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Help finding what religion fits best?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The reason a man named just a man first ownership man self said I O cult ordered a code that attacked me as I coded it.

So i think im a O maths God a code.

As O I use the code measure myself as a Scientist.

Just men.

Okay I am a spiritual non cult idealist I know science is not my god the occult.

I knew how to naturally heal assist my family without machines. Even as a term a medical procedure. Ancients already proved intervention surgery real.

Science.....what to fear was the first men bullying cult group. Practice....
if you don't allow it I will murder you.

How he enslaved the innocent natural humanity. A rational advice why.

What's your excuse brother mind psyche?
Ok. So, I’ve been jumping from religion to religion for a looooong time now. I think I’ve finally come up with a list of things that I believe. Here they are:
-There are three types of ‘energy’, masculine, feminine, androgynous
-These are the closest thing I believe in to gods
-There are a significant number of spirits, divided into groups like ‘hearth’ or ‘war’
-Everything has all three types of energy within it
-Everyone has a different perception of reality
-All religions are true, the truth is different to all of us

-The religion has to be *relatively* accepting of the occult and magick
-The religion has to be LGBTQ+ friendly
My life consisted of if it feels good do it, until I ended up in rehab. That’s when I realized I was in big trouble and cried out to God for help and He answered. I was lost and He showed up. Through a lot of circumstances and seeking the God who delivered me I repented and believed the Gospel and was born again. That’s how I met God and know I have eternal life. That was 33 years ago and He is faithful to all His promises.

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
Ok. So, I’ve been jumping from religion to religion for a looooong time now. I think I’ve finally come up with a list of things that I believe. Here they are:
-There are three types of ‘energy’, masculine, feminine, androgynous
-These are the closest thing I believe in to gods
-There are a significant number of spirits, divided into groups like ‘hearth’ or ‘war’
-Everything has all three types of energy within it
-Everyone has a different perception of reality
-All religions are true, the truth is different to all of us

-The religion has to be *relatively* accepting of the occult and magick
-The religion has to be LGBTQ+ friendly

Subatomic particle - Wikipedia

Your types of energy, spirits, etc., remind me of the standard model of subatomic particles (website above).


Veteran Member
Premium Member
My life consisted of if it feels good do it, until I ended up in rehab. That’s when I realized I was in big trouble and cried out to God for help and He answered. I was lost and He showed up. Through a lot of circumstances and seeking the God who delivered me I repented and believed the Gospel and was born again. That’s how I met God and know I have eternal life. That was 33 years ago and He is faithful to all His promises.
Do you realize that these insight or rebirth events are well known in psychology, and not confined to the Abrahamic God, or to any God at all?


Veteran Member
Ok. So, I’ve been jumping from religion to religion for a looooong time now. I think I’ve finally come up with a list of things that I believe. Here they are:
-There are three types of ‘energy’, masculine, feminine, androgynous
-These are the closest thing I believe in to gods
-There are a significant number of spirits, divided into groups like ‘hearth’ or ‘war’
-Everything has all three types of energy within it
-Everyone has a different perception of reality
-All religions are true, the truth is different to all of us

-The religion has to be *relatively* accepting of the occult and magick
-The religion has to be LGBTQ+ friendly

Lets say there is a religion that is against almost everything you said above. Is it still true?


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Ok. So, I’ve been jumping from religion to religion for a looooong time now. I think I’ve finally come up with a list of things that I believe. Here they are:
-There are three types of ‘energy’, masculine, feminine, androgynous
-These are the closest thing I believe in to gods
-There are a significant number of spirits, divided into groups like ‘hearth’ or ‘war’
-Everything has all three types of energy within it
-Everyone has a different perception of reality
-All religions are true, the truth is different to all of us

-The religion has to be *relatively* accepting of the occult and magick
-The religion has to be LGBTQ+ friendly

I'm atheist, other than that i only have childhood experience of christianity so I can't give you any insight into your OP but it can welcome you to RF.
Welcome cake.jpg

Sit back relax and enjoy the cake...

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Subatomic particle - Wikipedia

Your types of energy, spirits, etc., remind me of the standard model of subatomic particles (website above).
When science says I speak as a human on behalf of natural history in space themes.... water owning oxygen is a natural mass itself first.

That existed in space conditions. Is and was created existing first as a mass.

No human.
No life
No human consciousness of men of science either.

Water mass owning oxygen.

Is why natural humans not theorising a human choice about science are correct. You are not a correct thinker.

The story human life existing as human and conscious aware to choose a theory is after the nature's garden life was living.

Ground was bared. Nature was rooted as first bared ground existing then humans.

