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Have you met God?


Well-Known Member
Its cool, I understand the desire to debate---its good and healthy, just not here :^)
Lets just leave this thread open for people to discuss their personal experiences without fear of being criticised/ridiculed, etc. okay?


New Member
I'm glad to have found this forum. :) I've had many mystic experiences and I know it's changed me more than I realize.

The most common mystic experience I have happens during prayer. When I connect to Deity, I see a beautiful golden white light shining down on me. It's similar to the light people commonly see during NDE's. It's like pure love, filling the soul with the deepest peace imaginable. That light brings me into ecstasy--- the physical, spiritual and emotional bliss of being at one with the Divine. I often feel that I'm outside of myself, and I can see from the view point of eternity, not through the eyes of a moral. It's like seeing through the eyes of God. I don't speak of this often, for obvious reasons. Most people just can't relate.

Personally, I often find the path of a mystic to be a lonely one. I feel lonely when I'm with people who can't understand my worldview, and ironically, the only time I'm not lonely is when I actually am alone. I can understand why so many mystics have lived as hermits, or in seclusion in monastaries with like minded people. It's very hard to be part of a society that you don't understand, and who don't understand you. I hope that I eventually grow past this reclusive phase, but I'm not there yet. I know I still have a lot to learn. :eek:


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'm glad to have found this forum. :) I've had many mystic experiences and I know it's changed me more than I realize.

The most common mystic experience I have happens during prayer. When I connect to Deity, I see a beautiful golden white light shining down on me. It's similar to the light people commonly see during NDE's. It's like pure love, filling the soul with the deepest peace imaginable. That light brings me into ecstasy--- the physical, spiritual and emotional bliss of being at one with the Divine. I often feel that I'm outside of myself, and I can see from the view point of eternity, not through the eyes of a moral. It's like seeing through the eyes of God. I don't speak of this often, for obvious reasons. Most people just can't relate.

Personally, I often find the path of a mystic to be a lonely one. I feel lonely when I'm with people who can't understand my worldview, and ironically, the only time I'm not lonely is when I actually am alone. I can understand why so many mystics have lived as hermits, or in seclusion in monastaries with like minded people. It's very hard to be part of a society that you don't understand, and who don't understand you. I hope that I eventually grow past this reclusive phase, but I'm not there yet. I know I still have a lot to learn. :eek:

That's a beautiful post, Melody. Thank you for sharing that! Welcome to the Forum!


I had a lucid dream once where I fell from a great height into a deep, clear pool. I came very close to the bottom, which is where I began to notice the lucidity - I felt the water washing through my fingers, the weightlessness of floating, etc. Everything I saw was astonishingly clear and vivid. I saw an octopus and heard a female voice asking "Now, do you want to swim or fly?" I remembered I have trouble (in dreams) with flying and thought maybe if I swam for a while and got very used to the sensation, I might be able to apply it to flying - ie, learn literally how to swim through the sky in my dreams. So I opted for swimming and rose to the surface.

I swam for a bit, taking in the remarkable setting - it was a wide pool with a waterfall and a staircase going up, with animals all around that had a vaguely cartoonish quality. I swam to the waterfall and stood next to it on the shore, looking back where I had come from.

There I saw a mass of pink flesh rising slowly out of the deep and thought "Oh WOW! It's Gaia!" I got very excited by the significance of meeting the divine feminine in such a vivid dream, but as it stood up it took the form of an enormously obese old man about 15 feet tall with a long white beard and hair. "Oh ****, it's God!" I thought, and ran off up the path. I wanted to run across a rickety suspension bridge crossing a deep canyon - as I knew I was dreaming I knew I would manifest one up ahead and that the weight of God would cause the bridge to collapse. God was tricky, though, and sent his shadow ahead to pursue me so I would think he was right on my heels.

I ducked under a wooden staircase beside the pool and looked back to see God standing right where I left him, wielding a butchers' knife. He chucked it at me and it thunked into the wood right beside my head.

