I haven't met God, and I don't expect to, because as far as I know s/he has never been human and I know no one who has met him/her presenting as one. Not even sure God is exactly a person per se.
However, I have met the entity historically known as the Virgin Mary. No, I'm not and have never been a Catholic. In fact, I've always viewed the cultus about her with some disdain.
She was very unassuming, unremarkable, and we "sat" a while and talked while I was OBE (actually, focused shift of consciousness is a better description). She is nonetheless very powerful, not in a Queen of Heaven, Divine Mediatrix, All-holy Immaculate way, but in a supremely loving way. I have never felt stronger love from anyone. Changed my perspective on what love is and how powerful it really, really is. No wonder Jesus taught love. Yet, I still refuse to put her on a pedestal. She isn't that type. She presented as plain looking, dark and flat haired, unassuming person, very sure of herself but also very modest.
I've interacted with other entities, none of whom are remarkable in the least. Most were stuck and needed assistance. A few were negative.
I use Hemi-sync for this kind of meditation.
That's all.