Which is why a Spiritual review of a human word user theist by science numbers...
all human applied by human choice proved the human scientist theist to be a liar.

His stories energy is fake.

History of the scientist was first ever human group of murdering bullies. Who were enabled to achieve life's attack as you threatened natural humans whose innocent life were as spirituality likened to children's thoughts.

Unlike your own evil pursuits.

Might be why we don't understand how evil you are as theists.

When mass states exist as mass was due to space conditions that no life was involved in.

If you claim the creation of water owns a string to a human you lie. Water mass exists in its owned state first.

It is why biology that first exists as it's owned highest biological form owns no string theory.

States using and involving space historic or existing in a caused reaction a new space.

When humans talk about humans we aren't discussing a scientific thesis. What you lie about constantly. Your thoughts energy means a human is thinking formula direct about energy the topic.

All humans die as a human. If DNA is missing it is not human is it lying theists.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Ok. So, I’ve been jumping from religion to religion for a looooong time now. I think I’ve finally come up with a list of things that I believe. Here they are:
-There are three types of ‘energy’, masculine, feminine, androgynous
-These are the closest thing I believe in to gods
-There are a significant number of spirits, divided into groups like ‘hearth’ or ‘war’
-Everything has all three types of energy within it
-Everyone has a different perception of reality
-All religions are true, the truth is different to all of us

-The religion has to be *relatively* accepting of the occult and magick
-The religion has to be LGBTQ+ friendly

From my experience, people of this religion say they are spiritual but not religious. I don't get the difference, but it probably means they have no official scripture that is authority from God nor leaders appointed by God.
Do you realize that these insight or rebirth events are well known in psychology, and not confined to the Abrahamic God, or to any God at all?
No and sounds like something Satan would say but as for me as Jesus said :
“Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.””
‭‭John‬ ‭3:3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
This kind of being born again comes only through Jesus Christ.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
That I have to agree with.

The notion is that all spirits and humans do not purposely lie against God and there are levels of truth and different rituals depending on state one is - no universal shoe fit on - I was into that for 5 years. Didn't believe it fully nor zealous about it, but my "deist" days included belief in Angels. I just never in my life called another being "a god", not even "demi god", even when I was lost into this stuff. That I am proud of - the only thing I did right was never believe there is another God.

The people of this view often see Mohammad (s) as a sorcerer - some neutral if he was good, some say he was good and enlightened, and they go about interpreting words like God revealed, to mean, he is saying he is heavily inspired and the inspiration is from God. Otherwise, they believe Gabriel and others all helped in inspiration but it at the end is Mohammad (s) own words.

They believe founders of religions like Islam spoke cryptically and layered truth, and that outwardly it appears he is saying he is a Nabi but really he is a soothsayer like their appointed Prophets.

I don't know why they can't just admit that Mohammad (s) either lied if their religion is true or Gabriel lied to him, or something of this nature, then acknowledge his miracles and signs and seek to make him one of theirs.

Some pagans do believe Mohammad (s) was evil, not saying all, just don't understand the ones who want him to be a soothsayer.

Also, they believe while humans were deceived to a degree by ascended masters, some of them believe the deceptions also included lies others just believe it was hidden but the words weren't lies.

Anyways, Jinn that converted to Islam in Surah Jinn were of the opinion that Jinn and humans don't lie about God and so probably had a similar view as the OP.


Veteran Member
The notion is that all spirits and humans do not purposely lie against God and there are levels of truth and different rituals depending on state one is - no universal shoe fit on - I was into that for 5 years. Didn't believe it fully nor zealous about it, but my "deist" days included belief in Angels. I just never in my life called another being "a god", not even "demi god", even when I was lost into this stuff. That I am proud of - the only thing I did right was never believe there is another God.

The people of this view often see Mohammad (s) as a sorcerer - some neutral if he was good, some say he was good and enlightened, and they go about interpreting words like God revealed, to mean, he is saying he is heavily inspired and the inspiration is from God. Otherwise, they believe Gabriel and others all helped in inspiration but it at the end is Mohammad (s) own words.

They believe founders of religions like Islam spoke cryptically and layered truth, and that outwardly it appears he is saying he is a Nabi but really he is a soothsayer like their appointed Prophets.

I don't know why they can't just admit that Mohammad (s) either lied if their religion is true or Gabriel lied to him, or something of this nature, then acknowledge his miracles and signs and seek to make him one of theirs.

Some pagans do believe Mohammad (s) was evil, not saying all, just don't understand the ones who want him to be a soothsayer.

Also, they believe while humans were deceived to a degree by ascended masters, some of them believe the deceptions also included lies others just believe it was hidden but the words weren't lies.