As I thought how unfair it was to be defenseless, a big pile of steak knives manifested at my feet, so I started chucking them at God while he kept chucking butchers' knives at me, all of which thunked into the stairs. My feeble throwing only got my steak knives about a quarter of the way to God, where they plopped uselessly into the water.

The dream ended with this standoff.

The psychological background of it is that I was raised as a Christian but it never really took. I can't remember ever believing in any gods at all, even when I was small and impressionable. At that time in my life I was hanging about with a lot of anarchists, witches and pantheists. I was attempting to embrace a female divinity out of irritation with my patriarchal upbringing. (This also never took.)

IMO, the dream was a revelation that theism of any sort will usually lead me back to the God-concept I picked up in my childhood. The way all Gods fit into my current somewhat Taoist world view (IMO they put a face we can relate to onto what Yoda would call "the Force") is more satisfying and effective for me than becoming attached to one particular God form. This pretty much guarantees I don't get to see them. :)

I have felt like a God myself though, and that was very interesting and life-changing.


Sweet n Spicy
God is everywhere - in nature, in all objects, in all creatures, in all people. God is in us. We can experience God anywhere and anytime.

If you meant something out of the ordinary, there was a night when I was working really late with my parents. I put on a CD with the Hanuman Chaleesa (a prayer to the Hindu Deity Hanuman). Soon after I put it on, a strong aroma of havan smoke filled the atmosphere. Havan is sacred fire into which offerings such as fruits, ghee (clarified butter) etc. are offered while reciting mantras. The aroma came from within the room, not from outside. There was no physical smoke, only the fragrance. It lasted a while until we were ready to leave and go home. It was a really strong fragrance.

There were times when I felt God's presence really strongly. It feels like pure and sacred unconditional love and acceptance. It's overwhelming. I remember one year for Diwali (a Hindu festival) when I was still living with my parents, I wanted to do havan with them. Everyone got busy, my dad got tired and we didn't do havan. For Diwali I pray to God in the form of Mother. That evening, I was sad that we didn't do havan, but I spoke to God. I said, "Ma, I only have my love to offer to you today." As soon as I said it, I felt this overwhelming love. It was so powerful. I started to cry like a baby. I couldn't stop. I had to force myslef to think of something else so that I could stop. God is always with us. We don't need to do rituals, although it's another way of showing our love; we can just offer the love from within our hearts.

I forgot to mention this before. Many Hindus actually experienced this a few years ago. It happened all around the world. Hindus use statues of Deities called murtis. Prayers are said to invoke the Deity to dwell within the murti before it is worshipped. Someone somewhere in a different part of the world got a dream to offer a murti milk to drink. The milk was offered and it slowly disappeared as the murti "drank" it. It started happening in my country as well. My grandmother has a murti of the Deity Hanuman that she always uses for pooja (a type of ritual). My parents, my grandmother and I each placed a spoonful of milk before the mouth of the murti and saw it slowly disappear. It brought tears to my eyes. That was probably the most miraculous thing I ever experienced in my life.

Scarlett Wampus

There were times when I felt God's presence really strongly. It feels like pure and sacred unconditional love and acceptance. It's overwhelming. I remember one year for Diwali (a Hindu festival) when I was still living with my parents, I wanted to do havan with them. Everyone got busy, my dad got tired and we didn't do havan. For Diwali I pray to God in the form of Mother. That evening, I was sad that we didn't do havan, but I spoke to God. I said, "Ma, I only have my love to offer to you today." As soon as I said it, I felt this overwhelming love. It was so powerful. I started to cry like a baby. I couldn't stop. I had to force myslef to think of something else so that I could stop. God is always with us. We don't need to do rituals, although it's another way of showing our love; we can just offer the love from within our hearts.
Like many others, the closest thing to something god-like I've experienced was along those lines. Because my mind doesn't think in terms of a one-God the interpretation/filter of such experiences gives me the impression of having been aware of the presence of a vast super-intelligence, like an alien of some sort. Then after I've calmed down somewhat I just don't know what to make of it. Although the interpretation is different the experience has similar characteristics to what so many others have had: unconditional love, utter peace and beautiful power/intention.

