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Has human evolution been disproved?


So let me get this straight, because a Butterfly has 380 Chromosomes, you believe that it is superior to, and a more complex and complicated species than mankind who has only 46 Chromsoomes. Ha Haa Haaaaa!

No, you have it crooked. I'm not the one with narcissistic hang-ups about the "superiority" of my species. I'm giving you the opportunity to demonstrate using facts rather than conjecture that humans are more complex than butterflies, since at the level of DNA it is not so.


Active Member
Ok I've been reading some of the arguments between S-Word and others and it seems like if you guys are really going to debate about this we'd have to know what definition of "superior" we are using.

If we're talking about fearless and strong creatures we could say a Lion is superior.

If we're talking about inventive, "smart" (this may have to be defined as well), then we could say humans.

It's all subjective I think.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Ok I've been reading some of the arguments between S-Word and others and it seems like if you guys are really going to debate about this we'd have to know what definition of "superior" we are using.

If we're talking about fearless and strong creatures we could say a Lion is superior.

If we're talking about inventive, "smart" (this may have to be defined as well), then we could say humans.

It's all subjective I think.

S-Word is the one putting grand labels on stuff. He's been shown over and over why he's in error. If you're looking for a definition then it will in no doubt have to come from him. The majority here don't agree with his classifications. His knowledge (or lack of shall I say) of Ebola and its effects on humans (of ALL races, colors, creeds, religion, age..etc...etc....) should be evidence alone he hasn't a clue as to what he's talking about (http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/1911404-post164.html).


Active Member
S-Word is the one putting grand labels on stuff. He's been shown over and over why he's in error. If you're looking for a definition then it will in no doubt have to come from him. The majority here don't agree with his classifications. His knowledge (or lack of shall I say) of Ebola and its effects on humans (of ALL races, colors, creeds, religion, age..etc...etc....) should be evidence alone he hasn't a clue as to what he's talking about (http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/1911404-post164.html).

This is off topic but how did you quote a single post? :)

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
This is off topic but how did you quote a single post? :)

When you're ready to respond to some one and you click to quote button you'll notice that wrapping their words are the following;

[ quote=Snowber;....... ] and at the end you'll see;

[ /quote ]

Now, if they typed a long response you can breakup their response and respond to bits and pieces of their argument. I personally copy the first quote bracket that contains their name and paste it at the beginning of each paragraph I want to respond to and type the [/quote] at the end of their paragraph.

I hope that helps and wasn't too complicated of a response. It's really easy and you'll get the hang of it real quick.

Some people just use the quote option that is in the (Advance view) it's the yellow box next to the # button.


Well-Known Member
No, you have it crooked. I'm not the one with narcissistic hang-ups about the "superiority" of my species. I'm giving you the opportunity to demonstrate using facts rather than conjecture that humans are more complex than butterflies, since at the level of DNA it is not so.

quote=Alceste; I'm not the one with narcissistic hang-ups about the "superiority" of my species. All who have read your previoue post, are well aware of that, for they know that you believe that because a butterfly has 380 Chromosomes, it is superior to, and a more complex and complicated species than mankind.

So let me ask you this; after reading my posts, do you still believe that because a Butterfly has 380 Chromosomes, it is superior to, and a more complex and complicated species than mankind who has only 46 Chromsoomes?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
This is off topic but how did you quote a single post? :)


Do you mean when I linked that single post in my response???


EDIT: If that's what you meant then notice that everyone's post in the upper right hand corner has a number....If you click that number it opens up a single post. I normally have my response window I'm currently typing in on one Internet Explorer tab and another tab open for pulling up old RF responses.
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Active Member
When you're ready to respond to some one and you click to quote button you'll notice that wrapping their words are the following;

[ quote=Snowber;....... ] and at the end you'll see;

[ /quote ]

Now, if they typed a long response you can breakup their response and respond to bits and pieces of their argument. I personally copy the first quote bracket that contains their name and paste it at the beginning of each paragraph I want to respond to and type the
at the end of their paragraph.

I hope that helps and wasn't too complicated of a response. It's really easy and you'll get the hang of it real quick.

