I asked for the Sanskrit verses as well. Can you be kind enough to post the Sanskrit verses as well?
And, just as a side note, please keep in the mind the following corrections of a few of your posts:
"Say this, all one God in many names" (Rigveda, Book 1, Hymn 164, Verse 46)
Um, that is incorrect. Let us take a closer look at the above, which is only the second part of a complete verse:
1.164.46a índram mitráṃ váruṇam agním āhur
1.164.46b átho divyáḥ sá suparṇó garútmān
1.164.46c ékaṃ sád víprā bahudhā́ vadanti
1.164.46d agníṃ yamám mātaríśvānam āhuḥ
This verse is found in Sukta 164, "composed" by Rishi Dīrghatamā Aucathya in the Trishtup Chanda. This verse is dedicated to the All-Gods (Vishve-Devah). Thus, this verse is not a good representation of monotheism as per Shruti Pramāna. The correct translation is: "the truth the sages laud is spoken as Agni, Yama, Matarishvana as one conglomeration [in other words, we praise all ye Gods together in unity]".
"Do not worship anyone besides him alone, praise him alone" (Rigveda, Book 8, Hymn 1, Verse 1)
Um. The verse in said question should actually be as follows:
8.001.01a mā́ cid anyád ví śaṃsata
8.001.01b sákhāyo mā́ riṣaṇyata
8.001.01c índram ít stotā vŕ̥ṣaṇaṃ sácā suté
8.001.01d múhur ukthā́ ca śaṃsata
This verse is dedicated to Lord Shri Indra (who is extremely, potently different from the Islamic Allah so please do not say that Hindus, especially Rig Vedic Shrautins such as myself believe in the same god ... also, if your attempt is at proselytization, please know that this is against the forum rules) in Sukta 1 of Mandala 8, "composed" by Rishi Pragātha Ghaura Kānva and should translate as the following:
"Repeat, friends, no other praise, be not hurtful (to yourselves);
praise together Indra, the bestower (of benefits) when the God Soma is effused;
repeately utter praise (to him):" [Lord Shri Indra is not the same God that Muslims believe in - Lord Shri Indra delights in the consumption of the elixir known as Soma which is in itself a God as well ... this verse is not showing monotheistic tendencies since the verse itself is followed by a few verses dedicated to the Gods known as the Lords Shri Ashvins]
From where are you getting your poorly researched translations?
"Praise him would matchless and alone" (Rigveda, Book 6, Hymn 45, Verse 16)*
Um. This one is even more incorrect. The verse in question should be as follows:
6.045.16a yá éka ít tám u ṣṭuhi
6.045.16b kr̥ṣṭīnã́ṃ vícarṣaṇiḥ
6.045.16c pátir jajñé vŕ̥ṣakratuḥ
This is Sukta 45 from Mandala 6, "composed" by Rishi Shamyu Bārhaspatya dedicated to Lord Shri Indra, again. The correct translation is the one that follows:
"Praise that God Lord Shri Indra who alone has been born the supervisor (of all), the
lord of men, the giver of rain." [two hymns after this one is dedicated to the God Lord Shri Agni - these verses you are offering do not show monotheism - a little more research should help you out]