My mystical experience was so intense - that it climaxed in a complete nervous breakdown - i was diagnosed Bipolar (due to family history) i was 30 yrs old.
I have read about 500 books on mystical experiences, Scripture, etc etc, -
trying to understand what happened to me. I have been stable and working for the last 18 yrs, i take 5mg haliperidol / day - to help me sleep and prevent reoccurance.
I repress my spirital feelings - as my wife doesnt understand and thinks that i may be going nuts again. So i live a double life - outwardly 'so-called' normal - inwardly secretly mystical and concious of the Divine spirit that animates me. I wrote down the details of my experience as i feel it may be ucefull to other seekers/spiritual pilgrims. I believe that Christ has returned - as Bahaullah - and founed the Bahai faith in order to manifest His kingdom on earth. I believe that Bahaullah is God - incarnate and that He is bringing the world into spiritual maturity - no matter how Chaotic things may seem at the moment - I believe that the imanant future for mankind is so incomprehensibly bright - that we'll all need sunglasses. And as for me, well i am just His most unworthy servant - a reed - hollowed out - for His use,
for Him to call into awareness - whosoever He desires - and who He chooses.
Sorry but i cant post the details of my experience here as it is a bit too long.
But you can read it if you google
I believe that my story could help you in understanding your own experiences.
Gods love to all - Michael