Some people just use the quote option that is in the (Advance view) it's the yellow box next to the # button.[/QUOTE]


I've done that myself but how about showing your quote on it's own page alone as you did? Is that in advanced view?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I've done that myself but how about showing your quote on it's own page alone as you did? Is that in advanced view?

Yea, if you just mean...the link I provided that was just a single post..then I open up a separate tab by (right) clicking on a page number at the bottom of the screen where it currently says (Page 23 of 23) and opening, say....Page 22 in a new IE tab. Because I was referencing my own response I know that it was a few pages ago. So in the new tab I just scrolled back until I found my response and copied the web link. I switched back over to the tab I was creating my new response and pasted the web link. Remember, when you scroll back and find that response you click the page number that is in the top right hand corner. It will open as a single page and that's where you can copy the weblink from the address bar.

EDIT: This response is 229. If you right click on 229 you can open it in a "New Window" or "New Tab" and it will be a single page then you'll see the weblink in the address bar that you can copy...
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Active Member
Yea, if you just mean...the link I provided that was just a single post..then I open up a separate tab by (right) clicking on a page number at the bottom of the screen where it currently says (Page 23 of 23) and opening, say....Page 22 in a new IE tab. Because I was referencing my own response I know that it was a few pages ago. So in the new tab I just scrolled back until I found my response and copied the web link. I switched back over to the tab I was creating my new response and pasted the web link. Remember, when you scroll back and find that response you click the page number that is in the top right hand corner. It will open as a single page and that's where you can copy the weblink from the address bar.

EDIT: This response is 229. If you right click on 229 you can open it in a "New Window" or "New Tab" and it will be a single page then you'll see the weblink in the address bar that you can copy...

Ahh I see, the tiny little number in the top right of a post (by frubals/warning/etc), you just click that and it opens the post by itself then you can link it. Thanks

Sorry for detracting from the subject.
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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Because of our evolved intelligence, we, who are the Most High in the creation, of which I reluctantly include yourself, ...
Close call, Gabe. You were dangerously close to not being in the "club" with S-word.

How are you going strawman, when are you going to see the wizard and get that brain that you so desire to have?
Hopefully, very soon. While I'm there, I'll ask the Most High Wizard if he has a spare rational thought that you can borrow.

So let me ask you this; after reading my posts, do you still believe that because a Butterfly has 380 Chromosomes, it is superior to, and a more complex and complicated species than mankind who has only 46 Chromsoomes?
After reading your posts, I'd be hard pressed to find a way that a common flying insect isn't superior.
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Well-Known Member
S-Word is the one putting grand labels on stuff. He's been shown over and over why he's in error. If you're looking for a definition then it will in no doubt have to come from him. The majority here don't agree with his classifications. His knowledge (or lack of shall I say) of Ebola and its effects on humans (of ALL races, colors, creeds, religion, age..etc...etc....) should be evidence alone he hasn't a clue as to what he's talking about (http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/1911404-post164.html).

quote=Dirty Penguin;1914574]S-Word is the one putting grand labels on stuff. He's been shown over and over why he's in error. If you're looking for a definition then it will in no doubt have to come from him. The majority here don't agree with his classifications. His knowledge (or lack of shall I say) of Ebola and its effects on humans (of ALL races, colors, creeds, religion, age..etc...etc....) should be evidence alone he hasn't a clue as to what he's talking about (http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/1911404-post164.html).[/quote]

Oh, by the way, have you sorted out with you mate johnhanks, who states Giardia is a protoctist, not a bacterium, in contradiction to your statement that it is a bacterium, which of you are to admit that you were wrong? Which one of you is going to put on the dunce cap and go and stand in the corner?

You seem to have this terrible habit of twisting what other people say in order to put yourself in a better light.

quote=Dirty Penguin; His knowledge (or lack of shall I say) of Ebola and its effects on humans (of ALL races, colors, creeds, religion, age..etc...etc....) should be evidence alone he hasn't a clue as to what he's talking about

I said that the Ebola virus is known to have killed many people, but with the evolved intelligence of the Most High in the creation, we are able to protect ourselves from species annihilation by the Ebola virus. Either point out where you see a lack of knowledge about the effects of the Ebola virus on my part, or leave it be, and let the browsers of these threads see you for what you are.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
quote=Alceste; I'm not the one with narcissistic hang-ups about the "superiority" of my species. All who have read your previoue post, are well aware of that, for they know that you believe that because a butterfly has 380 Chromosomes, it is superior to, and a more complex and complicated species than mankind.