I've encountered many different spirits/presences but the kind mentioned above stands out, way out, because of the relative intensity and lucidity involved.

Fascinating about the murti thing!

IMO, the dream was a revelation that theism of any sort will usually lead me back to the God-concept I picked up in my childhood. The way all Gods fit into my current somewhat Taoist world view (IMO they put a face we can relate to onto what Yoda would call "the Force") is more satisfying and effective for me than becoming attached to one particular God form. This pretty much guarantees I don't get to see them. :)

I have felt like a God myself though, and that was very interesting and life-changing.
I remember you telling me that dream but the interpretation (which I think is excellent!) didn't stick. Makes a huge lot of sense.

The God concept I picked up in my childhood was mostly polytheistic, because my parents tried to expose me to as many religions and religious/atheist ideas as they were familiar with. The monotheistic God got mixed in with deities from Hinduism and Paganism. Strangely Buddhism/Taoism wasn't part of what they introduced me to but before I even had a name for those I was drawn towards them. Blame Ursula Le Guin and Bruce Lee. :D


non-existential luminary
i once had a prophetic dream of the endtimes. no specific date but i was a part of the judgement.
It began in what looked like a foggy saturday twilight. i was outside in the side of my house (i think i was going to do some work) then the sky blacked and out of curiousity for such an uncommon occurence i looked up. Above was a great black cloud that seamed to radiate its own darkeness while the morning sun was no more.it wasn't completely black but the place became darker then the normal twilight. The cloud Itself was in the shape of a kid drawn common crow, and from its center sprang out thousands of winged creatures into the earth. Then all became anarchy. One could hear the people from the inner city scream in horror and my family fled into the house to prepare. i was still outside and my father came and handed me a bible and seemed greatly destressed. then a harpie came to our dweling and inspected the 'saved'. when it came to me it asked me where the sign was and i asked, "what sign" . it replied: "holy water on your nose, come now i don't have all day, i have other appointments." i was stunned, holy water is forbiden by the evangelical church my family attends. however the rest of my family had the water clear on the tip of their nose. i began to ask my self if i should go inside and put the water on my nose (my family seemed deeply sad) then the harpie said: "too late" and it flew away.


Resident Lycanthrope
My first ritual was an "Introduction to the God and Goddess" ritual. They gave me a gift during that ritual so I feel that They communicated with me, one on one. I have also been visited by my God in dreams. I thought the dreams were different...but now I am convinced otherwise. Gods and Goddesses communicate in so many ways. Sometimes you have to look for your message. Other times it is as plain as day.


Its only a Label

Have you met God?

It is not an easy question as how can one meet of which he is a part ONLY by merging with that *whole* can the part meet it.
Once the part merges, he is no more separate from the whole; so who can make that claim? So, all claims become null & void.

Love & rgds
Any such claim is found to be false


Grumpy Old Man
When I spoke to her the other day she said I was deluded and she didn't really exist.



Well-Known Member
In my personal experience of "meeting God", it feels very much like the top of my head is gone and the contents inside feel as light and expansive as the sky. The feeling is an extremely high-frequency vibration running down my spine, like a guitar string playing the music of life. All of the contents in my consciousness merge, and even if my eyes are closed, a very bright light can be felt, but it comes from the top of my head and eventually all there is is light and time has stopped. I have never felt such intense feelings of sacredness.


consciousness incarnate
I feel a connection with everything and everyone on a sensory level, as in connection is part of my reality. Depending on your definition of God, one could say that I am aware of God at all times..

laughing marmot

beginner mind
Everyone has encounters with the Transcendent all the time, mostly without realizing it.

