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Has human evolution been disproved?


Active Member
S-word, I now accept all you say, you are correct, Human beings athe most superior being in the Universe whom evolved to this point. I now have one simple question for you:

Tell me Which Human Tribe and/or "Race" is currently the Most Superior?

Your view of Evolution is a ladder, and we are at the top, I accepted this, but this also means that Humans are not all equal as some get seperated from others, some evolve faster/slower, i want you to tell us all which Human "race" is the most superior at the current point in our evolution, if you can not do this you argued against yourself. I agreed with your claim, Now tell me, Which are the "best" of Humans? Blacks? Whites? Asians?

Whites have been Popular amongst to years to claim supremehood, it has plenty of "evidence" to use, you got places like stormfront that promotes the supremacy of the White "Race", but you may shock and awe us and tell us another one, just use your Evidence to back it up.

Thank You.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
From the Universal Dictionary; "Evolution": 1. (I repeat) 1. A gradual process in which something changes into a significantly different, especially more complex or more sophisticated form.

Then it's wrong. Nothing about evolution says that the organism becomes "more" complex or more "sophisticated. Even if you want to keep using that one definition out of the many that were given you still haven't established for a fact that the definition in question is ONLY speaking of humans. The definition is ambiguous and could be talking about ANY or EVERYTHING.....You've CHOSEN to ASSUME it is ONLY speaking of HUMANS........If that is your stance then the definition is completely incorrect.

Surely everyone understands that the evolution from the first organic molecule to the species of mankind, is a pooling of information/Spirit, that was gathered through all the life forms in the evolutionary line that culminated in Mankind, who is the enclosure of all that gathered information? And that Mankind is more complex and more sophisticated that all the buiding blocks from which the grand creation came into being.

You have a great mis-understanding of Evolution.

Astonishing (CRAP-TACULAR).....:facepalm:


Active Member
Then it's wrong. Nothing about evolution says that the organism becomes "more" complex or more "sophisticated. Even if you want to keep using that one definition out of the many that were given you still haven't established for a fact that the definition in question is ONLY speaking of humans. The definition is ambiguous and could be talking about ANY or EVERYTHING.....You've CHOSEN to ASSUME it it ONLY speaking of HUMANS........If that is your stance then the definition is completely incorrect.

You have a great mis-understanding of Evolution.

Astonishing (CRAP-TACULAR).....:facepalm:

No Penguin, Accept what he is saying, I want to know which Human "race" is the best at the moment, we are just getting better and superir and stronger and.. wow, I sound just like kent Hovind.. Anyway, let him tell us which Race or Tribe is the best at the moment, we have plenty of humans that have been secluded and divided, one of us must have evolved faster or slower, this is his own claim.


Well-Known Member
S-word, I now accept all you say, you are correct, Human beings athe most superior being in the Universe whom evolved to this point. I now have one simple question for you:

Tell me Which Human Tribe and/or "Race" is currently the Most Superior?

Your view of Evolution is a ladder, and we are at the top, I accepted this, but this also means that Humans are not all equal as some get seperated from others, some evolve faster/slower, i want you to tell us all which Human "race" is the most superior at the current point in our evolution, if you can not do this you argued against yourself. I agreed with your claim, Now tell me, Which are the "best" of Humans? Blacks? Whites? Asians?

Whites have been Popular amongst to years to claim supremehood, it has plenty of "evidence" to use, you got places like stormfront that promotes the supremacy of the White "Race", but you may shock and awe us and tell us another one, just use your Evidence to back it up.

Thank You.

Surely you are not that naive as to think that all within the human race are equal in every aspect, are you?

As much as women cry out for equality, in the majority of sporting events they will never be equal to men, simply because they have not been endowed with the same strenght as men. To receive equal payment as men, they only have to compete among the best in each feild of sport, somthing you'll never see, they're not that keen on equality.

