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Hello; Unknown Religion


Da man, when I walk thru!
Hello, I am a 26 year old dreamer.
I spent most of my time dreaming about souls and magick.

This sounds like new age, mysticism, and maybe some occultism.

I've been to church only a few times in my life, but I don't recognize myself as a Christian.

I need some help identifying my religion.

Why identify with just one? Sounds to me like you have beliefs that relate to many different religions. Why relegate yourself to just one? Why not follow aspects of each that you personally identify with and form your own religion?

I know that I believe God is real, and he/she created the human species.
I know that I believe that my soul is real, and it is big, and it might be immortal.
I can talk to people sometimes when I dream, and their names are Joshua and Jounen. These conversations are very important to me.

With regard to Christianity and Joshua. Joshua would be the literal translation of the name of the man that most now call Jesus. The Hebrew form of Jesus yes Yehoshua or Yeshua for short, which got mistranslated into Greek as Iesous, which became the English Jesus. So Joshua was actually Jesus' real name.

As far as Jounen the only reference I have found is Jonah, which can be pronounced Jonan, according to some translations. Jonah was an 8th century B.C. Northern prophet, the guy who got ate by the whale lol.

Jonah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know that I believe angels exist, and that someday I want to become an angel.
I think it's very strange that America is a christian nation, and India is a hindu nation. Why isn't there one religion for the whole planet?

From my perspective, you already are an angel. Just don't try to fly through any walls or anything like that. ;)

From my perspective, there is only one "religion" at the base of all religions, and that is the religion of love. As long as you have that, it's all good homie. And along those lines, if the whole world only had one religion, the world would probably be a pretty boring place.

Can somebody help me figure out what religion I might be?

It's called the religion of creating your own belief system. It's the best one in my opinion.

If you do not pick a team how do you share in the victory? If I do not pick a God (and his corresponding revelation) how does my belief benefit me?

Why not just pick em all so you can enjoy in all the victories. And with God why not pick em all and gain all the benfits. ;)

I'm trying to write a post about my religious experience and I'm trying to figure out what forum to put it in.
I'm currently sick and I'm trying to get in contact with my guardian angel, and with people who will assist me in my living. For example: I believe in the God Joshua and I believe in the dog Jounen, but I have had very little luck finding a temple for these two people.

Don't rely on others, believe in yourself. :D

I'm trying to find the temple that accurately describes the religion that I belong to. Names of religious people I believe in: Gabriel, Jounen (the Dog), Joshua, Time.
I first began having dreams when I was 23 years old, right about the time that I dropped out of college.
I was a Biology major at the University of Washington, and everything that I dreamed about ended up being about my soul. I was very curious about where my soul was, and what I needed to do to be reunited with it.

Who says your soul wasn't becoming a Biology major ot UDub? You can find your soul and still go to school.

As of now, I believe that my soul is in the possession of the God Joshua. He is like my father, because he designed me and my purpose on Earth and kept care of me.
As of now, my stay on Earth, I am mentally ill and partly disabled. I have a hard time fulfilling all of my needs and I am not mentally capable of working. I survive on my monthly checks and I live very poorly, trying hard not to spend money.

I would advise you to never let your soul be in the Possession of anyone but yourself. And poor does not equal unhappiness. Buddhist monks have been scientifically shown to be some of the happiest people in the world, and subsequently the poorest as well.

Read the part on Buddhist monks.
Understanding LOVE

I am now very curious about Time. Through my journey, I have discovered that the true religion that I belong to is not God, but Time. I believe that Immortality is very possible, and that life in Heaven is actually just the beginning. I believe there are only 97,000 people on the Earth that have souls, and that I am one of them.

Within certain gnostic/mystic sects there is an archetypal energy/God, known is Aeon. Beware he's not always recognized as a "good guy" perse. I would suggest not listening to anything that does not come from YOU. Trust and believe in yourself.

If one has a soul, we all have souls from my perspective.

Where do I go now? My dreams have largely stopped happening and I'm at a loss of where to go next. Sometimes when I pray, I talk to a God called Time, and I call her my mother.

Meditate, meditate, meditate, meditate, meditate. My suggestion would be to check out SILVAULTRAMIND.COM I started out with their 3-2-1 technique and I still use it to this day.

I'm trying to find a way to contact Joshua, or the dog Jounen. I have pretty much sworn my life to these two people
, because I believe they will grant me life and protect me when I die and go to heaven(hell). My time is running out. Please help me ASAP.

My .02 cents. Never swear yur life to anyone but yoursel. ;)
I'm disappointed that so few people have replied to my post about my vision.
I'm trying to get in contact with a church or an Angel or something, so I can get help. I just contacted the Anglican Church. Does anyone have any other ideas on who I should ask for help from?
So I went to a church today and talked with a reverend about my dreams and the times I had shared with Angels. She couldn't help me but it did remind me that the truth is hard to come by.

I'm still trying to get in contact with somebody who can understand my spiritual journey, and can help me move on to a better form of life.


