Does your religion teach the concept of hate? In what capacity and to what end?
Do you hate?
Do you see any practical use for hatred?
Hate is a Big One. I'm afraid it will take some people many lessons and many lifetimes before they discover that the price for hatred is always too high.
Hatred is not as simple as it might seem. The roots run in from many directions. Mankind has a controlling nature. People want the world to conform to their wishes or view. People want to control others. Maybe some of this is learned and passed down through parents.
So many believe that might makes right and attempt to change others through anger or pain. Some might think it is easier to change someone else if one carries a Big stick. Sad they can think of no other way. Perhaps they are just lazy.
Often people place feelings over reason. Some will choose hate and never listen to reason. They must discover all the sides before they will realize the truth.
This world is a multilevel classroom. There will always be those learning the lessons around hate. Even if they do not listen, point them in the right direction. There will come a time when your words will be discovered and heard.
Me? I never hate. If a person would do terrible things to me that would cause most people to hate, I would not hate. I would work at fixing them. I would work at solving the underlying problems. I would work at teaching them. At the very least, I would point them in the right direction.
Unconditional Love? Yes, that is what it's all about. Unconditional Love always does what is Best for the other. One will never be happy choosing hate regardless of what one might think they could gain. I will do my very best to lead them into the light.
That's what I am seeing. It seems pretty clear to me.
Oh yes, if someone is hating you, remember that is their choice. They are the ones who really have the problem. Never think there is something wrong with you. See it for what it really is. It's not you! Hmmm? Not what can I choose to do next to fix them and teach them? More might be resting in your hands than you realize. You will accomplish nothing if you simply return the hate.