In every feild of endevour you will find those at the bottom of the ladder and those at the top. Our Australian aborigines are some of the greatest conservationist among the human family,and as good or better than the trackers of any other human race, but that does not mean that they are better than other people from other races in other fields of endevours.

quote=Gabethewiking; Tell me Which Human Tribe and/or "Race" is currently the Most Superior?

In what paticular feild of endevour? And do you mean as an average over all of that particular race or one particular person, such as Tiger Woods, I don't think that there is any human who is his equal in his particular sport?

But even though some race might be supeior overall at something in some environment because their bodies have evolved to the environment in which they have adapted to those conditions, that is not to say that some particular person from some other race is not more supeior in their chosen field of endevour to the most supeior person in that race who on the average are better in that field of endevour that any other particular race. In every speices, you will find the best and the worst, but of all species, mankind is supior.

If all your questions are going to be that illogical, please go somewhere else to display your ignorance. But thank you for opening the door in order that I might get certain points across to the browsers who visit these threads.
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S-word said:
But even though some race might be supeior overall at something in some environment because their bodies have evolved to the environment in which they have adapted to those conditions, that is not to say that some particular person from some other race is not more supeior in their chosen field of endevour to the most supeior person in that race who on the average are better in that field of endevour that any other particular race. In every speices, you will find the best and the worst, but of all species, mankind is supior.

But even though some animals might be supeior[sic] overall at something in some environment because their bodies have evolved to the environment in which they have adapted to those conditions, that is not to say that some particular animal from some other species is not more supeior[sic] in their environmental niche to the most supeior[sic] animal in that species who on the average are better in that field of endevour[sic] that[sic] any other particular species, which is why they are more successful in that niche.
^Fixed for accuracy(but not spelling or grammar)^

but of all species, mankind is supior[sic].
non sequitur

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
In every feild of endevour you will find those at the bottom of the ladder and those at the top. Our Australian aborigines are some of the greatest conservationist among the human family,and as good or better than the trackers of any other human race, but that does not mean that they are better than other people from other races in other fields of endevours.
By your own logic then, humans can not be superior to other species...
No human will ever win a race with a horse, or a swimming competition with a dolphin. We may be better than other species in some "fields of endevours" but that does not mean that we are better than others in "other fields of endevours".



Active Member
Wow.. It went silent.. I apologize guys for asking that question, but he had it coming with is humans-rule-hurraaah rethoric.

I read post 185 from S-word and conclude as Voice of Reason said, it may be the same person as Fat.


Well-Known Member
By your own logic then, humans can not be superior to other species...
No human will ever win a race with a horse, or a swimming competition with a dolphin. We may be better than other species in some "fields of endevours" but that does not mean that we are better than others in "other fields of endevours".


I'm sorry old mate, but humans can be and are superior to the lesser species that preceeded mankind in the evolutionary process. I'd like to see the horse that can out run the automobile that mankind is able to build and drive, and where is the dolphin that can out swim the speed boat built and driven by man.

With the evolved intelligence of mankind, who is Lord of creatures and the Most high species that is known to have evolved within the eternal evolving singularity which is all that is and all that will be, I believe that mankind is able to hurdle any obstacle that may be presented by any of the lower species that preceeded Mankind.

Unlike the old Reptiles who ruled the earth for over three million years, who walked around looking for their next feed or sexual contact, scratching their backsides as they watched the incoming asteroid; I believe that mankind, who is Lord of creatures, is equipped to know well in advance, if a heavenly body is on a collision course with earth and if so, it's E.T.A, and could prepare a genetic bank of as many of earths species as possible, in order to be the saviour of all the lesser earthly species. Do you know of any other species in the evolution who would be capable of such a feat? A feat that may "One day" have to be preformed by the Most High in the creation.
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From the Universal Dictionary; "Evolution": A gradual process in which something changes into a sighificantly different, especially more complex or more sophisticated form.

Would you suggest that bacteria are more complex and sophisticated than human beings? Or perhaps you believe that something which is more complex and more sophisticated than other things in the evolutionary process, is not slightly more superior than that which is less complex and less sophisticated? Trace the evolution of man way back to the very first molecular structure that could be calassified as living. Now, with the realisation that mankind is the end result of all those billions of life forms that have evolved to become mankind, do you believe that any of those life-forms that contributed to the current end result of their evolution, "Mankind", who is their compilation, is more complex and sophisticated than the building of which they were the building blocks?