But one of the times when my awareness of Divinity was strongest was once when I was meditating beside a trail in a park. Suddenly everything was swallowed by the most magnificent, glowing, white light & I began to cry with joy, because I knew for certain at that moment that we are all One & we are all all right! Up to that point my background was mostly mainline Christianity with a little curious reading & dabbling with eastern religions. But that one experience changed my whole outlook permanently.
This is my first post here
I was doing a search on the net for mystics etc and this thread came up

So this is my Experience of God as follows with some facts beforehand so that it may be helpfull.

I was a normal man, Beautifull Wife, Stepdaughter dog cat cockatiel, sports Bikes, Sports cars, house in the Country ............

I had no incline for Religion and if anything avoided it...............

My first remembered dream was of floating in the infinite Universe in a cofin - There was no box but the closest i can describe was of floating in eternal death
This was not frightening and I was perhaps 4 yrs old

Aged about 11 onwards I Expereinced vivid dreams which would actually happen months later - Once I proved it was real to my parents by describing events to take place before they happned - They did, exactly as I had said

Aged about 25 I looked upon a scene one day and everything turned a golden tinge, I was for a just a few moments enveloped in peace and Love...............My focus at the time was on man sawing some wood............what is quite funny was that after the event my mind said "perhaps you are turning gay" lol - I new this was not the case.............but the experience like the dreams felt normal and no big deal.....

So it is important to say I read nothing Religious or spiritual at all........nothing other that what follows and maybe one trip or two to church for school where I took no notice other than to register how uncomfortable prayer mats are.

In 1997 I sat one day and asked "Who / What is God"
A day or so after the JWs knocked at the door and given my question in my mind I invited them in
They visited once a week for an hour for about three months............

At the end of that period I moved home and the connection was broken..........But i had formed my own opinion

There appeared to be two Gods spoken of in the Bible

One the God of Love

The other

Pyscho God

It reminded me of a character such as Hitler, demanding worship and if I was to disobey - Burning me for all eternity.............

This made no sense to me and I found my self making the following statement from my heart...........

"If God is Love then he will show me because a loving Father would show his lost child the way home, AND If God is not Love then I want no part of him, and If that means i burn forever then so be it.............Nothing I can do about that"..........

And so ended my search of Religion.........so I thought.

My life has often felt like it was on traintracks and this was no exception
Also important to add, I had always felt "looked after" but I havent a clue why or where that thought came from...

So onwards

Life seemed to be good for the next few years, perfect wife, home, good job, daughter etc etc - normal everyday type life and weekends out on the Bike......

1999 and I marry my wife........Three months later she has a huge mental breakdown and begins self harming - given 3 months to live..........

I refuse to accept this and know that Love will see us through

Love now becomes something different to the prior meaning I had - lessons are learnt of what Love is and isnt, in particular that Loves LOVES and asks nothing.

2003 and I see all as "alright" and somehow just walk past judgement, I see people with compassion - Saddam Terrorists etc and I am led to see how I cannot judge another .........also led to see that we are only what we are because of past learning .........led to see we are all the same when that past is removed
This all still feels normal whatever that is...........

Songs are making huge impacts on me know and I am speaking to work collegues naturally about the importance of Love above all esle
I see now things that were important as meaningless
I sit to watch a film that I really had an urge to see and while i watch i have an inner dictations going through my mind showing me that the character is just like me
And then during the film there is a moment of intense Love - A part of the film where a huge lump wells in the throat and tears well in the eyes and I am in that "normal" place of intense Love....................but this does not stop where it normally would
Slowly and ever so gently I am filled/Lifted with LOVE - Now beyond anything describable
All is Black..........there is no body...........I am not body..........
Then in front lights, two yet one, white yet not bright nor dim. I recognise them.....dear freinds.
They speak without words and beckon for me to look to their left and I do..........
The LOVE is now .................... undescribable
I am Eternal, I am Love, I am Everything

And then the circle of Light Love still growing and lifting into Infinity

And then "Of course"
I Remember
This is I

I am that I AM

I have no real words for anything past this point because it is an EXPEREINCE of indiscribable LOVE.........................................
I understand worship, grace, AWE
I know my Father

The thought "the others" is given to me and then I am slowly and so gently returned into body................