So let me ask you this; after reading my posts, do you still believe that because a Butterfly has 380 Chromosomes, it is superior to, and a more complex and complicated species than mankind who has only 46 Chromsoomes?

If we're just going off of subjective reasoning then there are a lot of animals on the planet that are far "superior" than we are in their own way. Let's start with the butterfly. It is more superior that you for the simple fact that it can fly. Take, for instance, the snake. It can eat a good meal and go for days..possibly a couple weeks before it needs to feed again. You have to eat everyday....(at least two or three times). Take, for instance, the camel. It can drink water and store enough so that it doesn't have to drink water daily. As fast as [youtube]pkkAcGtjoew[/youtube]
Usain Bolt is he NO match for this [youtube]AdggTlcEx_I[/youtube]
Cheetah. If he has to run for his life from her he'd be dead in seconds.......


Well-Known Member
If we're just going off of subjective reasoning then there are a lot of animals on the planet that are far "superior" than we are in their own way. Let's start with the butterfly. It is more superior that you for the simple fact that it can fly. Take, for instance, the snake. It can eat a good meal and go for days..possibly a couple weeks before it needs to feed again. You have to eat everyday....(at least two or three times). Take, for instance, the camel. It can drink water and store enough so that it doesn't have to drink water daily. As fast as [youtube]pkkAcGtjoew[/youtube]
Usain Bolt is he NO match for this [youtube]AdggTlcEx_I[/youtube]
Cheetah. If he has to run for his life from her he'd be dead in seconds.......

Let's start with the butterfly. It is more superior that you for the simple fact that it can fly.

By using his evolved intelligence, mankind the Lord of Creatures can fly also.

Take, for instance, the snake. It can eat a good meal and go for days..possibly a couple weeks before it needs to feed again.

Moses, Jesus, Gandi and a myriad of other human beings have gone for long periods of time, sometimes up to 40 days without eating, and If it became necessary, I dare say I could last for many weeks without food.

You have to eat everyday....(at least two or three times).

Not so, I enjoy one meal a day, with fruit juices in the morning, and I do not HAVE to eat every day as you suggest, when I fast, I don't eat for over a week.

I, with my superior knowlege over a camel, can store more water than any camel could ever store, and carry it around with me. When I go out to the Opal feilds I carry anything up to a months supply of drinking water, I might stink a bit when I get back, but I aint thirsty.

With the superior intelligence of the Lord of Creatures, I can stay in front of a cheetah and film it in full flight. Yep, mankind is far superior to the species that preceeded him, over which prior species, man has ganed dominion. But I would never dare to claim equality to the species that evolves from Mankind, "The Son of Man," who will gain dominion over all species which will have evolved prior to him. But undoubtly, you mob who seem to believe that a butterfly is superior, or at the very least equal to Mankind the Most high in the creation, will try.
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony

Oh, by the way, have you sorted out with you mate johnhanks, who states Giardia is a protoctist, not a bacterium, in contradiction to your statement that it is a bacterium, which of you are to admit that you were wrong? Which one of you is going to put on the dunce cap and go and stand in the corner?

You may have me confused with some one else. I don't remember responded to that at all.

You seem to have this terrible habit of twisting what other people say in order to put yourself in a better light.

Actually...you're getting yourself twisted up as to who said what, when and where they said it. I never piggy backed off of what johnhanks said nor did I respond and said it was or wasn't a bacteria......Sorry you got the wrong guy.

I said that the Ebola virus is known to have killed many people

No you didn't.....

"The ebola virus has never been able to kill the species of mankind."

but with the evolved intelligence of the Most High in the creation, we are able to protect ourselves from species annihilation by the Ebola virus.

We are only as effective with this virus when we keep the infected quarantined. Should just one person be infected and make it away from a quarantined area then we have no idea how many people can be infected. There's no vaccine and no cure and it is worse than AIDS.....attacking and killing its host in 2 to 21 hours.....