I picked up a fossil and O what a buzz
To think, in my hand, was who I once was.

We need an anti-frubal.
Look, stop arguing, and listen.
You've got a semi-practicing evolutionary biologist a few posts above this saying that you're not correct.
And it's her job to know.
Doesn't that say something?

Evolution is the sum of all inheritable adaptations. So yes, that means that some forms of life are going to be different to others. In other words, yes, a prokaryote doesn't have the same characteristics as a eukaryote. But just because we have differing traits does not make us superior.

I seriously doubt a multi-celled organism could survive in a pH 2, sulfur infested, boiling hotspring in the same way that a lot of prokaryotic extremophiles can. But, that doesn't make an extremophile superior to humans. It just makes us different.

You seem to be basing your idea of human superiority on personal bias. So it might be good if you lost the ego and listened.
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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
We need an anti-frubal.
Look, stop arguing, and listen.
You've got a semi-practicing evolutionary biologist a few posts above this saying that you're not correct.
And it's her job to know.
Doesn't that say something?

It does to the vast majority of people, DarkSun - but then again, most people value knowledge and intellectual honesty, even if it forces them to examine their beliefs.

Obviously, S-word doesn't have that problem.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I'm sorry old mate, but humans can be and are superior to the lesser species that preceeded mankind in the evolutionary process. I'd like to see the horse that can out run the automobile that mankind is able to build and drive, and where is the dolphin that can out swim the speed boat built and driven by man.
If technology makes us superior... than are we superior to the people of the Bronze Age? They couldn't build cars or speed boats.

With the evolved intelligence of mankind, who is Lord of creatures and the Most high species that is known to have evolved within the eternal evolving singularity which is all that is and all that will be, I believe that mankind is able to hurdle any obstacle that may be presented by any of the lower species that preceeded Mankind.
That's a lot of faith in science...



Well-Known Member
If technology makes us superior... than are we superior to the people of the Bronze Age? They couldn't build cars or speed boats.

That's a lot of faith in science...


quote=painted wolf; If technology makes us superior... than are we superior to the people of the Bronze Age? They couldn't build cars or speed boats.

All life on earth is in a continuous state of evolution, Just as the virus has evolved to resist that which was able to kill its ancestors, if one can classify virus as actual living things as they can only replicate within living cells, the evolved intellect of mankind has evolved far beyond that of our ancient ancestors who had to attempt to outrun their prey while throwing sticks and stones at them.

quote=painted wolf; That's a lot of faith in science...

I don't think so mate, once a threat has been identified and the ETA, has been established, you will be surprised how a common threat can unite the counties of the world, and Just how quickly the united heads would come up with some solution or solutions, for the presavation of life beyond the threatened impact.

It's got me beat how so many people seem to believe that mankind who is capable of creating ships that will one day take us to other worlds, and who is so much more complex and sophisticated than a dog who sits in the middle of the road licking certain parts of its body, is not a superior being to the dog. But there you go, it takes all kinds to make a world I suppose.
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Active Member
I'm sorry old mate, but humans can be and are superior to the lesser species that preceeded mankind in the evolutionary process. I'd like to see the horse that can out run the automobile that mankind is able to build and drive, and where is the dolphin that can out swim the speed boat built and driven by man.
Ah, finally. So you then consider Americans Superior to cambodians? Being We make Spaceships so we are fa superior to the Cambodian human trive/race? Should we include Africa as a whole as we made much cooler stuff then any of them?

But then, the Scandinavians have done better mobile technology then us, when we where walking around with giant bricks as cellphones they had small tiny things and using a worldwide network which we only in recent years got, thanks to Ericsson building it for us... So are the Aryan Swedes superior to Americans?

You need to MAKE UP YOUR MIND here...