I'm disappointed that so few people have replied to my post about my vision.
I'm trying to get in contact with a church or an Angel or something, so I can get help. I just contacted the Anglican Church. Does anyone have any other ideas on who I should ask for help from?
I can't stand the Catholic church but they do a few things very well. They are experts in spiritual warfare and have had a system in place to deal with them for over a thousand years. I would suggest them before anyone else. However if you are insincere about these "visions" (and most people are) they will know very quickly.
I can't stand the Catholic church but they do a few things very well. They are experts in spiritual warfare and have had a system in place to deal with them for over a thousand years. I would suggest them before anyone else. However if you are insincere about these "visions" (and most people are) they will know very quickly.

I don't think I'm insincere, I just think that maybe the direction I've been led in isn't the direction of Christ. Part of my vision was about going to hell and living there, so sometimes I wonder if I'm really a friend of the church.


I don't think I'm insincere, I just think that maybe the direction I've been led in isn't the direction of Christ. Part of my vision was about going to hell and living there, so sometimes I wonder if I'm really a friend of the church.
I have experienced God personally but I am very skeptical of claims about the supernatural. I regard at least 90% as fake and write them off. However that leaves 10% that may be true. If you really want help explaining what ever is going on with you they are the organization with the most professional programs and experience. I will not get into judging your faith at this point but I have heard of Christians who had visions of hell and the ungodly who had visions of heaven. Regardless if you really want help the Catholics are the best source.


Well-Known Member
I'm disappointed that so few people have replied to my post about my vision. {snip}

So I went to a church today and talked with a reverend about my dreams and the times I had shared with Angels. She couldn't help me but it did remind me that the truth is hard to come by.

I'm still trying to get in contact with somebody who can understand my spiritual journey, and can help me move on to a better form of life.

The answer is staring you in the face, and you seem to shy away from it. You have your own vision, your own measurement of truth, and your own beliefs. NO ONE can help you with your beliefs. You have your own religion, no one elses. Flesh it out and make it your own philosophy.
The answer is staring you in the face, and you seem to shy away from it. You have your own vision, your own measurement of truth, and your own beliefs. NO ONE can help you with your beliefs. You have your own religion, no one elses. Flesh it out and make it your own philosophy.

I started having these visions when I dropped out of college. I wasn't a very successful human being. I wasn't very good with money, and I wasn't born well into a good family.

When I started having visions and talked to Angels, I believed that somebody would come and lead me out of poverty. I believed they would lead me to an easier life. Not only am I not good with money, I'm not in very good health.
I can't read books and remember everything like a perfect human being would be able to.

So anyone who would help me - I am relying on the fact that I have visions of Heaven, and that I believe I am special because I have a soul, like the 97,000 people in the world who are born with souls...

So far, the Catholic church has not cared the least bit about me, so I'm left all alone. So my journey now is to find somebody who believes me that I met an Angel, and is willing to support me so that I can keep living.
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Well-Known Member
Did the angel in your vision tell you, that you would be wealthy? And if so, the angel didn't give you a strategy to achieve wealth? Do you think wealth is the best measure of success? Most people don't pay for visions, matter of fact, the bible says that most people rejected messages that were purportedly divine in origin.

Yes, you are special. You are one of G-d's children with a unique soul. Each of us is special.
Did the angel in your vision tell you, that you would be wealthy? And if so, the angel didn't give you a strategy to achieve wealth? Do you think wealth is the best measure of success? Most people don't pay for visions, matter of fact, the bible says that most people rejected messages that were purportedly divine in origin.

Yes, you are special. You are one of G-d's children with a unique soul. Each of us is special.

Some of my visions have had me being wealthy, but never gave me an idea on how to obtain that wealth. Some of my visions are about the afterlife, and some of them are about talking with God personally, and doing things which aren't possible on Earth, like creating things.
God went through all of my memories of my entire life and I've spent a lot of time playing video games, so some of my visions have been about video games, too.


Well-Known Member
Obviously, I don't know the tenets of your personal religion. However, in Judaism, we are taught to do, not to simply dream. If one's goals are wealth, then one should do what is needed (with G-d's help) to achieve that wealth. G-d rewards the efforts that we make. In Judaism, we don't sit back and expect G-d to prove Himself by simply providing. Remember that G-d told Adam (and all humans) that we earn our bread by the sweat of our brow.

Personally, I wouldn't spend any time worrying about the afterlife. We are going to be in Heaven for an eternity, while we are going to be on Earth for just a short time. You have an eternity to think about Heaven, don't waste your time here on Earth.
Sorry but, I can't work. I'm partly disabled now.
Part of it is I won't work: anything a common person can do: factory work, office work.
And if I found a job that was really good, my mental would prevent me from doing it.

I've been at the mercy of God for a couple years now.
Just a couple weeks ago, I asked God how long it was going to be until I found help: God said "1 month." and I asked again, and he said "If you go outside for 30 days and live life, I will rescue you." So that's what I've been doing.


