sunnis Shias, ahmadiyyas, Quraniyoon, Ibadi etc
it is said that there will be 72 sects until dooms day comes.

Consider Christians: Those on the right fringe believe they are correct
and view those on the left fringe
as least "way out there" if not for sure hell bound.
The reverse is of course true.
Those in the mainstream religions, Catholic, Baptist, Protestants, etc.
view those on the far right and left with extreme suspicion and
think perhaps psychological intervention might be in order.
I mean can you see a devout Catholic knocking on doors trying to
peddle the Catholic Digest Magazine?

About 34,000 denominations of Christians ALL reading the SAME book.

72 "sects" of Muslims and about 34,000 "sects" of Christianity.
So for us Christians please pick me the one right, accurate, and true
Christian denomination.
A conundrum if ever there was one.

View attachment 15495

I believe there isn't one right one. That supposedly was the motivation for Joe Smith to start the Church of Latter Day Saints. He just managed to found a new wrong one of course. However the JW's will say they are the only right one and Roman Catholics used to say they were but have softened it up a bit. I think even the Church of Christ thinks that also.


Jesus in me
They're coming to take me away, hey, hey,
And They're coming to take me away Ha Ha
They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha
to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time, and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats
and they're coming to take me away ha ha

No! NO! It's THIS religion that's righteous and made up of only the
chosen few!

Feeling lost brothers and sisters? Father Monopoly has THE answer.
For your personal answer, signed by Jesus Himself, just sent $9.99
to Father Found and the Foundation of the Found so you need no
longer be lost but once again Found.
You will receive a photograph of Jesus Himself as seen floating in a
cloud over Bikini Atoll after the last H-Bomb test.

34,000 denominations of Christians all reading the same book!
(ah, cheesh! I need a shrink.)

I believe the truth is out there and you won't find it in your head. Probably all the shrink will do is tell you that you are nuts for believing there is a truth.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
I believe there isn't one right one. That supposedly was the motivation for Joe Smith to start the Church of Latter Day Saints. He just managed to found a new wrong one of course. However the JW's will say they are the only right one and Roman Catholics used to say they were but have softened it up a bit. I think even the Church of Christ thinks that also.

Church of Christ? Which one?
There are many organization called "The Church of Christ", many
quite different from the others.
Many Church of Christ allow zero musical instruments, other do.
Some allow no electronic speakers, others do.
Some allow lay preachers to give sermons others only ordained ministers.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
J.W.'s don't celebrate most holiday's or b-days.
Here is the dogma:
History of Jehovah's Witness birthday and Christmas celebrations

They view most, if not all, b-days and holidays, especially X-mass
as having pagan roots.
It it true that they DO have roots in paganism. The holidays that is.
Google it if ya like.
LOTS of things humans do, celebrate, recognize, have pagan roots.
I have a hard time thinking of myself as a pagan when I send a b-day card.


Active Member
I was born and raised as a Jehovah Witness. I will say that I have seen the good and the bad from both the witnesses and main stream Christians. When I was young it was a great experience being a witness. As I got older I saw that things weren't as good as my childhood eyes had seen. The thing is that there is good and bad in any organization that a person belongs to. I do believe that aspects of the witnesses beliefs are not healthy. Shunning, marking, and disfellowshipping are a few of the unhealthy aspects.


Active Member
God's witnesses are the only people I've ever known who obey every law, treat everyone with love and respect, and who obey all of God's will. They are the only ones who don't cheat on their time cards or taxes, who don't roll through stop signs, or cut people off on the road. they're the only ones I've ever known who help anyone who needs it, and who never lie, and who never treat anyone as being less than they are. They're the only ones I've ever known who know the entire inspired word of God, cover to cover, and who obey it, and who preach it accurately to everyone whom they are able. They don't adhere to the lies of religions of man, and who don't do anything pagan as all other religions do. And I do mean all other religions.

Lol! It might be time to take off those rose colored glasses.