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Hillary applauds 11 year old kid for taking a knee.


Active Member
I mean, the discussion has to move forward. Could you imagine if every time someone asked about something the immediate response was "Uhh well yeah, but do you have details that it DIDNT happen? hurhurhur, im so clever."

It did happen though.

Bill Clinton has been confirmed to have raped multiple children on virtually a daily basis.

It's a scientific fact.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
"Probably" does not entail an accusation.
You are implying he may have raped a child. That is not something to throw around lightly.
Do you have any evidence that Bill didn't rape the 11 year old child?
That's not how the burden of proof works. I can just as easily ask if you have any evidence that you didn't rape the 11 year old. But it's a baseless claim with no supporting evidence, much like your own claim. When you make a claim, it's on you--not the detractors--to provide evidence.
That would be a difference between people like you and me. The flag absolutely represents the sacrifice of military personnel and anybody else in love of service and Country who paid the ultimate price of which we enjoy, that they themselves never will see or enjoy ever again .
Yup. And that sacrifice includes the right to spit on the flag, **** on it, and burn it. Taking a knee just is not a sign of disrespect, not to the flags or the troops.


I'm a planet
Typical. It's what I expected from the woman.

Hillary Clinton backs kid who knelt during Pledge of Allegiance: 'Keep up the good work'

I think I'm going to take a knee BECAUSE of Hillary. AFTER the pledge of allegiance.

At least I would still show respect for the people who fought and died for this country. Unlike the **mod edit**.

Jesus Christ and God almighty..... and to think these people are bidding to run the very country they show so much disrespect and disdain for.

Nice way to teach the kids Hillary .

"**mod edit**"? Seriously? What purpose does name calling serve?
Last edited by a moderator:


What? Me worry?
Yup. And that sacrifice includes the right to spit on the flag, **** on it, and burn it. Taking a knee just is not a sign of disrespect, not to the flags or the troops.[/COLOR]

I agree with you except this should be done with your own flag ($12.95 at Walmart) or own your own turf. This public display of taking a knee is simply an attention getting exercise, not a protest. That flag is simple a colorful piece of cloth, but there are young men (and now women) who did not get to experience the life that I have been able to live because they believe in the principles that this flag represents enough to lay down their lives so you would have the opportunity to be as stupid as you wish. I believe you have the right to protest, but when you "take a knee" in front of the flag I don't a conscientious act; all I can see are dead and wounded 18 and 19 year old who would willing volunteer to go in harm's way so you don't have to wondering why.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Is that was this is about, are people taking a knee to protest WWII? Is that what the anthem represents to people that take a knee?
Some people don't infer what other people intend.
Confederate soldier statues, taking the knee, flag
burning, the pledge of allegiance....all these things
mean very different things to different people.
It's very often an irrational leap to certainty.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
simply an attention getting exercise, not a protest.
What do you think a protest is? It isn't much of a protest if it isn't getting attention.
harm's way so you don't have to wondering why.
Actually I tried to enlist - turned down because my knees are too bad. This "so you don't have" doesn't really get to stick to me. So, with that, I say "freedom! freedom! freedom! OI!"