Anyways, Jinn that converted to Islam in Surah Jinn were of the opinion that Jinn and humans don't lie about God and so probably had a similar view as the OP.

Its a common thing to say "all religions are truth" as one singular. It is a sociological viewpoint. This is not speaking about commonalities, or viewpoints of the other.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Its a common thing to say "all religions are truth" as one singular. It is a sociological viewpoint. This is not speaking about commonalities, or viewpoints of the other.

I know, but I'm saying it's a bit further and more complicated then simply "they have truth common to one another", it is more of a belief in order of spirits/Jinn/Angels/gods that they believe have the right to layer truth in grades to humans and deceive them and make the occult seeker have to break the outward deceptions to reach the inward truth.

Some also believed that humans weren't ready for universal truth and so also fabricated some lies and that is okay for their leaders to do.

It's a complicated explanation.

They are also preparing for humans for the "ancient" or "new" religion to be universal when humans ready for truth in their view.

Some people also say it's not really religion, just spirituality, belief in spiritual world, Angels, etc, ascended masters and leaders don't require a book from God they argue.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
By the way this is the verse:

وَأَنَّا ظَنَنَّا أَنْ لَنْ تَقُولَ الْإِنْسُ وَالْجِنُّ عَلَى اللَّهِ كَذِبًا | We thought that humans and jinn would never utter any falsehood concerning Allah. | Al-Jinn : 5

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Ok. So, I’ve been jumping from religion to religion for a looooong time now. I think I’ve finally come up with a list of things that I believe. Here they are:
-There are three types of ‘energy’, masculine, feminine, androgynous
-These are the closest thing I believe in to gods
-There are a significant number of spirits, divided into groups like ‘hearth’ or ‘war’
-Everything has all three types of energy within it
-Everyone has a different perception of reality
-All religions are true, the truth is different to all of us

-The religion has to be *relatively* accepting of the occult and magick
-The religion has to be LGBTQ+ friendly

Why do you need a religion to believe those things? You already have a worldview of your own. Give it a name if you like, and let them catch up with you.

I did. I wrote out what I believe and gave it a name. The words come from a Cajun bayou song. If you'd like to hear it, and want to skip to the lyrics, go to the 1 minute mark here (incidentally, I was at this concert in Anaheim, California in 1987):

AIKO – a belief system

This is a personal belief system called AIKO*, which is meant to represent the gratitude that (this) one feels to be included in existence. The creation, FEENO, is a stunning and awesome thing, remarkable not only for its beauty, complexity and potential for beneficence, but remarkable just that it can and does exist and is apparent to us.

That anything at all exists is itself the most fundamental and awe-inspiring mystery (AYE-NA-NAY), one which is a continual source of awe (FIYO), and for which we are deeply grateful (FEE-NA-NAY). That existence should be as rich and robust as we find it is infinitely more remarkable. That we were included in it as conscious beings to experience it even more so, and that that conscious experience includes a faint intuition of divinity that is accompanied by an experience of mystery, of awe and of graitude.

To experience FEENO is the greatest gift. My gratitude that all of this is so is called AIKO, and it is expressed as an affinity for the creation FEENO, and by implication, its source JOCKOMO, whether that be person-like, purposeless and accidental forces, or any other ontogenic entity or entities.

Nothing can be said or known about the creative source of FEENO, an entity termed JOCKOMO. All that can be ascertained about the reality of JOCKOMO is that which is faintly intuited by the mystery faculty called SPYBOY (the faculty of the brain that intuitively produces the experience of mystery or divinity to us), and whatever little bit that the reasoning faculty can add to that.

JOCKOMO may be existent, may have been formerly existent, or something else altogether. It may be substantial (material) or transcendent. It may be plural or singular, finite or immortal, conscious or insentient; we cannot know. Whatever the case, we love it and identify with it through its creation, FEENO by which we intuit JOCKOMO faintly and indirectly.

We do not know if JOCKOMO knows us or can know us. It is not necessary. We are astounded and grateful nevertheless. We are indebted to JOCKOMO for being included in the creation FEENO and being blessed with the faculty of conscious mind, including SPYBOY that generates our intuition of the mysterious and divine, called AYE-NAH-NAY. The awe we feel is called FIYO, and the gratitude that results naturally from these is FEE-NAH-NAY.

AIKO – a belief system
FEENO – the creation
JOCKOMO – the source of the creation FEENO
SPYBOY – the faculty that reveals the mystery and awesomeness of the creation FEENO
AYE-NA-NAY – the intuition of the mysterious and divine
FEE-NA-NAY – the gratitude experienced for being included in the creation
FIYO – the experience of awe