If you want to assume whites are devils that is your perogative. If you want to focus on your story and ignore the challenges faced by racial-minorities in America that too is your choice.
But in all reality, being able to pass as white does do wonders in a world where a few old grumpy white men call the shots and are scared of whiteness not being firmly in control. If your boys were darker, then indeed a number of employers would make that the focus of their hiring "decision."
I think I vomited. You just shat on minorities who arose from that mentality and went to school/work in a system that does provide the opportunity. Minorities who think otherwise typically don't become something more, so it looks as if theres a trap they must otherwise escape, a trap you just laid straight on the ground for a 'minority' to step on.
I dont support 'minorities' who claim to be victims, I support 'minorities', anyone really, whos willing to develop the
strength to realize their not victims, set yourself free, and do something. See the stupid trap now?
Where I live in south florida, I work two jobs. One is in a county->City below me where NO WHITES EXIST. Everyone is either hatian, jamaican, or from the DR. The only white folk you do ever see are snow birds from Quebec, and thats 6 months out of the year. I am FRIENDS with many people down there. Do they live in a more older part of the county? Ya, because most of them are 1st/2nd generation immigrants who have not developed much of anything yet, so naturally they don't have much education, nor the money to move to a different area. Lots of their extended family lives in the area too, and therefore don't want to go elsewhere, and why should they have to. Do they view me differently from themselves? No. They open doors for me, I open doors for them. I say hey to them, have a good day, happy thanksgiving! and they say the same back.Do we drink together? Talk about politics together? agree on what people would consider 'racist' comments together? Yea! Then theres minorities there who's parents are 2nd/3rd generation here, are more educated, and raise their kids above the 'trap' mentality as I so call it, and there in school with me, work with me, etc. Many minorities, mainly from Latin America, Hati, DR, Carribean islands, etc, atleast down here in SOUTH florida, are 1st/2nd generation, the irish, etc, who first came over here had the same dam problems, No? Now, in reference to history involving slavery, etc, thats a whole different argument, one we should remember but let go of if my friends I love deerly are to, atleast by your definition, become equal as whites. ...mmkay. The minority.. should be those who consider themselves a minority. Amen.
In reference to the OP, I think their ages signify that the parents/government have an agenda. It's like their purpose was to test us.