Well-Known Member
You are a very strong person. As G-d only gives each of us what we can handle, you are strong to have been given these challenges. You are only at the mercy of yourself.

Famous People with Disabilities
Here is a list of famous people with disabilities. G-d told you that you can do it, now it is up to you to find a way. Make the visions into reality. You already know your weaknesses. Now find your strengths.


Some of my visions have had me being wealthy, but never gave me an idea on how to obtain that wealth. Some of my visions are about the afterlife, and some of them are about talking with God personally, and doing things which aren't possible on Earth, like creating things.
God went through all of my memories of my entire life and I've spent a lot of time playing video games, so some of my visions have been about video games, too.
Have you called the Catholics yet? If not, why not?
Have you called the Catholics yet? If not, why not?

I did call the Catholic Church, and they referred me to a local church. And that was it.

I'm desperately looking for help, for somebody with experience to help me understand what I've been seeing, who I've been talking to, and what it means for me as a human being.

By the Catholics, I meant I called my local arch-diocese. Who else should I call or email?
Do you have any suggestions? I'll take anything.


I did call the Catholic Church, and they referred me to a local church. And that was it.

I'm desperately looking for help, for somebody with experience to help me understand what I've been seeing, who I've been talking to, and what it means for me as a human being.

By the Catholics, I meant I called my local arch-diocese. Who else should I call or email?
Do you have any suggestions? I'll take anything.
Tell me the number you called and I will look into it. Send me your e-mail and phone number in a PM if you do not mind and I will put them in touch with you. It may take a few days but I will find some system that can handle this.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member

After reading through your posts on this thread, I strongly suggest that you put religion on the back burner and seek mental health services as well as a social worker, if you haven't already. Forget the churches. The only way they're going to help you is by steering you in the direction of a psychiatrist. I'm not saying this to be mean. Just trying to be helpful. You've said a lot of worrying things. I fear for you. You need to get yourself stable, which you have admitted that you are not.

After reading through your posts on this thread, I strongly suggest that you put religion on the back burner and seek mental health services as well as a social worker, if you haven't already. Forget the churches. The only way they're going to help you is by steering you in the direction of a psychiatrist. I'm not saying this to be mean. Just trying to be helpful. You've said a lot of worrying things. I fear for you. You need to get yourself stable, which you have admitted that you are not.

Thanks, but no.
I despise mental health services. I had a vision from God, and it made me realize that I have a purpose in the world. Mental health services are an abomination.
1) they will not respect that I have a soul and others do not
2) they will not use expensive medical equipment to determine what the problem is.

When I do die, I am going to go to heaven and pray, with all my hope and truth and holiness, for the destruction of all the people who call themselves mental health workers.

Never in my life, in all the time that I have spoken to a counselor or a doctor, have they ever treated me like I'm a person who is valued and intelligent and good. Never in my life have they ever healed me.

The truth is: God loves me. The mental health workers do not love me, and will never tell me the truth.

God damn them forever.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Thanks, but no.
I despise mental health services. I had a vision from God, and it made me realize that I have a purpose in the world. Mental health services are an abomination.
1) they will not respect that I have a soul and others do not
2) they will not use expensive medical equipment to determine what the problem is.

When I do die, I am going to go to heaven and pray, with all my hope and truth and holiness, for the destruction of all the people who call themselves mental health workers.

Never in my life, in all the time that I have spoken to a counselor or a doctor, have they ever treated me like I'm a person who is valued and intelligent and good. Never in my life have they ever healed me.

The truth is: God loves me. The mental health workers do not love me, and will never tell me the truth.

God damn them forever.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but until you get help for your issues, nothing's going to get better for you. I'm going to be blunt: no god is going to make everything all better for you. You can sit around dreaming and living in what is pretty much delusion all you want, but nothing will change until you change. You have to do your own work on yourself. You need to examine if it's actual experiences you've had with mental health professionals making you feel that way or if it's your illness that's making you feel that way. Because you're going to end up homeless again or in the hospital, or both, if you don't do something to help yourself and I DON'T mean banging on the doors of churches. You don't need a priest or a pastor, you need to be on medication and have regular psychotherapy.

To be honest, I wouldn't respect your belief that you have a soul and others don't, either. It's disrespectful to other people. Would you like it if someone said that about you? That's zany cult stuff. Snap out of it.

Like I said, I'm not trying to mean here but I'm not going to sugarcoat it and talk spiritual mumbo-jumbo with you on this thread like others are doing. Your problems are psychological. Once you get yourself mentally stable and stable in your living conditions then you can ponder spiritually. But it's vital for your health and overall well-being that you get help now.

Are there crappy doctors and therapists? Of course. I've had my issues with a therapist in the past. But you have to keep looking.

You say that your god has a mission for you in life, but how are you going to get anywhere with it when you're sick, unemployed and mentally disabled? You can't. So you need to fix yourself first. I have my own disabling psychological issues that keep me from working. But I'm getting help for it. I'm working on it. You can do the same. But you have to make that choice yourself.
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