I think our self awareness is a curse in the scope of death because although other living organisms are aware of death, our species is the one that fears it the most. The human ego seems to project an afterlife out of greed and cowardice. People have the greedy notion that it's not fair that they will cease to exist for all eternity and they deserve a special cookie at the end of their life. Death gives life meaning because without it, what would be the motivating force to do anything? If i was immortal I wouldn't ever get off my couch watching southpark to hangout with my friends because i had all the time in the world. Once you realize life is finite, it really gives you a kick in the *** to get going. Eternal life would be like eating your favorite ice cream flavor over and over again, I'd get sick of that **** real quick!
I don't really think we see an afterlife out of greed, I did however think we seen "something more" maybe because we as humans think we are "to good" for this to be the end.
I believe that in the end that most will be faced with something that they did not expect. I think that what we choose to believe and except let's us move forward (this is not heaven so this must be hell and whatnot).
I don't believe that the afterlife is a repetitive place. I think the hardest part is excepting, then moving forward to grow/move on. Much like life we will face choices and being closer to the soul (being all soul) Karma is more direct and Karma controls our new world.
I have seen to much in my time here on earth to say there is nothing after this life. I have played with energy, OBEs,talked to spirits, seen spirits and so on. I have even learned howto project myself somewhere else and have been able to tell people things I have seen doing this and have been correct every time.
There is something bigger then I that I/we don't fully understand and we won't until the day we breathe our last breath.