Good memory, but I don't equate anger and hate. Different emotions entirely.
Yes, anger can lead to hatred, but I've also seen hatred in the absence of anger as well as anger in the absence of hatred.
In my opinion, if one is defending oneself with the purpose of survival, both anger an hate can cloud one's judgment and cause one to behave irrationally which may not be not conducive to survival.
I totally agree with everything you said. I think we agree 100%. I want to continue to explain my POV. But it's impossible to be brief. It's a big subject. The best I can do, is try to be coherent.
And... I'll try to add enough line-breaks to make it easy to read.
It's not a good tactic to Hate. It's not really the best way to go. But....
I'm a very empathetic person. That means, that I can approach the Jewish-Muslim conflict on a deep emotional level. A level that many people not only ignore, but are not able to approach at all, much less from both sides.
In order to understand really what I said, and it's implications. It's emotive.
So. Taken from a Jewish ( aka Israeli ) perspective: The Hatred of Palestinians is useful for an Israeli soldier.
It's useful if, BIG IF, the goal is to kill and/or remove people from their land and/or to take revenge. Why is hate useful for this? Because using Hate, the Palestinian is not viewed as a human being, and the Hate makes it a lot easier to kill them or eject them from their homes. This includes killing and ejecting children from their homes. In order to do that to a Child, a person needs to be taught to hate. It's not natural. And it comes from military training.
Note: A drone strike counts as killing children and ejecting them from their home.
Are you starting to see why Hate **might be considered** useful for an Israeli soldier. And I have it on very good authority, that Israeli soldiers are taught and encouraged to hate Palestinians. And please note: every Israeli citizen is a soldier. That means that potentially the entire adult population of the country of Israel is taught to hate Palestinians.
But... I need to qualify this now. I don't think all the soldiers internalize this Hatred, or even ever use it, if it is taught.
I think it happens, just like it happens in the American military, You were in the Air Force... have you heard of the
FreedomFromReligion foundation?
"Mikey" Weinstein? There are evangelicals in the military who Hate Muslims. And there are marine scout snipers out there who use this hate to guide their bullet straight and true to distances of over a half mile in windy conditions.
Guess what? This attitude, this Hate is reflected and reinforced here in America. It is labeled "Support of the State of Israel". And... a lot of Israelis come to America and live here. They join American Jewish Congregations. And they were soldiers, and they were taught to hate. These Israelis are superstars in the congregation, everyone loves them, for good reason. This isn't where the Hatred began. It is how it is being supported and reinforced by the Jewish institutions who are desperate for membership (aka dollars), desperate for participation, and desperate to make themselves relevant in the Modern American religious landscape.
And thus,
they are rewarded for adpoting the Hatred of Palestinians that is part of the indoctrination of the Israeli soldier. They are rewarded for from the increased membership and morale that comes from having Israelis participate in Modern American Jewish synagogues.
Do you see it? The Hatred is Useful for Jewish Clergy because it increases morale, membership, and relevance of their own congregations. It becomes Machiavellian. If they want the congregation to survive, they are able to rationalize the Hatred as useful. But most of them ( Clergy ) who hate... they were probably pompous arrogant hateful people before. And if an Israeli also Hates... birds of a feather flock together. The hater from Israel is drawn the HAter in America... and that's another way the Hate is useful. Social Acceptance. Hate is useful for Marketing... branding... political campaigns... it's not good... it's useful.
How the Human Need for Approval Drives Social Marketing Strategies
The simple truth is... a lot of American Jewish people, especially and including the Clergy believe that Hate of Palestinians is useful. I don't think it's a consious thought or intentional. I think they have been rewarded for it just like a pack of Dogs. And when a Dog sees it's meat, it salivates.
And they teach it to the children who go to the Temple. The families of these children don't hate Palestinians
( unless they also happen to be hard-right political conservatives. and those are huge demographic in American Judaism ).
But, Most of these families don't even believe in G-d. Seriously. They join because Mommy and Daddy want their kid to have a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. That's it. And so, what happens, the children go and are exposed to hatred of Palestinians as part of "Support of the State of Israel". And That's the cycle of Hate. And it all starts because **
someone** thinks it's useful to Hate. But without a belief in G-d, there is no humility to balance out the negative effect of hate. It's a disease.
But. just to go back to the academic approach to this idea:
Hate is useful if:
- you want to make war
- retrieve stolen territory
- take revenge
It's true for Israelis, Palestinians, Americans, the Kurds... whomever...
If they hate it is supremely useful for: making war, retrieving stolen territory, or for taking revenge.
I don't like it. I would never employ it myself. But that's because my goals are not: war, territory, and revenge.
My goal is to make Peace. Optimistic. stupid... childish... foolish.... whatever, I know. That's me. That's my personality.
But a lot of people want war, they enjoy it, it makes them feel good. A lot of people feel that the territory has been stolen ( on both sides of the issue ). And a lot of people want revenge. A lot. And for me {big sigh}... that's the torture.
because I can feel it. from both sides.
Make sense?