Either point out where you see a lack of knowledge about the effects of the Ebola virus on my part, or leave it be, and let the browsers of these threads see you for what you are.

I've already done it so I'm not going to rehash too much on the point.


Well-Known Member
Close call, Gabe. You were dangerously close to not being in the "club" with S-word.

Hopefully, very soon. While I'm there, I'll ask the Most High Wizard if he has a spare rational thought that you can borrow.

After reading your posts, I'd be hard pressed to find a way that a common flying insect isn't superior.

Bye, bye buddy, this is my last response to you in this thread. I will not be sucked into an insult slinging match.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
By using his evolved intelligence, mankind the Lord of Creatures can fly also.

"Man" can not fly.....We use machines to carry us. Butterflies or birds (most) do it "naturally"....You're not superior.

Moses, Jesus Gandi and myriads of other human beings have gone for long periods of time, sometimes up to 40 days without eating, and If it became necessary, I dare say I could last for many weeks without food.

Ghandi went, I think, it was 51 days. Some snakes, depending on their size and the meal they consume, can go for months without eating. There are people reporting in forums on the web their snakes hasn't eaten 3 months...6 month........You're not superior.

I, with my superior knowlege over a camel, can store more water than any camel could ever store, and carry it around with me. When I go out to the Opal feilds I carry anything up to a months supply of drinking water, I might stink a bit when I get back, but I aint thirsty.

Camels need no bottles or sacks of water. They have their own built in "tank"....You're not supoerior...

With the superior intelligence of the Lord of Creatures, I can stay in front of a cheetah and film it in full flight.

Actually you can't. I just showed you the world record holder and it's not human. It's an animal. One that can out run you and is more powerful than you are. Man can run in a straight line at a high speed but while in motion at our highest speed can not change direction smoothly. Cheetahs don't have that problem....You're not superior.

In fact...man is quite fragile......You're inferior....
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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Moses, Jesus, Gandi and a myriad of other human beings have gone for long periods of time, sometimes up to 40 days without eating, and If it became necessary, I dare say I could last for many weeks without food.
I have faith in you. Give it a shot. You can make it. Being as close as you are to the Grand High Wizard, I'm thinking a couple of months is well within your reach.

I, with my superior knowlege ...
Hold on.
Give me just a minute.

Can't breathe...

Eyes are tearing up...

Need air. Sides are hurting ...

Okay. I'm good now.

That's some funny stuff there, S-word.


Well-Known Member
You may have me confused with some one else. I don't remember responded to that at all.

Actually...you're getting yourself twisted up as to who said what, when and where they said it. I never piggy backed off of what johnhanks said nor did I respond and said it was or wasn't a bacteria......Sorry you got the wrong guy.

No you didn't.....

"The ebola virus has never been able to kill the species of mankind."

We are only as effective with this virus when we keep the infected quarantined. Should just one person be infected and make it away from a quarantined area then we have no idea how many people can be infected. There's no vaccine and no cure and it is worse than AIDS.....attacking and killing its host in 2 to 21 hours.....

I've already done it so I'm not going to rehash too much on the point.

I must apologise to you Dirty Penguin, I did get the wrong guy. it was 9-10ths Penguin in post 198 who stated that Giardia is a bacterium, and Johnhanks post 205, which states that Giardia is a protoctist, and not a bacterium. Again, my deepest apologies as I know what it is like to be accused of saying things that I never did utter.

But again I repeat, the Ebola virus has been able to kill off individual human beings, but never the species of mankind.

Should/If just one person be infected and make it away from a quarantined area

The operative word being should or if.

we have no idea how many people can be infected

Again, the operative words being, "No Idea."

Like the movie, I believe that in the worst scenario, and for the preservation of the human race, the leaders of the countries of the world, would agree to sacrifice those in the infected area, and by using the technology that only the most superior in the creation could come up with, they would nuke it. But with our evolved superior intellect, perhaps one day, Mankind, who is Lord of Creatures, will find a cure. Although we have no idea that this will ever occur.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
In response to the OP, I think we can all safely say now that evolution has been disproved.

Now that most of us have had our little chuckle, let's get back to the debate.