My wife looks at me bewildered as I sob in joy..............All I can offer is "I know I know"
There are no words...............
I know, WE ARE ALL ONE, THERE IS ONLY LOVE..............All is in THOUGHT.

For a year afterwards I could be likened to a bunny in headlights..........No way of sharing what I know in words, yet so wanting to be able to touch ALL with this knowing...

One day I get an urge to visit an old freind of my Mums and off i go on my Bike
I arrive a few days later and she gifts me a book.............I know without opening it that is why I am there and so come home.........

I sit and read and nod and laugh.........little pointers of the Expereince written through its pages...................and then I come to this in which is written what I could not put into words
It does not attempt to describe the Love which is beyond all symbols but it does describe perfectly the Expereince of God (I prefer the symbol LOVE)

T-21.I.6. Listen,-perhaps you catch a hint of an ancient state not quite forgotten; dim, perhaps, and yet not altogether unfamiliar, like a song whose name is long forgotten, and the circumstances in which you heard completely unremembered. 2 Not the whole song has stayed with you, but just a little wisp of melody, attached not to a person or a place or anything particular. p446 3 But you remember, from just this little part, how lovely was the song, how wonderful the setting where you heard it, and how you loved those who were there and listened with you.
T-21.I.7. The notes are nothing. 2 Yet you have kept them with you, not for themselves, but as a soft reminder of what would make you weep if you remembered how dear it was to you. 3 You could remember, yet you are afraid, believing you would lose the world you learned since then. 4 And yet you know that nothing in the world you learned is half so dear as this. 5 Listen, and see if you remember an ancient song you knew so long ago and held more dear than any melody you taught yourself to cherish since.
T-21.I.8. Beyond the body, beyond the sun and stars, past everything you see and yet somehow familiar, is an arc of golden light that stretches as you look into a great and shining circle. 2 And all the circle fills with light before your eyes. 3 The edges of the circle disappear, and what is in it is no longer contained at all. 4 The light expands and covers everything, extending to infinity forever shining and with no break or limit anywhere. 5 Within it everything is joined in perfect continuity. 6 Nor is it possible to imagine that anything could be outside, for there is nowhere that this light is not.
T-21.I.9. This is the vision of the Son of God, whom you know well. 2 Here is the sight of him who knows his Father. 3 Here is the memory of what you are; a part of this, with all of it within, and joined to all as surely as all is joined in you. 4 Accept the vision that can show you this, and not the body. 5 You know the ancient song, and know it well. 6 Nothing will ever be as dear to you as is this ancient hymn of love the Son of God sings to his Father still.
T-21.I.10. And now the blind can see, for that same song they sing in honor of their Creator gives praise to them as well. 2 The blindness that they made will not withstand the memory of this song. 3 And they will look upon the vision of the Son of God, remembering who he is they sing of. 4 What is a miracle but this remembering? 5 And who is there in whom this memory lies not? 6 The light in one awakens it in all. 7 And when you see it in your brother, you <are> remembering for everyone. p447

Since then I have come to recognise many writings speaking of the same things
Pauls speaks of the "rushing winds" - same
Moses - Burning Bush - same
Bahai - Eternal Fire
Dante - Eternal Fire

and on and on and on

Zen teachings also




The list is endless

I also see the message of God in songs - thousands of them - currently in the charts - Gods message is Everywhere and none can miss it when they choose to look ...........

The Kingodm of Heaven is NOT within you


So, GOD Loves you ALL with no exceptions

All we have to do is look with those same eyes upon ALL

Ohhhhh and if i forgot to mention it, There is no death :)

So how to Expereince God

Forget Theology
Forget Good or bad
Forget judgement

LOVE, Expereince LOVE


ALL return Home

I hope this is helpfull