Well-Known Member
We need an anti-frubal.
Look, stop arguing, and listen.
You've got a semi-practicing evolutionary biologist a few posts above this saying that you're not correct.
And it's her job to know.
Doesn't that say something?

Evolution is the sum of all inheritable adaptations. So yes, that means that some forms of life are going to be different to others. In other words, yes, a prokaryote doesn't have the same characteristics as a eukaryote. But just because we have differing traits does not make us superior.

I seriously doubt a multi-celled organism could survive in a pH 2, sulfur infested, boiling hotspring in the same way that a lot of prokaryotic extremophiles can. But, that doesn't make an extremophile superior to humans. It just makes us different.

You seem to be basing your idea of human superiority on personal bias. So it might be good if you lost the ego and listened.

quote=DarkSun; I seriously doubt a multi-celled organism could survive in a pH 2, sulfur infested, boiling hotspring in the same way that a lot of prokaryotic extremophiles can. But, that doesn't make an extremophile superior to humans. It just makes us different.

You may seriously doubt it, but I beleive that there is a multicelled organism which could find a way of surviving in a pH 2, sulfur infested, boiling hotspring, and that would be "Mankind,"with his evolved intelligence, who is superior to all other multicelled organisms which had evolved before He, "The Lord of Creatures."
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Active Member
You may seriously doubt it, butI beleive the only multicelled organism which could find a way of surviving in a pH 2, sulfur infested, boiling hotspring, would be "Mankind," who is superior to all other multicelled organisms which had evolved before He, The Lord of Creatures.

You do realize that this is one hypothesis, correct?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I'm sorry old mate, but humans can be and are superior to the lesser species that preceeded mankind in the evolutionary process. I'd like to see the horse that can out run the automobile that mankind is able to build and drive, and where is the dolphin that can out swim the speed boat built and driven by man.
Heh... I can't help remembering that line from the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy where Douglas Adams says that humans considered themselves superior to dolphins because they built great cities and whatnot, while all the dolphins ever did was muck about in the water having a good time... and the dolphins considered themselves superior for exactly the same reason. :D

When you come up with the citeria for "greater" and "lesser", of course we're going to come out on top. However, from an ant's point of view, we're "lower" on the pheremone detection scale, and we sure can't infect a mammal's gastrointestinal tract as well as a giardia bacterium.

We're well-adapted for our environment, and many other species are just as well-adapted for their environments. That reduces any question of "higher" or "lower" species to one of which environment is objectively "better", which IMO is just silly.


Resident Liberal Hippie
It seems to me that S-Words criteria for "Greater than" is the same criteria used to promote racism, nationalism, class warfare, and most ironically of all, Social Darwinism.


Well-Known Member
Ah, finally. So you then consider Americans Superior to cambodians? Being We make Spaceships so we are fa superior to the Cambodian human trive/race? Should we include Africa as a whole as we made much cooler stuff then any of them?

But then, the Scandinavians have done better mobile technology then us, when we where walking around with giant bricks as cellphones they had small tiny things and using a worldwide network which we only in recent years got, thanks to Ericsson building it for us... So are the Aryan Swedes superior to Americans?

You need to MAKE UP YOUR MIND here...

I see, so what you are saying, is that you make space ships, and that there are no Cambodian people over there in America who are working in the aviation industry, am I correct?
The answer to your infantile question is NO: I do not believe that you, an American, are superior to any Cambodian, and after reading your posts, I am convinced that you are inferior in intellect to the majority of Cambodians who were afforded the same education as you.

No matey. There are draft horses which couldn't win a race against an Arabian steed, there are horses bred for Rodeos, who could never pull a plough, there are horses bred to pull sulkies which would be useless in a rodeo, but the draft horse is not superior to the race horse, and nor is the race horse superior to the rodeo horse, but there are race horses that are fit to be used only as dog food, while there is the more superior horse who will win millions for its owner, as with the draft horses, there is the worst and the best, but the horse, is a far more complex and sophisticated species than the earth worm. Comprehendah?
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